Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6585: : Many things have the figure of the emperor of Jin

As for Jin's ability to launch wars, there is no need to have the slightest doubt. The powerful Jin army has brought more damage to the enemy in previous wars, allowing the enemy to withstand the war. What you will see more is the terrifying strength of the Jin army.

Many war victories have brought more favorable support for the development of Jin State, so that Jin State will have greater achievements in the face of war, and the enemy often wants to get more benefits from Jin State Plans are difficult to execute successfully.

The envoy of Anxi wants to get more support from the state of Jin, and what the state of Jin needs is more stable time to seek rapid development. It will not care more about the changes in the Anxi Empire, but it can give If the Anxi Empire brings some troubles, the Jin Kingdom will definitely be very interested.

On the road of Jin's growth, there are many corpses of enemies. From the way of Jin's development, we can see that the emperor of Jin is terrible. In the face of war, the emperor of Jin What kind of attitude do you have? Even if there are many dangers in the war, even if the development of the Jin country will be greatly affected in the confrontation, but when the emperor of the Jin country leads the army to appear on the battlefield, it is still the same. It will bring great harm to the enemy, and let the enemy see the complexity of the war situation.

Only by knowing more about the ferocity of the Jin army, and only by seeing more damage that the appearance of the Jin army will cause to the enemy, can we have more awe of the Jin army.

War is no stranger to the Jin army. From the war, the Jin army will win many victories. The victories in these wars will bring more confidence to the Jin army, so that their performance on the battlefield will be better. Be more active, so that the enemy will have more fear when they bear the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

Victory in war itself is accompanied by many dangers. If there is a problem with the means used to deal with the tense situation on the battlefield, it will definitely suffer more losses on the battlefield. In terms of the fierce strength displayed during the war, you can see the ferocity of the Jin army, and you can feel the damage that the appearance of the Jin army will bring to the enemy.

There are many dangers in war, and from the fierce methods displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield, we can see the ferocity of the Jin army, and how extraordinary the methods of the Jin army are.

When the Jin State was developing, it experienced many wars. From the progress of these wars, it can be seen that the achievements of the Jin army are brilliant.

Not to mention what kind of problems will be encountered in the war, let alone what kind of obstacles will be encountered in the development, Jin's ability to solve these problems is amazing.

It is not easy to learn more about the strength of the Jin State. When envoys from other countries come to the Jin State, they will often change from being proud at the beginning to being respectful, because their country may be in the Jin State. Under the fierce offensive of the Jin army, it completely became the territory of the Jin state.

The development of the Jin state was accompanied by many wars, and these wars allowed the Jin army to grow better, let the Jin army have more powerful strength, and let the Jin army emerge with more elites .

The value displayed by an elite team on the battlefield is huge, and when the Jin army gains a more obvious advantage on the battlefield, when they attack the enemy army, they will bring more to the enemy army. The damage, and even let the enemy see the impact of the Jin army's terrorist combat methods.

Perhaps it is difficult to win in war after war, but the combat methods of the Jin army are constantly changing on such a battlefield, and the fierce combat methods of the Jin army will get more improvements. In this way, you can better protect yourself and defeat the enemy.

The situation of the Jin army and the situation of the craftsman's workshop are the most worrying things for the Roman envoys at present, but it is quite difficult to enter these two places.

The visit to Guo Jia failed. The Roman envoys visited all the important officials of the Jin State, but judging from the results obtained, they were not very good.

Knowing that the Roman envoy came, Sima Yi was slightly surprised. It was good for him to cooperate with Jia Xu in receiving the Roman envoy, but judging from the performance of the Roman envoy, it was clear that he, the Minister of Rites of the Jin Kingdom, would not take him seriously.

The pride of the Romans, Sima Yi is clear, but Sima Yi understands even more, with the performance of the Roman envoy, it is very difficult to achieve greater gains in the trip to Chang'an, because the officials of the Jin Kingdom also have their own Proud, and the pride of Jin officials is no less than that of Roman officials.

After all, the state of Jin is an empire that has come out of brutal wars. It has amazing achievements in terms of the ability to deal with wars and the way of development. If you want to show it in front of the people of the state of Jin If you are too proud, you must be psychologically prepared, because you will definitely bear a lot of blows.

Sima Yi was relatively low-key in the state of Jin, but over the years, Sima Yi has gained recognition from more people with his abilities.

Sima Yi believed that one day, he would be able to reach a higher position. As for the idea that it would be unfavorable to the Jin State, Sima Yi did not dare to germinate, mainly because of the rapid development of the Jin State. A lot of pressure.

Besides, Sima Yi has enough respect for the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. The feats accomplished by the emperor of the Jin Kingdom are beyond the reach of many emperors in the past. Moreover, under the rule of Lu Bu, the Jin Kingdom has shown something different. In this situation, even in the future, it will not be surprising that the Jin army will appear on the battlefield.

Because when the Jin army is fighting, it will achieve greater victories, and the victories in these wars will make the development of Jin even more amazing.

The most important thing is that the methods of the emperor of Jin are endless. Up to now, it is impossible for the high-level officials of Jin to have a detailed understanding of the craftsman's workshop, but they know that the craftsman's workshop of the Jin country is for Jin Its contribution to China's development is indelible.

Ma Jun and Pu Yuan, the persons in charge of the craftsman's workshop, were written books and biography. What an amazing achievement, and from this matter, we can see that the emperor of Jin State attached great importance to the craftsman's workshop.

However, the craftsman workshop can develop more sharp weapons, UU Reading This is of great help to the prosperity of the Jin State. People in the Jin State will not be afraid of war, and even the soldiers of the Jin State, Time will consider when the war will come.

When the lieutenant soldiers have a fearless attitude when facing the war, they will show a more positive side when dealing with the war, and they will be able to show stronger strength on the battlefield.

Perhaps in a confrontation, there will be many dangers, but when dealing with these dangers, as long as there are corresponding means, you can make your side achieve greater achievements.

The achievements of the Jin army in successive wars are astonishing, but behind these victories, the craftsman workshops have made great contributions, bringing more help to the Jin army's offensive and making the development of the Jin country even better. With more support, the Jin Kingdom Craftsman Workshop is a mysterious existence.

The more this is the case, the more awe Sima Yi will have towards the emperor of Jin.

Of course, Sima Yi can see the gradual improvement of the Jin State's system, and such improvement can bring greater help to the development of the Jin State, and even allow the Jin State to avoid more problems during its rapid development. status.

In these things, there is the figure of the emperor of Jin.

Whether it is in terms of conquest or the means of developing his rule, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom is terrifying. If this is not the case, the development of the Jin Kingdom over the years will definitely be greatly affected.

The development of the state of Jin needs more support. If it cannot be achieved in these aspects, there will definitely be more troubles. From the rapid development of the state of Jin, it is not difficult to see that in the state of Jin What kind of support will be obtained on the road of development, and what kind of help such support will bring to the achievements of the Jin Dynasty.

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