Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 796: : Slashing Machine

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lv Bu led Feiqi directly tore the Xianbei camp into two parts. Although the Xianbei’s resistance was tenacious, they faced It was the invincible Feiqi, against the Xianbei people, Feiqi was very experienced, but before the Han army did not want to take prisoners, let the desperate Xianbei resist desperately.

The situation on the battlefield is developing in the most unfavourable direction for Xianbei. Although Su Li and the others are trying their best to resist, the huge gap in armor blades and combat power cannot be made up by the blood of the people below.

During the rush, Lu Bu had been paying attention to the banner representing the Xianbei army. As long as the Xianbei army was defeated, the Xianbei without a command would be a mess.

"Three adults, Feiqi is coming here to kill." A thousand commander hurriedly drove over.

Su Li's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he said hurriedly, "Let the cavalry stop the flying knight."

After speaking, Su Li also realized that it was wrong. Not only did his cavalry be inferior to Feiqi in terms of strength, but in terms of number, it was much worse than Feiqi. Facing Feiqi’s charge, the only way before Xianbei was One, that is retreat.

Fang Tian painted a halberd and a red rabbit horse. Wherever he went, Xianbei soldiers evaded one after another. Lu Bu had used his powerful martial arts to convince the Xianbei people.

"Su Li, take your life." Lü Bu shouted, killing the three people including Su Li who were particularly prominent in the crowd.

"Fall the arrow!" Su Li knew that Lu Bu was good, and hurriedly ordered.

Dozens of archers hurriedly shot arrows at Lu Bu, Fang Tian painted the halberd and wielded the airtight, and the arrows were shot down one after another.

Seeing this, the archers evaded one after another, otherwise they would only die once the cavalry approached.

Que Ji yelled and greeted him with a long knife in his hand. The battle has reached its current level. It is death to retreat, and death to rush forward. It is better to die more vigorously than that. How can Que Ji be the first warrior of Xianbei in the east? .

The reason why Queji has such a high prestige in Xianbei in the east is because of his martial arts, Queji's advancement has also boosted a lot of morale.

"Suri, it's better to retreat as soon as possible." Mi Jia said.

Su Li's face was gloomy and coldly snorted: "The Queji is still in front of you desperately, if you retreat, wouldn't it be the death of the Queji?"

"The Han army is fierce, and it is useless to stay. If the Han army defeats our army, where will the people of the Xianbei tribe go."

Su Li was silent when he heard the words. Xianbei's army could die or fail, but what could not bear was the destruction of the Xianbei tribe's people.

In Que Ji’s eyes, the painted halberd in Lu Bu’s hand was only slightly lifted, and his most powerful knife was blocked by Lu Bu. The strength from the long sword shocked Que Ji, and his power was very large in the Xianbei tribe. That's right, the gap with Lu Bu is not even a little bit.

After the triad, Que's body died, and Queji's head appeared on the tip of the painted halberd.

"The machine is dead, and those who descend will not kill!" Lu Bu shouted loudly.

The cavalry who followed Lü Bu shouted in unison, and the sound of gathering together spread throughout the battlefield. Many of the Xianbei people could understand the Chinese language. After hearing these words, they obviously hesitated and were able to survive. No one wants to choose to die. The reason why the Xianbei people resisted bravely had something to do with the Han army not taking prisoners.

A Xianbei soldier looked at the flying knights approaching, threw away the blade in his hand, and looked at the cavalry rushing in horror.

The reins in the flying cavalry of the war horse flicked, and the war horse roared past the Xianbei soldier, and the cavalry in the back did not embarrass the surrendered Xianbei soldier.

The Xianbei soldiers who had survived the catastrophe showed a look of rejoicing. At this moment, even if their leader said so nicely, he would not take up the sword to participate in the battle. The tragedy on the battlefield deeply stimulated him, and he never Never thought that the Han army would be so powerful. In the past, the Han army was a slaughtered existence in their eyes.

The power of the role model is endless. The Xianbei soldiers who initially surrendered were out of danger and were not killed by the Han army. More and more Xianbei soldiers put down their weapons.

The Xianbei people who had just tried their best to resist had a strange scene. Wherever the flying cavalry appeared, the Xianbei soldiers would abandon their weapons. This made the charging flying cavalry uncomfortable. They had to try their best to avoid the surrendered Xianbei soldiers. .

Queji's death also stimulated Miga, and Suli also paled. With the force of Queji in Lu Bu's hands, he only supported for three rounds, and the slogan of the Han Chinese "surrender and not kill" was to urge the Xianbei army. The main factor of the rout.

The Xianbei are tough, but in such a disadvantaged situation, they are also afraid of death.

"Retreat." Su Li reluctantly issued an order to retreat.

The Xianbei wanted to escape, but Lu Bu did not intend to let the Xianbei go so easily. Now the Xianbei are panicked. It is a good time to completely defeat Xianbei in one fell swoop, except for the resisting Xianbei in the grassland. There may be many Xianbei tribes in Shanghai, but it is difficult for them to form effective resistance. Facing the arrival of the Han army, they can only surrender or flee away.

Lü Bu led the flying cavalry and chased and killed the retreating Xianbei soldiers for more than 30 miles. Along the way, there were surrendered Xianbei soldiers everywhere.

To gather the army, in this battle, the number of Xianbei captured reached more than 10,000, and most of them were ordinary Xianbei.

After sending a general to **** the captives back to Youzhou, Lu Bu led the flying cavalry to continue chasing and killing the Xianbei.

In the central part of Xianbei, after Huang Zhong led the arrival of Lieyang archer, the situation of the Xianbei tribe became even worse.

The successive failures of the central and eastern armies caused shocks throughout Xianbei. More and more tribes began to flee, and no one wanted to become captives. In recent years, they have witnessed the treatment of Han captives in the Xianbei tribe. They didn’t think that they would get good treatment after becoming captives. The grassland was so big that Lu Bu could not kill them all.

Of course, this was just the wishful thinking of the Xianbei people. After Huang Zhong defeated the central Xianbei, Lu Bu ordered Huang Zhong to continue the pursuit.

After the news that the Youzhou Army broke the Xianbei Army in the animal husbandry of Yanzhou Prefecture, the officials in the animal husbandry of the prefecture not only felt relieved, but also worried emotions were growing. After defeating the coalition forces in Xianbei again, Lu Bu's prestige in Dahan has reached. To an extent that no one can match.

The Xianbei, who have been troubled by the great man for many years, have frequently been unlucky after encountering Lu Bu, which is enough to show the strength of the Youzhou Army and the Bingzhou Army.

The Binzhou Army is strong, and it is still within the scope of everyone’s understanding. After all, it is a team that has followed Lu Bu for a long time. However, the Youzhou Army has not been formed for a long time, or even short, and it can have such combat effectiveness in such a short period of time. How terrible Lu Bu is.

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