Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 781: : Cavalry dispatched

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Guo Jia has the heart to persuade, but after hearing the tragic situation of the people on behalf of the county, the anger towards the Xianbei is beyond the scope of the scout, just as Lu Bu said. In other words, if the Xianbei people can use tricks, it would be a strange thing. Even if the cavalry in the city is dispatched, the Xianbei people will not want to get the benefits. The Lieyang archers are best at speed and archery. In terms of speed, the elite Xianbei cavalry It's also hard to reach.

Lu Bu rides Lieyang on four bows, one is led by himself, one is led by Huang Zhong, one is led by Yang Feng, and one is led by Sun Ning.

Among the four cavalrymen, Sun Ning has the lowest qualifications and has been following Huang Zhong's side, and Yang Feng is the most excited. Since what happened in Hanoi that day, he has been idle in Binzhou. In his opinion, following Guo Jia to Youzhou is an opportunity to be reused. He did not expect to directly lead the cavalry to fight this time. From this, it can be seen that Lu Bu still attaches great importance to him. Degree of completion.

Under Lu Bu's command, Yang Feng was under a lot of pressure, because the most indispensable in the army was a fierce general. His martial arts could only be regarded as medium. If he couldn't show stronger ability, he could only do nothing in the army.

"You three lead the cavalry, and you should send more scouts to inquire about the Xianbei cavalry. When you encounter most of the Xianbei cavalry, you should not fight with them. When you encounter a small group of cavalry, don't let it go." Lu Bu warned.

"Here." The three clasped their fists. This kind of battle is also the first time in Youzhou in many years. In the past, in the face of raids by the Xianbei, the Han army was stationed in the city to defend against the Xianbei. On the cavalry, the Han The army is too weak compared to the Xianbei. It was Lu Bu's arrival that changed everything in front of him. The cavalry battled with the Xianbei cavalry, and it made people feel excited to think about it.

The scouts of the Lieyang Archer are all over the battlefield, and the Xianbei army is outside the city. If the Xianbei people get the exact news of the cavalry, they will definitely be dispatched. Although the strength of the Lieyang Archer is strong, it is dangerous to be surrounded by several times the enemy.

In Hujia Village, a Xianbei centurion was galloping in the village. The old and weak women and children in the village were gathered in one place, looking at the Xianbei people with fear.

"Except for the women, all the others are killed." The Centurion shouted excitedly, discovering that the Han Chinese villages were a huge gain for them.

The Xianbei raised the butcher knife in their hands to the old man and the child who had no strength to restrain the chicken. It was not the first time that they had done this kind of thing. Besides, the other party was a Han, so there would not be too much guilt.

More than a dozen women in the field were bloodless. They were shocked by the brutal and inhuman killings of the Xianbei people. Some of the women kept crying and looked at the Xianbei people with anger.

The centurion galloped past, pulling up a pretty woman with one hand, and heading towards the village. The rest of the Xianbei cavalry saw this and rushed forward to fight.

From time to time, there were shouts of anger and women's crying in the village. The Xianbei people who were guarding outside the village listened from time to time. It has been three days since they had not seen the trace of the Han army, which made the Xianbei cavalry more and more unscrupulous.

"Master, there are Xianbei cavalry in the village ahead." Dian Wei stepped forward and whispered.

"How many people can you find out about the other party?" Lu Bu asked.

"There are about a hundred people, and there are many people's corpses outside the village. According to the Feiying soldiers, the Xianbei people are doing animal things in the village." Dianwei gritted his teeth.

War can make a general gradually become cold-blooded, but that is for the soldiers on both sides. The people are innocent. The battlefield should not involve them. Why did the Han cavalry behave in the Xianbei tribe? It is all because of Xianbei. For people's sake, how many Han people have been harmed by the Xianbei people.

"Kill, you can't let go of a Xianbei cavalry." Lu Bu said coldly.

Four hundred cavalry came from four directions towards Hujia Village. When the Xianbei scouts outside the village found out, the galloping cavalry was already very close to the village.

Chituma seemed to feel the master’s anger, and came towards the two Xianbei scouts at a very fast speed. The painting halberd flashed past. The two Xianbei scouts died on the spot, and they didn’t understand why the warhorse was so fast. So fast, they didn't even have time to drop the swords and guns in their hands, they felt the power in their bodies passing away.

The Lieyang Archers who entered the village turned their scimitars at the Xianbei Cavalry. The panicked Xianbei cavalry scattered and fled, but Lieyang Archers once again told them that they would never want to escape under their chase.

"Lord, all the Xianbei were killed, and no one was spared." Dian Wei clasped his fist and said, blood stained on the armor and face, it can be seen that Xianbei had been killed in the battle just now.

"It's all buried." Lu Buyan rolled over and got off his horse and walked towards the village.

From the entrance of the village, you can feel that the original Hujia Village must be a peaceful scene. The incoming Xianbei cavalry will destroy all of this. However, this is a merciless either you die or I live. .

The Xianbei cavalry active in Daijun totals 2,000 people. If one hundred people are divided into one part, it means twenty looting teams. With the power of four cavalry, they can defeat the Xianbei cavalry in a short period of time. difficulty.

Among the Xianbei army, when they heard the scouts on the battlefield, Ke Bineng and others were not in a very good mood. Even though this was a plot against Lu Bu, it was the elite Xianbei cavalry that was damaged. Up to now, more than 400 cavalry have been killed.

"My lord, Lu Bu is furious. It is our army's opportunity." Qin Yang said.

"Master Qin, but the time is ripe." Ke Bineng asked. When the Xianbei cavalry had just rushed to the battlefield, Qin Yang had always shied away on the grounds that the timing was not ripe.

Qin Yang nodded. "The Han cavalry has already smashed five Xianbei cavalry. It is bound to be arrogant. It is only 30 miles away from the Xianbei army. According to the news from this son, Liujia Village is the largest village in this neighborhood. There are more than two hundred people. If the troops are looting here, Lu Bu will definitely lead his troops to come."

Ke Bineng nodded, and the cavalry with Lu Bu was the nearest to Liujia Village.

"The adults can lie in ambush in a valley not far from the village. As long as Lu Bu leads the cavalry to kill and besieged left and right, he will be able to achieve success." Qin Yang said.

"Why not get closer to Liujiacun?" Kebi asked in doubt.

Qin Yang shook his head slightly. "My son once said that Lu Bu has a team that specializes in inquiring about information on the battlefield. Once Lu Bu learns that there are two soldiers and horses lying nearby, how can he lead the cavalry to come? Soldiers, you must be cautious, and don't leak the wind."

"Thank you Young Master Qin." Ke Bi can laugh. With such a trick, he doesn't believe that Lu Bu is not fooled.

(End of this chapter)

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