Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6581: : The ever-growing Jin State and Jin Army

There are conflicts between civil officials and generals, not only in Jin, but also in Anxi, but there is no such clear division in Anxi.

However, it is inevitable for generals in the army to be targeted by officials in some matters.

"Guo Shangshu's prestige in the army is not low." Anadoshan said.

Guo Jia said with a smile: "It's just that I usually follow the Holy Majesty to walk in the army more times, and the generals in the army will be a little cautious when they see this officer."

"Reserved?" Anadoshan didn't take it seriously. From the expressions of these generals, he could feel the respect, which was more sincere than the respect he had for Lu Ping, the Prince of Jin.

Anadoshan understands some of the situation of the Jin army. In the Jin army, only those with talents can get more promotion. If they don’t have the corresponding talents, they want to go to a higher position. There is considerable difficulty in the Jin army.

However, Guo Jia is unwilling to explain too much on this matter, and Anadoshan is not easy to ask, "Thank you Guo Shangshu for leading the truth to the army today."

"A few trivial things are nothing to worry about." Guo Jia said, "If there is a chance, I will bring you here."

"Kindness without saying thanks."

Leaving the Jin army, Anadoshan has more feelings. From the behavior of the Jin army, one can feel the elite atmosphere. If they appear on the battlefield, they will definitely bring great benefits to the enemy. s damage.

In the Jin army, there are many elites who have experienced wars, especially the soldiers of the Northern and Southern Army, who are an important combat force to defend the capital.

In the past, the emperors of the Jin Kingdom mobilized many soldiers from the northern and southern armies. These elites who have experienced real wars can bring greater damage to the enemy on the battlefield, and they can also make the enemy It is a greater loss to bear from a complex battlefield.

The Jin army consists of the northern and southern armies and the armies of the states. As for the defenders guarding the cities, their combat effectiveness is negligible.

But it was these armies that made the Jin army invincible in the face of war, and made the Jin army achieve greater achievements on the battlefield.

Behind the victories in the wars are the great efforts made by the Jin army for the war. Their efforts have made the Jin country stronger and stronger, and the Jin country will achieve greater achievements when it develops.

Anadoshan has thought more than once, if Anxi's army can be so majestic, wouldn't it have more opportunities in the face of war.

When the strength of the country reaches a certain level, it is inevitable for the monarch to have greater ambitions. It is also reasonable for the emperor of Jin to be more active in the face of war.

After all, in the war, the Jin State has gained a lot of benefits, and the Jin State, which has developed faster from the war, has shown a lot of shocking methods when dealing with the war. The army knows what kind of difficulty it will be to win the war from the hands of the Jin army.

There are many unexpected situations that may arise in a confrontation, and when dealing with these situations, what kind of means should be adopted is crucial.

The Jin army in the battle, let the enemy see the possibility of failure, and let the enemy pay a greater price when they withstand the fierce offensive of the Jin army. What came was a bigger threat, and what the enemy saw was the gap in their strength.

Many war victories have brought more possibilities for the development of Jin, and made the emperor of Jin more active in dealing with wars.

And when the emperors of Jin had a decision before the battle, the Jin army gave their emperor more support, and they won more victories on the battlefield.

Facing such a powerful Jin State, the situation of the Anxi Empire will be even worse, unless it can achieve some achievements in improving the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, and the most critical point of this is what the emperor of the Jin State will give what kind of support.

Strengthening the relationship with the Jin State is one aspect. If the Roman Empire attacks Anxi, the most important thing is that the Jin State can give Anxi some help.

When the Roman Empire launched a war, whether it would involve the mobilization of soldiers and horses from the Jin State was also critical. The Roman Empire had never hesitated more in its war against the Parthian Empire.

The grievances between the two parties have determined that when the situation in the Roman Empire gradually stabilizes, there will definitely be more thoughts on the matter of attacking Anxi, and once the war breaks out, the development of Anxi will definitely be formed. If the emperor of Jin has other ideas at this time, what kind of impact will it have on the Anxi Empire?

Facing the attack of the Roman Empire's army alone, Anxi can bear it, but if Jin participates in it, the situation will change even more.

After the current Anxi army is equipped with the three-eyed blunderbuss, its combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved, but compared with the Jin army in terms of combat ability, there is still a big gap. Not to mention other things, only the Jin army What a huge role the army's fierce offensive method will play in a confrontation.

The Jin army in the war has made brilliant achievements, which has a lot to do with their strong strength and fierce combat methods, and the suppression formed by the Jin army's long-range offensive means is not so easy to resolve that's it.

The terrifying strength displayed by the Jin army in the war will have a great impact on the enemy, and it will allow the enemy to see what the Jin army's offensive methods will bring to them in the continuous war Without such damage, if you can't achieve greater achievements on the battlefield blocking the Jin army, you will suffer more troubles in subsequent wars.

Besides, as long as the emperor of the Jin State launched a war, he would not give up unless he achieved a complete victory. This was the case when the Jin army attacked other countries in the past.

Therefore, it is very necessary to have a good relationship with Jin. Even if the two sides had conflicts in the past, such conflicts can be resolved.

As for the attitude of the envoys in peace, the officials of the state of Jin are naturally not picky. Envoys who can position themselves well are more popular.

Although Anadoshan showed humility, when communicating, he gave people a very good feeling and was well-founded. Such envoys are much more popular than Roman envoys.

After returning to his residence, Anadoshan began to summarize what he had seen and heard today, especially the combat weapons he had seen from the Jin army. Facing the Jin army.

After all, the Jin army has a strong strength, and the emperor of Jin has more confidence in the coming of the war, because in the war, the fierce offensive from the Jin army will bring great harm to the enemy, which makes The enemy suffered even greater defeats in the war.

However, Anxi's army is far behind the Jin army in terms of strength. Only by making up for the strength gap between the two sides as much as possible can the Anxi Empire avoid more situations when it develops.

The strong strength brings more possibilities for the Jin army to fight, and makes the Jin army show more terrifying methods when dealing with wars.

If you want to provoke the Jin army, the first thing you need to carefully consider is what kind of damage the Jin army will bring to the enemy if it appears on the battlefield.

In how many wars, it is precisely because of the victory in the face of the war that the development of the Jin State is more stable, and the Jin State will get greater benefits after the war is over.

It is not as simple as imagined to respond to the dangerous situation in the war more reasonably and to reflect the value of one's own soldiers to a greater extent on the battlefield.

Supported by strong strength, the Jin State will often show a stronger side when facing the tense situation in the war, and no matter what kind of situation will arise in the war, if you want to go smoothly Defeating the Jin army is always difficult.

And whenever the Jin army wins a greater victory in the war, the national strength of the Jin country can be significantly improved. Facing such a Jin country, it is very difficult to gain a greater advantage. .

The most correct way is to maintain a good relationship with Jin, so that Anxi's national strength can be further improved under such circumstances, and it can have more possibilities when dealing with wars. If the situation in Anxi cannot be stabilized If it is guaranteed, how many uncontrollable things will appear in the face of war.

Having seen the Jin army's drills and the Jin army's long-range offensive methods, Anadoshan actually understands that this kind of understanding is not comprehensive. The Jin army's frontal offensive methods are terrifying, and he wants to engage in a frontal attack with the Jin army. It takes a lot of effort to fight against it.

Does the Jin army have other means of combat on the frontal battlefield? What kind of cooperation will the Jin army have when launching an attack?

The same combat weapon will produce different effects in the hands of different teams. As an elite Jin army, it must have more insight into the way of fighting, and such insight can provide The actions of the Jin army on the battlefield brought more support, so that the Jin army would have more means of blocking when responding to the enemy's attack, rather than suffering greater losses on the battlefield.

In the war, the fierce attack from the Jin army is terrifying, especially the Jin army under the frontal attack, which will make the enemy see the tension of the situation, and will let the enemy see the tension when facing the Jin army. What is more critical situation.

In fact, when the Jin army's fierce offensive is displayed more, the enemy will see the seriousness of the situation, and even the enemy will see war when facing the Jin army's attack. The possibility of failure, this is the horror of the Jin army's combat on the battlefield.

In terms of the way of frontal combat, Anadoshan has a certain understanding of the Jin army, but who can be sure that the Jin army will not improve the means of frontal attack? It seems that the Jin army has sharp combat equipment. It's a very normal thing.

The state of Jin is constantly growing, and the combat weapons of the Jin army are also constantly being replaced. This kind of replacement speed is amazing, but it has created more possibilities for the Jin army, allowing the Jin army to face wars. Will show more fierce strength.

It is always difficult to achieve greater victories in a confrontation, and if one's own combat methods can achieve greater results on the battlefield and allow one's own side to gain greater advantages in the war , the victory on the battlefield will be more guaranteed.

When the Jin army responds to the war, how to cooperate closely, and what kind of role such cooperation will play when attacking the enemy head-on, these aspects require more consideration.

As the strength of the Jin army has become more and more obvious, the Jin army will have more confidence on the battlefield. When they face a war, they will show strength that shocks the enemy and makes the enemy When the army bears the impact of the Jin army, what it will see is what kind of danger it will encounter in the face of the Jin army. UU reading

War itself is full of dangers, and the battle with the Jin army will be even more dangerous. If there is no corresponding means to deal with these dangers, just the situation that will appear later will be enough to make the failed One side was terrified.

Battles involve various problems. If these problems cannot be resolved in a timely manner, there may be more uncontrollable situations on the battlefield.

Looking at the performance of the Jin army on the battlefield, you will see how closely the Jin country had planned at the beginning of the war, and such a plan provided good conditions for the Jin army to win the war. When the Jin army faced the enemy, it would not panic.

Especially on the battlefield, each of the combat objectives of the Jin army has been successfully achieved, which makes the Jin army full of confidence.

Facing the attack of the powerful Jin State, there will always be a lot of pressure, and under the pressure of such a war, if you want to achieve greater achievements, you need to make greater efforts.

If the Anxi Empire wants to get opportunities for development and more stability, the most important thing is to win the friendship of the Jin State. As long as it has the support of the Jin State, the Anxi Empire can tide over the difficulties.

Besides, even if the Roman Empire attacked the Parthian Empire, it would be very difficult to shake the Parthian Empire. Moreover, the Parthian Empire developed rapidly after the war. Not to mention other things, only the soldiers in the army were fighting. The change in means will allow the rest of the soldiers to achieve more brilliant achievements in the face of war.

War is full of dangers, and resting soldiers have corresponding means to deal with the attack of the Roman Empire's army, and their means can play a great role in war.

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