Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 794: : The spark of hatred

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"My lord, I'm afraid the Han army is about to fight over. If the captain is executed at such a time, I am afraid it will chill the warriors in the army." A captain stepped forward and persuaded.

The prestige of the husband in the army is not low, and three more commanders came out to intercede.

"Capital crimes are inevitable, living crimes are inevitable, pull out and hit thirty army sticks again." Bu Dugen said, Fu Jia is faintly sitting on the ground, this point Bu Du Gen is clear, and Hu Fu Jia also wants to become the west. Adult Xianbei, this is something Bu Dugen can't tolerate. There can only be one adult in Xianbei in the west, so he Budugen. Anyone who wants to take advantage of this position has only death.

"Thank you, sir, and thank you, sir." The husband thanked him again and again, and after turning around, a sharp expression flashed in his eyes.

After a while, there were tearing shouts from outside the account. Bu Dugen’s many punishment methods were borrowed from the Han people. The soldiers who executed the sticks were also his people, so there would be no mercy in the hands. .

After the 30th army club was beaten, the husband was dying, and his body was even more bloody, flesh and blood and clothes were connected together. It was horrible. Two commanders who had a good relationship with the husband and the husband supported the husband and went to the camp to rest.

After being beaten with thirty army sticks in public, his husband lost his face, and the hatred hidden towards Bu Du Gen could no longer be suppressed, but now Bu Du Gen is strong, he can only endure it.

In the Langshan Gorge, the Han army only paid the price of less than a hundred people to wipe out thousands of Xianbei soldiers, and even more than three thousand prisoners, and the number of soldiers and horses dispatched in the cloud was only five thousand. In the face of tens of thousands of Xianbei army and achieved such a big victory, in this battle, Xu Rong will surely move his name to the state.

After the news of the victory of the Yunzhong army reached the cloud, many people rushed out of the city to watch the Xianbei prisoners. Like a county, Yunzhong and Yanmen endured the raids of the Xianbei people. In many people’s memory, this was the Han army. It was the first time that the Xianbei were so thoroughly defeated. When Xianbei invaded the cloud the year before, Xu Rong held the cloud, but there were not a few people in the cloud. How many people were taken away by the Xianbei, and how many villages were destroyed.

He ordered his generals to **** the captives back to the cloud, but Xu Rong ordered the soldiers to clean up the boulders in the canyon. After this battle, the Xianbei people will be discouraged, and this is the opportunity in the cloud. In the clouds, Xianbei in the west will be greatly injured, and facing the attack of the Han army, there will be no more power to fight back.

Xu Rong knew about the fact that Xianbei sent 10,000 soldiers to Youzhou in the west. Compared with Bingzhou, Youzhou was under greater pressure. If he could let Dugen feel the crisis and transfer the army back from Youzhou, he would be able to move back to Youzhou. To a large extent relieve the pressure on Youzhou.

In Xu Rong's view, defeating Xianbei and merging the state is a crucial part.

Bu Dugen did not expect that the Han army really dared to pursue it. Although the Xianbei army had suffered heavy losses, there were still hundreds of cavalrymen. However, Bu Dugen would not fight Xu Rong at this time. He had a lot of elite troops in the state. Originally Bu Dugen thought After looting in the clouds, he returned to the tribe. Unexpectedly, he encountered Xu Rong, a ruthless man, and nearly six thousand Xianbei warriors left behind in a canyon.

After the news that the Xianbei army defeated Xu Rong in the cloud reached Jinyang, Jia Xu was overjoyed. Xu Rong’s victory can be said to be able to directly defeat Xianbei in the west. Although there are still ten thousand soldiers in Xianbei in the west. After a big defeat, the soldiers who returned with Bu Dugen were already discouraged.

"Leading Yanmen prefect Xiao Yan led an army of five thousand troops to the west of Xianbei." Jia Xu ordered: "Leading Xu Rong to lead the army to continue to attack Xianbei in the west."

After giving these two orders, Jia Xu immediately summoned the civil servants and generals in the city to the prefecture, and informed everyone of the victory of the Yunzhong Army.

Compared with the noise in the past, Xianbei in the east seemed a bit bleak at this time. The Han army, who looked at it sternly, made the people in the tribe panic.

In the big tent, after listening to Chen Dao and Pound's narration, Lu Bu smiled and said: "This time, the two generals are indispensable for defeating the Xianbei army."

Chen Dao held his fist and said: "This is what the subordinates should do. The Xianbei people have repeatedly invaded the Han realm, but I don't want to attack Xianbei as a general."

Seeing Pound was a little silent, Lu Bu didn’t say much. Pound was very active on the battlefield during this period, but Lu Bu knew that the Ma family was too important to Pound, making it difficult for Pound to make a choice. Lu Bu was confident that he was among the princes. There is nothing more suitable for capable generals than the Union State Army. As long as you have sufficient abilities in the Union State Army, you will not worry about not being reused.

Regardless of origin, only ability, this system has provided a lot of talents for the Union State Army.

"Since Benhou has come, it is time for the Eastern Xianbei to perish." Lu Bu slowly said. If the remnants of Xianbei will be defeated in one place and the power of the two Xianbei units will be integrated into one place, Lu Bu might still feel that It's tricky, but Suli and others led the soldiers back to Xianbei in the east, which also gave the Youzhou Army a better chance to clean up the Xianbei. "Dianwei walked into the big account.

"The messenger of Xianbei in the east?" Lu Bu smiled: "When did the people of Xianbei also learn this, could it be because they couldn't make a peace?"

The generals in the tent burst into laughter, and the victory made every general feel more enjoyable than ever.

"The prefect of the cloud Xu Rong led five thousand soldiers and horses, and defeated the Xianbei army who had invaded the cloud at Langshan. Bu Dugen fled back to the west in embarrassment. The 10,000 Xianbei army lost nearly six thousand people." Lu Bu said.

"So, Xianbei in the west will definitely not last long." Chen Dao said excitedly.

Lu Bu nodded, Xu Rong's victory was unexpected, but it was this victory that could accelerate the pace of eliminating the Xianbei.

"This is the Marquis of Jin, don't hurry up and bow down." Dianwei said angrily.

"In Xia is the Eastern Xianbei Master Miga, and his status is not worse than Jinhou." Micaleng hummed, going to the Han army to seek peace in his opinion is a huge shame, but now Eastern Xianbei has reached the most critical moment. , Jin Hou led the cavalry to come, it was a huge shadow that shrouded the hearts of Xianbei people, and Xianbei people knew exactly what kind of person Jin Hou was.

"Master Xianbei in the east? Benhou remembers that Master Xianbei in the east is not Suli? When did you become you?" Lu Bu asked.

Micah's complexion was reddish, and there were three adults in Xianbei in the east, but when speaking to foreigners, they were all Suli as the lord in the east. The status of him and Queji was only admitted by Suli. Xia Xia is willing to clarify the doubts for the Jin Marquis."

Lu Bu waved his hand and said: "Benhou doesn't want to know too much about the scams between the Xianbei people. If you go to Benhou, just tell me what you need. Benhou is still waiting to rob more cattle and sheep from the Xianbei tribe. Where are the horses."

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