Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6675: : The brilliant achievements of the Jin emperors are no secret

Chapter 6698 The brilliant achievements of the emperor of Jin is no secret

Especially in the process of communicating with Jin, more caution is definitely needed. If not careful, the emperor of Jin may not have more scruples when choosing war.

The friendly exchanges between the Jin State and the Anxi Empire can bring great help to the development of the Jin State. This allows the Jin State to get better development from it. When the Jin Emperor is satisfied with this situation, the war arrival may be delayed.

After the Parthia Empire suffered huge losses in the war, what it needed most was time for development, not only to replenish the number of soldiers in the army, but also to change the way of fighting. If you encounter the Jin army, I am afraid it will be the same result.

The powerful Jin State has won many victories in the war. Such victories provide more directions for the future development of the Jin State Emperor. When the Jin State Emperor will see the victory of the war, bring If there is such an achievement, the Jin State will become stronger and stronger in the future.

If you can't do more when dealing with the war, and if you can't make greater progress on the battlefield, your own actions on the battlefield will be subject to greater restrictions.

During the development of the Anxi Empire, the obstacles encountered were not small. It is reasonable that the envoys of the Anxi Empire will take more actions after they come to Jin. If they cannot get the help of Jin under the current situation, once What would happen if the Parthian Empire was attacked by the Roman Empire?

It was expected that the Roman Empire would attack the Parthian Empire. The Parthian Empire suffered a lot of losses in the war. Just such a loss would make the Parthian Empire suffer a greater impact, and even more so that the Parthian Empire I realized what the consequences would be if the Roman Empire invaded on a large scale.

In particular, there is the country of Jin, who is eyeing it, so at such a time, the Anxi Empire must make changes. Such changes will enable the Anxi Empire to have more possibilities in the future.

If we cannot achieve greater victories in the war and allow our own side to achieve greater achievements, the subsequent situation will be even more critical.

Not to mention anything else, just the threat from the Roman Empire is enough to make the situation in the Parthian Empire more turbulent.

If you want to better deal with threats in war, or do more in the face of war, you need to think more about it.

It's just that in the war, it is quite difficult for the Parthian Empire to better block the attack of the Roman Empire's army and just rely on the previous methods to win.

After the defeat in the war, the Anxi Empire needs more victories to inspire the hearts of the people, so that the people in the country will have more confidence in their empire. The victory in the war often brings the most obvious encouragement .

Most of the time, what the Parthian Empire needs is a big victory, so that the people in the country can have more confidence in their monarch.

The army of the Anxi Empire also had a glorious past in the war, but it suffered a failure on the battlefield of Guishuang. If the Anxi army can have more severe means in future wars, it will be defeated on the battlefield. There are more possibilities, even in the face of critical situations in war, greater achievements will be achieved.

There are many critical situations in war. If there is a problem with the means used to deal with the critical situation, it will inevitably make the subsequent situation more tense, and it will inevitably make the subsequent war more difficult to control. of the situation.

The Jin army is proud, because the Jin army has achieved great victories in wars. Just relying on the victories of these wars is enough to make the Jin army even more proud.

Relatively speaking, the army of the Anxi Empire was once defeated by the Jin army. This is a great shame for the people of the Anxi Empire. The army of the empire can be compared.

It must be very difficult to better deal with the attack from the Jin army and achieve some achievements in blocking the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

On the battlefield, all kinds of emergencies are likely to occur. When one's own means are used to deal with complex war situations, more problems will arise. When one's own means cannot have a greater impact on the battlefield If it is done, it will inevitably cause more changes in the subsequent situation.

The powerful Jin army's ability to control the battlefield is amazing. It is precisely because of this that when a war comes, the Jin army can always achieve greater achievements on the battlefield with its fierce strength.

With strong strength, it will affect the situation of the confrontation more, and make the opponent more panic when facing the Jin army's attack, which is of great help to the Jin army's campaign.

It is not easy to better adapt to the tense situation in the war, especially when facing Jin Ju's fierce offensive, what you will see is the ferocity of the Jin army, and what you will see is the Jin army What kind of effect can it have on the battlefield.

In any war, there will be critical situations, and only by allowing our soldiers to use their means better, so that our soldiers have more extraordinary abilities when dealing with wars, can the tense situation in the future be relieved. fundamentally relieved.

The critical situation on the battlefield is a big test for the combat methods of the lieutenant soldiers when dealing with it. If you can't better deal with the tense situation, or if you can't win a greater victory in the face of the war , It will make the situation after that even greater changes.

The bravery of the Jin army will make the enemy see more of the possibility of failure from the battlefield, rather than saying that they will have greater achievements when blocking the offensive of the Jin army.

In the war, the impact that the Jin army can bring to the enemy is great. If you can't achieve greater victories in the face of the Jin army's attack, and can't make greater achievements on the subsequent battlefield, you want to It will become impossible for one's own side to gain greater benefits from the war.

The strength of the Jin army is strong, and it has been well demonstrated in previous wars, but it is difficult to achieve greater victories in the face of the Jin army's attack.

The dangerous situation in the war has a great impact on the lieutenant soldiers, which will make the lieutenant soldiers feel panic during the war.

Moreover, the Jin army's fierce combat methods on the battlefield often have greater effects, which makes the Jin army's actions on the battlefield more fierce and powerful.

The side with strong strength in the war can always be more calm when dealing with the war, and can always make its own combat methods better.

The terrifying strength of the Jin army can be seen from the means displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield in the past.

Even if there will be many dangers in the war, even if there will be certain losses on the battlefield, the Jin army will always show its sturdy side on the battlefield. This is also the combat style of the Jin army, no matter on the battlefield Regardless of the danger, their appearance is for the victory of the war. If someone dares to stand in front of the Jin army, the Jin army will let the opponent taste the taste of defeat in the war.

In so many wars, it was precisely because the Jin army had won that the Jin State would have greater achievements in its development, and it would also allow the Jin State to make greater achievements in complex situations.

The fierce strength of the Jin army brought more possibilities for the development of the Jin country, and made the Jin country more calm when dealing with some situations.

Perhaps there will be many dangers in the war, but when one's own methods of dealing with the war are more severe, and when one's actions on the battlefield will have greater power, in the subsequent wars, the attack from the Jin army will inevitably Even more fierce.

The Jin army is the king on the battlefield. When the Jin army's offensive unfolds, what the enemy sees on the battlefield is the tense situation, and what the enemy sees is the terrible tactics of the Jin army.

What can be seen from many wars is how terrifying the Jin army's methods will be after they are used. When dealing with wars, there are many dangers in themselves. We cannot better deal with the dangers in wars, and we cannot let If the strength of one's own soldiers is better displayed, they will suffer greater losses on the battlefield.

The Jin army is a powerful existence, and the Jin army's attack often brings more damage to the enemy, making the enemy feel the complexity of the situation when responding to the war.

In any war, if you want to win, there are many difficulties, and only by allowing your soldiers to use their combat methods better, and making your soldiers' attacks more powerful, can the subsequent The war went on more smoothly.

Winning many wars is not a small difficulty in itself, and as the Jin army will have an extremely fierce offensive in the war, as the Jin army's combat methods will be better displayed on the battlefield If this is the case, in the future wars, the achievements of the Jin army will be even more astonishing.

The Jin army with strong strength has a fearless attitude when dealing with the war, because in the war, the means displayed by the enemy army have a lot to do if they want to have a greater effect on the Jin army. of great difficulty.

In a war, the appearance of the Jin army will often bring more shock to the enemy, and it will often make the enemy more aware of their strength compared with the Jin army on such a battlefield. What kind of gap is there.

When the fierce offensive of the Jin army cannot be stopped by the enemy, and the enemy pays a greater price in response to the war, there will be more uncontrollable situations on the battlefield. What kind of scene will appear next?

The strong strength of the Jin State brings more possibilities for the development of the Jin State, allowing the emperor of the Jin State to have a fearless side when dealing with wars. This is because the actions of the Jin Army in wars can always be To get more victories, the Jin army's impact on the enemy on the battlefield has a great effect.

If Jin's national strength is not enough, it may lose more benefits when interacting with other countries.

At present, both the Anxi Empire and the Roman Empire are more cautious when interacting with Jin. This is because the envoys of the two countries know that Jin is extremely powerful. If the emperor of Jin is dissatisfied, there will be consequences. is more serious.

What kind of brilliant achievements the emperor of Jin has made in the past is not a secret, but from the many actions of the emperor of Jin, it can be seen that the emperor of Jin is a strong person, especially in the face of war, he shows His strength cannot be concealed.

The Jin army itself was able to bring more defeats to the enemy in the process of fighting. What the enemy will see in the continuous war is the tense situation, which has a huge impact on the Jin army's battle itself. of help.

The Jin State won many victories in the war, and if you have a better understanding of the Jin State, you will find that the Jin State Army has achieved many achievements in the war, and it has paid a price. The more aggressive the means, the less the Jin army will pay on the battlefield.

This is also an important reason why the envoys of the Roman Empire have more yearning for the combat weapons of the Jin army. The soldiers in the army can get more victories in the war, and at the same time they can minimize their own consumption. How about such a combat method? How important would it be. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

When the fierce Roman legion is equipped with such a combat weapon, it will be even more fierce when attacking the enemy, and will show a more fierce side on the battlefield.

In any war, strong strength and means will have a lot of influence on the subsequent war situation. If you can't correctly deal with the dangers in the war, if you can't make greater achievements on the battlefield, you will pay more in the war. cost.

The powerful Jin army will bring a great impact to the enemy on the battlefield, and even let the enemy see the severe situation in the war, so that their so-called means cannot be effectively used.

War has a great impact on an empire. It is good to win more victories from wars to make the situation in the country more clear. However, there are many factors that affect one's own victory in wars. When dealing with these situations, you will show a stronger side. If you cannot achieve greater victories on the battlefield, you will definitely be subject to greater restrictions in your future development.

After the Jin army won the war, the means of development of the state of Jin were shocking, but it was precisely because of such means of development that the state of Jin would be more calm in the face of complex situations, and the state of Jin China will have more obvious advantages in development.

(end of this chapter)

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