Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6669: : Strong national power and military power make the Jin army more calm

Strong national power and military strength make the Jin army more calm

War is a huge test for the strength of the empire, and if you can't get out of such a test smoothly, just the dangerous war situation in the future will bring a greater impact.

The dangerous situation on the battlefield is a good training for the soldiers of the army. If they can get out of this kind of training smoothly, it will be of great help to the growth of the soldiers of the army. , is the situation that many soldiers want to see.

The elite can bring more damage to the enemy on the battlefield. When an elite team appears on the battlefield, there is an obvious difference.

The shock that the elite of the Jin army will cause on the battlefield is huge, and the elite of the Jin army is not only that, they will also be more advanced in equipment.

The Jin army appeared in the war, seeking more victories, as long as it can make the strength of its own soldiers better displayed, as long as it can make its actions on the battlefield gain greater advantages, Then such a war has greater value.

Furthermore, there are many dangerous situations on the battlefield. If there are more dangers when dealing with dangerous war situations, we will face more complicated situations in war.

The Jin army's victory in the war had a great impact on the opponent, but after learning about the Jin army's fierce fighting methods, they would have more yearning for the Jin army's combat weapons.

The Roman envoy received the promise from Mi Zhu, but he was still not satisfied, because the Roman envoy knew that once the Jin army’s combat methods on the battlefield appeared in large numbers in the Parthian army, what would it bring to the future wars of the Roman Empire? Such an impact would even limit the actions of the Roman Empire's troops in war.

There are many dangers in war. If there is a bigger gap in the means that lieutenants and soldiers have to deal with dangerous war situations, it will inevitably make the situation more tense in the future.

The Jin army has achieved a lot of success in actions on the battlefield, and such victories in the war have brought more possibilities for the development of the Jin State, making the Jin State more calm when dealing with dangerous situations .

The strength of the Roman Empire is also strong. If it can have such a fierce offensive method as the Jin army, it may have greater achievements in the future battlefield.

In the war, you can better deal with the complex situation, and you can show your own strength to a greater extent, which will further help the war in the future, and showing your own strength better is itself a must. Not easy.

Whenever the Jin army will win a greater victory in a war, what can be seen is the effect of the emperor's means. What can be seen is that the emperor of Jin will play a role in such a process. What kind of effect did you get.

There are many dangers in the war itself. If there is a problem with the means used to deal with the danger in the war, what kind of changes will occur in the subsequent situation.

Facts have proved that the Jin army has fierce power on the battlefield. When the Jin army's offensive methods will bring greater impact, when the Jin army's fierce offensive methods will bring greater damage to the enemy In other words, the enemy will feel the ferocity of the Jin army from the Jin army's attack, and what they will see is the threat that the Jin army's appearance on the battlefield brings to the enemy.

Many victories in wars have brought more possibilities for the development of the Jin Kingdom, allowing the emperor of the Jin Kingdom to have more choices when faced with certain situations.

Not only in terms of development, but also in terms of war. When the strength of an empire reaches a certain level, they will have more choices, and when dealing with wars, they will have more possibilities.

The emperors of the Jin Kingdom experienced many wars, and from the many choices made by the emperors of the Jin Kingdom, we can see that the emperors of the Jin Kingdom had many plans during the war, and the plans of the Jin Kingdom in the war were often can play a big role.

In a war, effective planning can play a huge role, and Jin's army has shown fierce strength in the war. If they have more plans in the war, they can I wonder what kind of impact it will have on the subsequent war situation.

Planning is indispensable in any war. The grasp of the war situation and the test of the general will appear on the battlefield.

And wanting to win better is not just as simple as being strong, but also requires more thinking when dealing with complex situations in war. If the means to deal with dangerous situations exist If there is a gap, it is simply impossible to make the subsequent war go on more smoothly.

The achievements of the Jin army in the war are astonishing, and it is not a small difficulty to better block the fierce offensive of the Jin army, or to have greater achievements in the face of the Jin army.

It is true that the contacts with the Jin State can gain certain benefits, but the benefits they get compared with the Jin State, there must be a big gap. It is precisely because of this that the Jin State will have a greater advantage in development .

The state of Jin is backed by a strong national power, so there is no need to worry about the impact of the war. In the past, when the Jin army was fighting, the internal development of the state of Jin was still orderly. This is enough to explain many problems.

Through internal demand and consumption, the state of Jin can achieve stable internal operation, which is very important to the state of Jin, even if there is a critical situation, even if the state of Jin will be subject to certain restrictions in its development , through such means, the state of Jin can also deal with it more calmly.

Any empire will encounter various problems when it develops. The key is what kind of means it will have when dealing with and solving these problems. If there will be a bigger gap in the means If it is, it will definitely make the situation after that more tense.

With its strong strength, the Jin army's actions on the battlefield will often achieve greater success, and the enemy will have more panic when facing the Jin army.

Sometimes, the enemy army knows that there will be more dangers when fighting the Jin army, but they have no more choices in the war against the Jin army.

When there are many dangers in the war, when the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will bring greater impact to the enemy, how likely is it that the enemy will face the fierce impact of the Jin army.

With many war victories, the actions of the Jin army in the war will have more support, and the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield will have greater effects.

But wanting to win on the battlefield, and wanting to better demonstrate one's own strength and means, is far from being as easy as imagined.

The state of Jin has a strong national strength to support it during the war, and it can be more calm when dealing with dangerous situations in the war. The emperor of the state of Jin himself was born as a general, and he will show a fierce side on the battlefield. When dealing with the army commanded by the emperor of Jin, more caution is definitely needed.

Because it can be seen from the results of previous wars that when the emperor of Jin appears on the battlefield, the victory in the war often belongs to the Jin army, and the possibility of wanting to take the victory away from the emperor of Jin is very small.

Now the state of Jin does not have more preparations for the war. This is on the bright side. Who can be sure that the emperor of the state of Jin has no more plans in the dark. It should be known that the state of Jin has gained a lot of benefits during the war. Yes, just from these benefits, we can see what kind of benefits the Jin army will have after winning the battle.

Benefits are touching. When the Jin State will get more benefits after the war, and if its own side develops more rapidly, the emperor of the Jin State will definitely have more ideas about the war, but In some cases, the situation in Jin State is not suitable for war. It is not that the emperor of Jin State does not want to send soldiers to appear on the battlefield, but that the situation does not allow it.

Of course, the appearance of the Jin army will stimulate the enemy, which will have a considerable impact on the subsequent war.

Gaining victory from many wars is not as simple as imagined. First of all, the tense situation on the battlefield needs to be dealt with, and the loss of one's own side on the battlefield must also be considered more. After winning a war, if one's own elite suffers greater losses on the battlefield, such a war has no more meaning at all.

Only after allowing one's own side to gain more benefits in the war can the losses of soldiers in the army be minimized, and such a war can gain the greatest benefits.

In the battle after battle, the Jin army has won many victories, and when the Jin army will have more actions in the war, when the impact of the Jin army will bring more influence to the enemy, think To have greater achievements in dealing with the Jin army, there will be more considerations.

The war has greatly changed the state of Jin. People in the state of Jin will have more self-confidence, and people in the state of Jin will be more calm in the face of war, even if they know that there will be many dangers in the war. But when the impact of the Jin army spreads more on the battlefield, the victory of the war will belong to the Jin army.

It is very necessary for the Roman envoy to clarify whether the Jin Dynasty will help the Parthian Empire more. If there is no more support from the Jin State, it will only rely on the strength of the Parthian Empire to face the Roman Empire. It is very difficult to win when attacking.

In a war, there are many factors that affect the victory itself. When the Parthian Empire gets more combat weapons from the Jin army, even if the Roman Empire army wins the final confrontation, the efforts on the battlefield will definitely is great.

That's why after leaving the Chamber of Commerce, the Roman envoy immediately found Sima Yi.

Sima Yi is the official of the state of Jin who is in charge of receiving him this time, and he can speak for him in many matters, and this is also Sima Yi's responsibility.

Although Sima Yi does not have a pivotal position in the officialdom of Jin, being able to appoint an envoy for the emperor of Jin shows that the emperor of Jin still attaches great importance to Sima Yi.

When Sima Yi was on a diplomatic mission to the Roman Empire, the abilities he displayed were extraordinary in themselves. Not to mention anything else, the fact that Sima Yi quickly mastered the language of the Romans is the best proof.

There are many talents in the state of Jin. The Roman envoys can feel this, mainly because the state of Jin seems to have a lot of candidates who are proficient in the language of the Roman Empire. The empire still takes it very seriously.

Relatively speaking, the Roman Empire lacked awe of the Jin State and lacked awareness of the Jin State. Under such circumstances, it would be more difficult for the Roman Empire to have a greater advantage in future exchanges.

The state of Jin received a lot of support during its rapid development. Just from the means of development of the state of Jin, it can be felt that if the state of Jin will achieve greater development in this process, it will be better in the future. What a benefit there will be.

The strong national power of the Jin State will be of greater help to the future development situation, so that the Jin State can obtain more advantages under such In the process of developing the Jin State, itself It is to face many difficulties, but from the methods used by the people of Jin to solve these problems, we can see the strength of the Jin army and the destructive power of the Jin army when it is fighting.

The strong national power and strong military power will make the Jin army more calm when dealing with wars, and Jin will have greater achievements in wars.

Even though there will be many dangers on the battlefield, with the Jin army's fierce methods, it can always better deal with these tense situations, which is enough to prove that the Jin army has many extraordinary features in the war

However, the combat weapon of the Jin State has caused considerable turmoil among the envoys of the two countries. The more combat weapons of the Jin Army, the more possibilities will be available in future confrontations. As for the development of such a weapon Combat weapons cannot be achieved in a short period of time, and the fastest way is to buy them from the state of Jin.

Of course, the price paid in this process is not small, but as long as it can make the development of one's own side more smooth and allow one's side to achieve greater achievements in the war, then in the subsequent wars, it will There are more benefits.

Strong strength brings more possibilities for the development of the Jin State, makes the Jin State more calm when dealing with complex situations, and allows the Jin State to occupy a more obvious advantage in development.

(end of this chapter)

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