Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6665: : The things of the state of Jin, Anxi dare not move

Chapter 6688 Jin's things, Anxi dare not move

Now the Jin State can get a lot of help in terms of development and conquest. Under such circumstances, the emperor of the Jin State will have more ideas. How much will the appearance of the Jin Army on the battlefield bring to the opponent? the excitement.

It should be known that the Jin army is extremely terrifying in terms of fighting methods. If the equipment eliminated by the Jin country is so powerful, how many fierce fighting methods will there be in the Jin army?

"May I ask Mi Shangshu, are these things that the Jin army no longer needs?" The Roman envoy asked tentatively.

When Mi Zhu heard the words, he instantly understood the intention of the Roman envoy, shook his head slightly and said, "If it wasn't for the fact that the Jin Kingdom needs a lot of supplies when it is developing, the Holy Majesty would definitely not sell these things."

The Roman envoy was relieved. If all these war equipment were discarded for the Jin army, then how terrifying the strength of the Jin army would be, and they wanted to better deal with the Jin army in future wars. Impact, there will be greater difficulty

In the war, there are fierce combat methods, which can bring greater benefits to one's own side, and can make one's own side have more possibilities when dealing with wars. The reason behind this is naturally clear to the Roman envoy.

What kind of crazy performance the Jin army will have in the war, the Roman envoys have only heard of it, and they have never seen it. However, from the drills of the Jin army, it is conceivable that the Jin army will appear on the battlefield. The madness, and when the fierce offensive of the Jin army is better launched on the battlefield, what kind of impact will it bring to the enemy.

The strong strength of the Jin State will allow the Jin State to have more possibilities for development, and it will allow the Jin State to achieve greater achievements in coping with the complex situation.

Whenever the Jin army wins greater victories on the battlefield, and when the development of the Jin state will achieve greater results, the emperor of the Jin state will have more choices when dealing with wars.

If you want to get benefits from the state of Jin, the first thing you need to do is to pay. If you can't satisfy the people of the state of Jin in terms of giving, the idea of ​​​​wanting to get benefits will come to nothing. Anxi has a clear understanding of this, three The surrender of the city allowed Anxi to gain more benefits when interacting with Jin.

And with the support from the state of Jin, Anxi's military strength will definitely be improved even more, and it will also enable the Anxi Empire to have stronger strength when dealing with some wars.

"I'm afraid there will be a lot of problems in the delivery of materials." The Roman envoy said: "The relationship between the Roman Empire and Parthia has always been tense. If you buy these sharp weapons, once large-scale supplies pass through the Parthia Empire, there will definitely be problems." A lot of danger."

Mi Zhu said: "I have also considered this matter, but I believe that the Holy Majesty will inform Anxi, and the things of the Jin Kingdom must not be touched by Anxi."

"That's the best." The Roman envoy said.

In terms of price, it is naturally expensive, especially when it involves materials, it is a huge sum.

In the end, the Roman envoy decided to buy ten thunderbolt chariots, one hundred three-eyed blunderbusses, one cannon, ten repeating ballistas, and ten bed crossbows.

Even so, the price of materials paid was very high. What the Roman envoys dared to affirm was that with these materials, the Jin Kingdom was able to create five times or even more of the same combat weapons.

This is also the advantage that Jin State has in communication. This is a very normal thing. After all, Jin State has an advantage in mastering this technology. If you want to get it, you need to pay.

"I don't know how much the Resting Messenger plans to buy," the Roman envoy asked.

This is also the most worrying issue for the Roman envoys. If the Parthian Empire purchases a large number of combat weapons of the Jin army because of the threat of the Roman Empire, it will definitely pose a big threat to the Roman Empire in future wars.

When the Jin army's combat weapons appear more on the battlefield, it will definitely have a lot of influence on the progress of a war.

The Roman envoy believed that after the high-level officials in Rome saw the Jin army's combat weapons, they would definitely have more understanding of the purchase of the Jin army's combat weapons.

The purchase of these combat weapons is also the greatest power of Roman envoys. If they buy more, the empire will definitely not cooperate. A large amount of materials will be involved, which will definitely have a considerable impact on the development of the Roman Empire.

In the process of the development of the Roman Empire, the consumption of materials was also very large, especially in iron materials. The Roman Empire was able to maintain a greater advantage as it developed.

However, in order to improve the military strength of the Roman Empire, it is worth paying these prices in the eyes of the Roman envoys, as long as these weapons of war appear in the imperial army and show corresponding power during the drill, It will definitely bring great shock and awe. At that time, it will be just for the high-level officials of the empire to see that there is an extremely powerful country in the distant Jin country.

"Mi Shangshu, this envoy is also interested in Shenli Gunpowder. I wonder if Mi Shangshu can make the decision?" the Roman envoy asked.

Judging from the contacts during this period, the Shangshu of the Jin State is a pragmatic person. When doing things, he will not say that he is embarrassed because he has not received benefits. This is better than Guo Jia, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Too much.

For an official like Guo Jia, the Roman envoy can't say that he hates it, but it is impossible to make him like it.

If there are a large number of officials like Guo Jia in Jin State, it will definitely have a bad impact on the development of Jin State, and even make Jin State's advantages in some aspects more affected.

From Mi Zhu, the Roman envoy saw wisdom and shrewdness.

As the Minister of the Ministry of Households of the Jin State, he is in charge of the money and food of the Jin State, and has an important position in the court. In terms of transactions, Mi Zhu obviously has rich experience. Through the discussion of prices just now, the Roman envoy It is found that Mi Zhu is able to grasp the psychological changes of people very well, which brings more advantages to the price discussion.

The state of Jin is superior in many aspects, which proves that the officials of the state of Jin are extraordinary. If the abilities of the officials of the state of Jin are better displayed, it will bring great benefits to the development of the state of Jin. is of great benefit.

The emperor of the state of Jin must be more cautious in appointing officials, and Guo Jia can only be said to be an exception among the officials of the state of Jin.

However, from the overall situation of Jin State, we can see how many possibilities Jin State will have in the process of development, and if Jin State will have greater advantages in development, Jin State officials rely on their own abilities. What Jin can get is more benefits.

The powerful Jin State will achieve even more amazing achievements in the process of development, and once there will be more tensions in the process of dealing with the Jin State, it will become a problem if you want to better ease the tension on your own side. impossible things.

At present, Jin State has an obvious advantage in development, and if such an advantage will bring greater help to the development of Jin State, then Jin State will achieve greater achievements under such circumstances , Jin's advantages will bring more benefits.

As this transaction is the best proof, when Jin State obtains more materials from this transaction, Jin State will have more possibilities for development, and even allow Jin State to develop more quickly.

Since the emperor of the Jin Kingdom agreed to sell these combat weapons, it shows that the Jin army has more severe combat methods. Definitely better.

A large amount of materials has brought great help to the development of the state of Jin. It has made it possible for the state of Jin to have more possibilities in some things, and the state of Jin itself has extraordinary means in terms of development, and it is even more able to There are more possibilities when dealing with some complicated situations, and it is not a small difficulty to achieve greater achievements when facing Jin.

The powerful strength makes the Jin Dynasty have more possibilities, and allows the Jin State to get more benefits from exchanges. In the face of such a situation, relying on the strong strength of the Roman Empire, it is not right to bring more pressure to the Jin State. possible things.

The strength of Jin State itself is extremely powerful, and it has its own means when dealing with the tense situation in the war. This makes Jin State have more possibilities in the development of many aspects, and allows Jin State to deal with some situations. more relaxed.

War, sometimes it is difficult to avoid it absolutely, but if there are better ways to deal with it, and if there are more means to support it in the face of war, the subsequent development of the situation will definitely be towards Jin. On the plus side.

The strength of the Jin army is beyond imagination, and with the background of the Jin state, when developing the Jin state, the materials that need to be consumed are so huge, it can be seen what kind of determination the emperor of the Jin state has in development, And if such development will bring more benefits to Jin, how many possibilities will Jin have in the future.

When the Jin State wins wars again and again, and when the development of the Jin State will have more possibilities under such circumstances, it will be more difficult to stop the development of the Jin State.

War, sometimes it is difficult to avoid it, but when one's own strength is stronger, and when one's own side has more possibilities to deal with the war, there will be greater achievements on the battlefield. When dealing with complex war situations, more victories will be obtained.

The victory of the Jin army on the battlefield will bring more influence to the enemy, so that the opponent can see from the strength of the Jin state that the Jin state cannot be provoked, and what they feel is the appearance of the Jin army on the battlefield What a threat it will be.

And if you want to have greater achievements in the war against the Jin army, and if you want to defeat the Jin army smoothly, the difficulty must be very great. Not to mention the other things, it is just the Jin army's fierce combat methods on the battlefield. You can see the horror of the Jin army by seeing what kind of harm it will bring if it is better displayed.

There are many dangers on the battlefield. If the lieutenant soldiers have insufficient means to deal with the tense situation in the war, it will inevitably make the subsequent situation more urgent.

The victory of the Jin army in the war is the best proof. Whenever the Jin army's fierce means will be better displayed, and when the Jin army's actions on the battlefield will gain greater advantages, the state of Jin will The actions of the army in the war will occupy a more obvious advantage.

More use of one's own advantages to make one's actions on the battlefield have greater impact is the Jin army's persistence on the battlefield. From the many victories of the Jin army, it can be felt that the Jin army The fierceness of the Jin army showed the invincibility of the Jin army.

In the war against the Jin army, there are many dangerous situations. When facing these dangerous situations, it is the most critical to make better use of one's own strength and means.

The impact of the Jin army's victories on the enemy is obvious, so that the enemy will have more panic when facing the Jin army, so that the enemy's so-called sharp methods cannot be more powerful in front of the Jin army. for effective deployment.

And when the achievements of the Jin army are even more astonishing, and when the Jin army's attack will cause great damage to the enemy, it will be impossible to achieve greater achievements in the war against the Jin army. possible things.

In the past the Jin army has proved the strength of the Jin country to the enemy with its strong strength, and in the war against the Jin army, any kind of dangerous situation may appear, If there is a problem with the means of strength displayed in the face of the war, there will inevitably be more situations in the war against the Jin army.

The Anxi Empire also has strong strength, but when facing the Jin State, the Anxi high-level will have more prudence, because the Anxi high-level knows that when facing the Jin State, they want to obtain greater How difficult is the advantage, and once the emperor of Jin is dissatisfied in some aspects, it will have a greater impact on the stability of Anxi.

The Roman envoy wanted to provoke the relationship between the Jin State and the Parthian Empire, but it also depended on the attitude of the emperor of the Jin State when he dealt with the matter of the Parthian Empire.

There are grievances and grievances between the Anxi Empire and the Jin Kingdom. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom must be clear about this. There will definitely be more hatred between the two sides, and the war between the two sides will be inevitable.

However, if the current Anxi Empire wants to affect the stability of the Jin State, or attack the city of the Jin State, it depends on whether the Anxi King has such courage. You must know that as long as the attack on the Jin army begins, it wants to stop. Getting down is not so easy.

(end of this chapter)

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