Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6672: : Roman messengers willing to make changes

Chapter 6695 Roman messengers are willing to make changes

It is very difficult to win a war, and to gain a greater advantage in continuous confrontation is a test of military strength.

From the achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield, we can feel more about the ferocity of the Jin army, and we can also see what kind of impact the Jin army's offensive methods will bring.

The monarchs of the Roman Empire had more ideas when dealing with wars, and wanted to win greater victories in the war against the Parthian Empire. However, in such wars, there are many dangerous situations that may arise. If you can't better resolve the tense situation in the war, or let your own means get more use in this process, it will make the subsequent situation even more tense.

The ferocity of the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy, and it will make the enemy see more of the ferocity of the Jin army on the battlefield.

It is true that the appearance of the army of the Roman Empire in the war will bring many shocks to the opponent, but if there is a gap between them and the Jin army in terms of combat methods, it will make the subsequent situation more severe, and even make the situation worse. Some wars unfold beyond control.

Under the fierce combat methods of the Jin army, the enemy is more threatened. In such a war environment, what the enemy can see more is the fierceness of the Jin army. What kind of difficulty will it be to play a greater role in the body.

It is precisely because there are more victories as support that the situation of the Roman Empire becomes stronger, and the Roman Empire can still solve it well even if it has internal turmoil, but when facing the Jin army , there is always a certain gap.

The relationship between the Jin State and the Parthia Empire is what the Roman envoys are most worried about. If the relationship between the Jin State and the Parthia Empire is closer, and the performance of the Parthia Empire is recognized by the emperor of the Jin State, then the emperor of the Jin State will definitely give Anxi The Empire is more supportive.

Meeting the emperor of the Jin Kingdom alone will give you better answers to these matters, which is more effective than constantly inquiring about news like this.

And once the Roman Empire joins forces with the Jin State, it will have a great impact on the Parthia Empire in the future battlefield. The Roman envoy believes that the emperor of the Jin State can understand the benefits of doing so.

When the emperor of the Jin Kingdom faced the war, he showed decisiveness and ferocity. Such a monarch would certainly not be impressed with his subsequent decisions because of some attitudes from the Anxi Empire. of.

When dealing with the intricate war situation, the achievements of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom were shocking, especially the Jin army broke the war of the Guishuang Empire, which had a great impact on the Roman Empire.

In any case, the Guishuang Empire also has strong strength. Why did the Jin army’s attack cause a powerful empire to fall, and the methods and abilities that the Jin State demonstrated when governing the land of Guishuang were also the same. Dreadful.

Because under the governance of Jin officials, the territory that originally belonged to Guishuang was able to develop rapidly instead of more resistance. This shows that Jin is worth learning from the Roman Empire in many aspects.

When attacking the enemy, it is one aspect to be able to win. If there is a lack of development after the victory of the war, it will also make the subsequent situation more severe.

After knowing more about the achievements of the Jin army in successive wars, you will find out how difficult it is to achieve these achievements, but the emperor of Jin did these things very well.

This shows that the emperor of the Jin State had corresponding methods when dealing with more things, and whether the methods of the Jin State were adapted to the Roman Empire was also important.

After coming to the state of Jin, I gave the Roman Empire more feelings, and let the Roman envoys see the prosperity of the Jin State. Although the Roman Empire has great strength, in some respects, the decision to change the emperor of the Jin State is It is quite difficult, because the emperor of Jin has his own methods when dealing with some things.

From the dispatches of the Jin army in the war, we can even see what kind of attitude the Jin emperor would have when dealing with the war.

Even if there will be dangerous situations in the war, which will have a certain impact on the Jin army's operations, the emperor of the Jin country will not back down in the slightest in the war.

There are many complicated situations in the war. When dealing with the war, only by allowing one's own means to be better used, so that one's own side can do more when dealing with the complex war situation, can the subsequent battles Avoid further situations.

The strong strength of the Jin army brings more possibilities for the development of the Jin country, and makes the methods adopted by the Jin country when dealing with some complicated situations more effective.

It is not enough to just recognize the strength of the Jin State. It is also necessary for the top leaders of the Roman Empire to have more recognition of the Jin State. In this way, they will have more methods when interacting with the Jin State. It's not like sending envoys to the state of Jin to form an alliance with the state of Jin as it is currently.

It is true that the Jin State has not long experienced the Guishuang War and is in the recovery stage of national strength. It may not be of great help to the Roman Empire's attack on the Parthia Empire. If they knew what role it would play in this war, they would have more respect for the Jin army, and they would have more respect for the Jin emperor.

And the preparations for making friends with Jin will be more adequate.

Sima Yi explained in detail the things that need to be paid attention to when meeting the emperor of Jin, which is also what envoys from various countries must know after they come to Chang'an.

The emperor of the state of Jin is a very honorable person, and there is a strict system when meeting the emperor of the state of Jin, and envoys from various countries come here on behalf of the country, if they pick faults for the officials in the court of the state of Jin , is always a bad thing.

The Roman envoy happily agreed to Sima Yi's suggestion. If you want to have a good relationship with Jin, some basic things must be done, and the Roman envoy is willing to make such a change.

It is good that the envoys of the Roman Empire should show enough pride, but if they show enough respect in some respects, it must be necessary.

The strength of the Jin State can be seen, and when the Jin State takes action in the battle, the fierce offensive from the Jin army will often cause the enemy to suffer greater losses on the battlefield, and it will also make the enemy When facing the Jin army's attack, what I felt more was the ferocity of the Jin army.

The Jin army in the war is extremely terrifying. When the Jin army's fierce attack will have a greater effect, and when the Jin army's impact will bring more damage to the enemy, if you want to deal with the Jin army The greater the achievement in the army war, the more difficulty there will be.

The war gave the Jin State a powerful opportunity, and the Jin State would have more means to deal with the complicated war situation.

Whenever the Jin army's actions in the war are displayed, whenever the emperor of Jin decides to launch a war, Jin will definitely have more preparations in the war.

War is a great test for an empire. When an empire cannot show more aggressive means and cannot have strong strength to support it in response to war, the situation will definitely become more tense afterwards.

The Jin army was able to achieve many victories in the war. Just from the victories in these wars, we can feel the impact of the Jin army's fierce methods in the war.

In any war, winning is extremely important. If you can't achieve greater achievements in the response to the war, and if you can't let the strength of your own soldiers be better displayed, there will be more wars in the future. Trouble.

The strength of the Jin State is because the Jin army has won many victories on the battlefield. When the Jin army's actions on the battlefield will bring a greater impact to the enemy, it will make the enemy even stronger in such a war environment. What more people realize is what kind of problems exist in their means.

And the war with the Jin army itself will have many dangers. If one's own methods cannot better deal with the dangers in the war, and when one's own offensive will have more changes, if you want to make the war smoother When it is deployed, there will be even greater difficulty.

The ferocious strength will bring more possibilities for Jin's subsequent offensive, and allow Jin to have greater achievements when dealing with complex situations.

However, it is a great test of national power to better stop the fierce offensive of the Jin army in the continuous war. When the Guishuang Empire faced the attack of the Jin army, it finally suffered the price of failure. If it is the Parthian Empire, what kind of situation will happen when dealing with the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

The senior officials of the Anxi Empire are obviously more cautious in this matter. If the Anxi Empire can achieve more stability and development through a good relationship with Jin, such a move will be of great significance to the future of the Anxi Empire. Yes, it will allow the Parthian Empire to get more benefits from it.

If it is not successful, then the people of the Parthian Empire can only do their best to prepare for the war.

Whether it is the Jin State or the Roman Empire, the threat that can be brought to the Parthian Empire in the war is very great. It cannot better block the enemy's attack in the war, or there will be more uncontrollable forces in the war. If the situation is different, it will make the Parthian Empire pay a greater price in the war.

However, if the senior officials of the Anxi Empire see the friendly attitude of the Jin State, they will definitely have more expectations for the Jin State. It is a pity to give up the three cities, but they can get more from the Jin State. If it can strengthen the relationship with the state of Jin, it will be of great help to the Anxi Empire.

Under the influence of Jin's strong national power, the Anxi Empire will be more cautious in many things.

Regarding many situations in Chang'an, the envoys of the two countries have continuously sent back to their home countries. Although there will be great difficulties in this process, such a move is very necessary.

Especially in the eyes of the envoys of the Roman Empire, it is even more so, so that the people of the Roman Empire can realize more about the strength of the Jin State and what role the Jin State will play in a war. They will have a more cautious attitude when facing Jin, instead of simply thinking that Jin's strength is nothing more than that.

If you don't pay enough attention to the Jin State, there will be more troubles, and even more benefits for the Parthian Empire in this process, which will have a great impact on the subsequent conquests of the Roman Empire.

When dealing with the Jin State, it is necessary to have enough respect. The Jin army’s combat weapons also need more materials for exchange. The Roman envoy believes that when the Roman monarch follows his advice, he will definitely take action. of.

Let the Roman Empire have a stronger national power and make the territory of the Roman Empire more vast, which is what the monarch of the Roman Empire wants to see most.

And if the Jin State could bring a lot of help to the Roman Empire under such circumstances, why did the monarch of the Roman Empire refuse it.

Paying the price of some materials, you can get these combat weapons. Although it is not the production method of combat weapons, it is not a difficult problem to develop them at the production level of the craftsmen of the Roman

And knowing more about the combat methods of the Jin army will also be of great help to the future exchanges with the Jin country. The powerful combat methods can play a great role in a war, and they cannot be dealt with correctly. The opponent's powerful combat methods, or more situations that will arise when responding, will make one's own side pay a greater price in the war.

The Jin State in the war is fierce, and the damage that the Jin State can bring to the enemy in the war is also great, so that the enemy can see more of the ferocity of the Jin army on the battlefield, and what they see is the Jin army. What kind of threat the appearance of the army will bring to the opponent in a war, when more critical situations arise in the war, there are many tests in the way of coping.

The victory of the Jin army in the war can be seen. This has a lot to do with the powerful strength and combat methods of the Jin army. To obtain these means, more methods are needed.

It is precisely because the Jin army will achieve greater achievements when responding to the war, so that the Jin country will have greater deterrence on the battlefield, and the opponent will have more panic when responding to the Jin country's attack .

Once the Jin State cannot be well stopped in the means of war, more dangerous things will inevitably happen afterwards.

(end of this chapter)

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