Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6677: : If you can't win, you have a difference in strength.

Seeing Luoyang City again, Lu Bu felt as if he had been separated from another world.

The time between leaving this time is actually not too long, but too many things happened in the middle, and when seeing success is imminent, even with Lu Bu's usual self-confidence, it is inevitable to worry about gains and losses and have a subconscious sense of unreality.

But as long as you look back at the army formation gathering behind you, with banners and flags, and spears and spears, this complex thought will disappear without a trace.

However, their march this time was somewhat special compared to the past.

They took the water route, that is, upstream along the Luoshui River, heading straight to the south of Luoyang City. Anbu City South Branch, which had received the news long ago, was ready to open the city gate for them at any time.

In fact, not all of the 50,000 troops summoned by Lu Bu appeared here, and the number of ships that can be summoned and used in a short period of time is still insufficient, especially Luoshui can only be regarded as a tributary of a large river after all, and there is not such a large basin area that can be expanded. A real ship-borne army; secondly, it is naturally because other soldiers and horses are used for other purposes. After all, there are two big fish outside Luoyang City, Liu Yan and Liu Biao who may be coming here.

To put it bluntly, in the future, when going to war in the south, the navy army will be indispensable, but the army that Lu Bu currently has is precisely the most scarce type of army.

However, he has long been concerned about this. In fact, he ordered Wei Xu to train the navy at the beginning. Looking at it now, it was just a whim. Looking at the long-term plan, it is actually a very naive move, but he did not expect the harvest. Surprisingly, Wei Xu and Song Xian are quite talented in the way of the water army. During the experimental training of crossing the river by feeling the stones, the water army was trained by them to look like it. It has not been tested in a serious battle, and its strength is still unknown, but it may not be impossible to use this as a basis, and then use the power he plundered to build a navy that truly belongs to him.

The target of his eyes is naturally the Gongsun clan of Liaodong. The Gongsun clan and Gongsun Zan have some inexplicable connections, but what Lu Bu values ​​most is naturally their famous navy and shipbuilding industry. At this time, the most famous Jingxiang navy is still different. Their routes have already extended to the sea. Although with Lu Bu's current thoughts and the current technological foundation of Dahan, it is not realistic to want to play more on this basis. Even if they go south along the coastline, they may be disheartened if they want to achieve epoch-making feats such as landing operations, but their technology, experience, and human resources are worth learning and utilizing, and they are also worthy of Lu Bu. It took a lot of trouble to collect it for my own use.

Speaking of which, besides this, Liaodong really doesn't have much value and use for the current Lu Bu. Even Gongsundu, who is used to a quiet corner, is generally not a threat compared to Yuan Shang and Liu He.

Unlike the last time when they left Luoyang City, Lu Bu was still in the mood to enjoy the surrounding scenery. In this high autumn season, the river surface was already showing some signs of freezing. Maybe in another month or even ten days, they will be back again. If you want to go through this by boat, you can't do it.

"This great river and mountain, what kind of scenery would it be if it were not covered by the continuous flames of war?"

Despite such emotion, Lu Bu's eyes were firm, and he pointed directly at the city that was already looming in front of him.

"My lord, there has been news from the front that the Kaiyang Gate has been closed, and no one has been alarmed. We can enter the city immediately and catch them by surprise!"

Lv Bu laughed, waved his long arm, and said decisively: "Since this is the case, what are you waiting for, and if you speed up, I want to quickly see what the little emperor looks like now..."

Although traveling against the current, it was a smooth journey. The fleet carried the elite infantry carefully selected by Lu Bu, and it docked safely at the pier in the south of Luoyang City. Such a large-scale movement did not disturb anyone in the city. , one can imagine how meticulous the work done in the south.

The soldiers got off the boat and landed one after another. For them, this short journey was quite a torment. If not for the extraordinary physique of each of them, they would not be able to hold on when they were on the boat.

Of course, this is not a big deal. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of adaptability. If you do it a few times, you will get used to it and this problem will not exist.

And when they finally stepped on the solid ground at this time, their hearts were considered to be completely stable. Lu Bu also saw that something was wrong with their state. Anyway, they hadn't alarmed others yet. Rest and make some arrangements.

At the same time, Lu Bu asked all the ministries in the city to take action immediately. The riots were also a cover for them. Their role is still very important. If the effect is good, they can naturally achieve their goals while protecting themselves as much as possible.

"My lord, the spies from the east of the city have come to report that they have discovered the movement of the Jingzhou army..."

This news made Lu Bu, who was in deep thought, refreshed, his eyes lit up, he nodded and said with a smile: "Add more people to pay attention at any time, and also notify Junming..."


As expected, the collision with Liu Biao might be the first battle this time. Since Dian Wei has always been fighting with high spirits, Lu Bu didn't want to let his beloved general hold back his disappointment, so he simply ordered him to lead a team to fight against him. Liu Biao laid an ambush on the only way he must pass.

Liu Biao's temperament is conservative, and he must be cautious when marching, so on this side Lu Bu was prepared to fail, but it did not occur to Dian Wei that his luck seemed to be good.

But he didn't know that although Liu Biao was a bit conservative at this time, he hadn't completely discarded the heroic arrogance that he rode into Jingzhou alone. He would also become decisive and even aggressive if he had enough interests and benefits to attract him. Just like this time.

Of course, there is still a big difference between Liu Biao and Liu Yan. If Liu Yan has some other thoughts that he can't tell, then Liu Biao has seven or eight points that he really came here with the intention of saving him, and the remaining two or three points are Naturally, it was based on the basic need to preserve himself. This is why he chose to stand by and watch Liu Yan come over, but he chose to call in troops when Liu Yan failed but at the same time tore apart Luo Yang's weakness. main reason.

However, Liu Biao's caution has not been discarded, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com marching all the way is not fast, and he pays special attention to the detection and investigation of his surroundings. If he finds something wrong, he may just pull away in time.

It's a pity that although Liu Biao came from the clan, he left Sili a long time ago, so he is not familiar with this place, not to mention the soldiers and horses of the Jingzhou army under his command, but Kuai Yue, who is the best at exploring and deducing terrain and roads under his command, did not join the army this time. In fact, some discounts have to be discounted.

It's a pity that since he is ready to fish in troubled waters, it is impossible not to take no risks at all. Liu Biao can only keep his subordinates on enough vigilance to deal with changes that may occur at any time, of course it is not the best.

It's certainly not a good thing to tense up like this all the way, and most of the soldiers couldn't hold on all the time, and many of them began to relax halfway. , did not affect them very much, except for the occasional suppression of bandits and killing water thieves, the Jingzhou army did not experience many decent battles, not to mention that the combat effectiveness could not be tempered and increased, and the experience on the battlefield was even more superficial , that is, those scouts were a little careless in the back.

It's no wonder that when Dian Wei led his soldiers and horses to kill the generals like a mountain king blocking the way, the Jingzhou Army would be caught off guard and the situation would be in chaos.

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