Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 791: : Defeated

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Has been escaping from the scope of Daijun, Ke Bi can have time to rest, this battle gave him a lot of excitement, he knows this Once the Xianbei were defeated, they were completely defeated. Not only the tribe was raided by the Han army, but even the 50,000 troops in the front were defeated. There were not too many soldiers who could escape back to the tribe.

After Suri, Queji, and Xieguini came together one after another, they looked at each other. They didn't expect that the fifty thousand army would be defeated so quickly. Xieguini secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, the army led by only 10,000, otherwise it would be counted as a number of people. It will be difficult to change the overall situation if there are more. On the contrary, it will put the western Xianbei in danger. You will know the fate of the central Xianbei and the eastern Xianbei.

The appearance of the fire bull exceeded the expectations of the Xianbei people. Even Ke Bineng, who is known for his strategy in Xianbei at ordinary times, did not expect that they had dealt with cattle, sheep and horses all the year round, and they never expected that cattle would have this on the battlefield. And so on.

The remnants and defeated generals were gathered together, and more than 10,000 soldiers were obtained. Instead of being killed by the Han army, more Xianbei soldiers became captured or fled.

"Two adults, you can go to the west. Now there are Han troops in the east and the middle, and there are still tens of thousands of troops in the west, which is more than enough to resist the Han troops." Xie said in the mud.

Su Li and Ke Bi can seem to be looking at fools. They can hardly imagine that Xieguini still has this mind. In their words, they can hear the show off in Xianbei's tone, as if the west is now the future of Xianbei, the Han army. Attacking both the eastern Xianbei and the central Xianbei at the same time, it is clear that the Xianbei people will be driven to extinction. The Bingzhou Army near Xianbei in the west is more powerful than the Youzhou Army. Lu Bu will let this opportunity go. I am afraid that the situation in Xianbei in the west will be even worse today. Bar.

"Exhaust and return to the mud, this lord is going to return to the central part. After you go back, give in to Dugen and ask for more blessings." Kebi can finish and lead more than four thousand soldiers and head towards the central part.

Su Li and Queji also led the soldiers toward the west. No matter what kind of turmoil occurred in Xianbei, the homeland must be returned. Even if the Han army is powerful, it is impossible to defeat all the tribes. As long as the tribe is still there, The Xianbei people have the opportunity to make a comeback.

The situation in Xianbei in the east and Xianbei in the middle is very miserable. The people of various tribes are worried about the arrival of the Han army. As the holy land of the Xianbei, Danhanshan King Court was once again captured by the Han army led by Ji Ling.

The Xianbei people were also helpless about this. After the army of the central Xianbei tribe was defeated by the Han army, they could no longer form an effective means to fight the Han army, and the Han army had a total of 5,000, including the Xiongnu cavalry. A tyrannical force cannot be dealt with by the Xianbei tribes.

If you say that the most satisfying is Hu Chuquan, following the battle of Youzhou Army, he has a hearty feeling. The Huns used to be the masters on the grassland, but after the rise of the Xianbei, the living space of the Huns was gradually increased. Squeezing out and replacing the title of Xiongnu grassland eagle, the Huns always don't want to restore their former glory, and this time, the Huns did it. The Xianbei cavalry faced the Huns cavalry, and some fled.

In Hu Chuquan's view, this is the most correct choice for the Huns. Even without the help of the Huns’ cavalry, the Han army can still break through Xianbei. By then, I am afraid that the Huns will suffer. It can be seen that Jin Hou is very generous with his friends.

After the Han army celebrated for a day in Danhan Mountain King’s Court, it was divided into three parts to clean up the Xianbei tribe. Lu Bu’s order was very clear, letting the Xianbei people on the grassland endanger themselves, letting the Xianbei people have no soldiers belonging to them, and letting the grassland become Han people. Ranch, if this sentence had been five years ago, others would only think that Lu Bu was insane, but now this goal has been achieved in Lu Bu's hands.

The central Xianbei palace fell, and the situation in the eastern Xianbei was not much better. Mijia led the Xianbei soldiers in panic like mourning dogs, avoiding the chasing Han army, and Suli and Queji returned to the eastern Xianbei. Although the eastern Xianbei was not so embarrassed for the time being, The situation hasn't improved much either. In terms of the number of troops, perhaps the Xianbei can contend with the Han army, but the Xianbei soldiers who have just experienced failure have lost their spirit.

There were cheers from all over Daijun, and the nightmare that haunted them finally dissipated, and all this was brought by the Youzhou Army, brought by the Jinhou. It broke Xianbei in Daijun, and made Lu Bu’s prestige no one in the city. Can make it.

"Lord, this battle killed more than 8,000 Xianbei soldiers and captured more than 20,000 people. Our army lost nearly 4,000 people, and almost everyone was injured." Guo Jiadao.

Lü Bu nodded. On the battlefield, it is normal to have casualties, and a one-to-two loss is still acceptable.

"The road from Youzhou to Bingzhou also needs to be repaired. There are more than 20,000 prisoners. They should not be allowed to eat together and die. If they become prisoners, they must show sufficient value. Xianbei prisoners have two meals a day~www. Starting to build roads today." Lu Bu ordered that after sweeping down Xianbei, it can be expected that there will be more prisoners. The existence of these prisoners is to allow Youzhou to develop faster, and the prisoners do not need to pay money.

"Here." Guo Jia arched his hands.

Lu Hao, the prefect of the county prefect, said: "Lord, the Xianbei people fled. When sending cavalry to the grassland to drive the Xianbei people out of the grassland." His tone was a bit agitated. After many years, the Youzhou Army has finally raised its eyebrows. When the Xianbei army was in the army, Youzhou County could only defend passively. After the Xianbei people evacuated, they silently licked their wounds. How many people were taken abducted by the Xianbei people during the repeated turmoil and never returned to the big man in their entire lives.

"The words of Lu Taishou are very strong. This prince is determined to lead Feiqi and Lieyang Archer to the grassland." Lu Bu said firmly.

"Lord, now Xianbei is at the end of the crossbow, just send a general to go." Guo Jia persuades.

Lv Bu shook his head slightly, "Fengxiao, how can you lose your prince in such matters."

"I hope the lord will think twice." Guo Jia and Lu Hao persuaded in unison.

The next day, all the people in the city gathered on both sides of the street. They wanted to watch the Youzhou Army **** the Xianbei prisoners. What an exciting time this was.

When a group of soldiers passed the streets with the Xianbei prisoners, the people boiled. Many people even threw stones and rotten vegetables on the prisoners with their hands tied. Even the accompanying soldiers were affected. Ten Yu Ming Xianbei's captives were directly killed for the people. Faced with such a situation, no one tried to stop them. The Xianbei people caused too much harm to the people of Dai County.

Many people saw that the Han army had won, and even wept bitterly. Many of their relatives fell into the hands of the Xianbei. If their own party could be as powerful as before, they would not have to endure the Xianbei's infringement.

(End of this chapter)

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