Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 798: : Liu Bei's Suspicion

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Lord, is it the secret song of the family and Cao Jun in the city?" Jian Yong whispered.

Liu Bei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shook his head for a long time. "It won't be the case. The Xuzhou family had a deep grudge against Cao Cao. In the past, when Cao Jun attacked Xuzhou, the family did not help much. If they choose to join Cao Cao, they will not get too much. There are many benefits, and if the aristocratic family seeks refuge in Cao Cao, why not act when Cao's army attacked Xuzhou last year."

Jian Yong also nodded when he heard the words. For some reason, Jian Yong always had little trust in Xuzhou's aristocratic family. He felt that the existence of these people greatly excluded the civil servants and generals who initially followed Liu Bei, no matter where they were. Localities will be divided into camps, and the officials under the princes are no exception.

For example, Sun Gan, although he is trusted by Liu Bei, still lacks the foundation in Xuzhou. The aristocratic families in the city are an extremely powerful force. They can influence the decision of the prefecture and pastoral mansion through their own means, even if the time when Liu Bei enters Xuzhou is not. It's short, and I don't dare to shake the family in the city.

Sometimes, Liu Bei even wondered what changes would happen to Xuzhou if Lu Bu entered Xuzhou. With Lu Bu’s mindset, would the aristocratic family be so rampant in Xuzhou, especially during the war, especially the aristocratic families in the city. Too much, secretly hoarding rice and grain, driving up food prices, and the people in Pengcheng suffer from it.

What can Liu Bei do? Did he learn from Lu Bu's method to eradicate all these aristocratic families from Xuzhou? If that is the case, he would have been driven away by Xuzhou's aristocratic families before Cao Jun attacked Xuzhou. In fact, Liu Bei envied Lu Bu very much, because Lu Bu has an army loyal to him, and Jinyang Academy, and there are even more resourceful people such as Jia Xu and Guo Jia under his command.

"Lord, don't underestimate the Xuzhou family. These people can do everything for their own benefit." Jian Yong reminded.

"Xianhe, pay close attention to the movement of the family in the city. If there is anything unusual, you can cut it first and play it later." Liu Bei said.

Jian Yong said, and walked away quickly.

The rain is about to come and the wind is full of the building, and Pengcheng is once again shrouded in the shadow of war. This is the third time. Cao Jun will attack Xuzhou once a year. Even ordinary people cannot bear it. Whether it is war or not, the people are Those who need food, and when the war, the city gates were closed, the source of their livelihoods was cut off by the war, it is far from enough to expect some of the food and surplus money in the home, every time the war, the city’s rice The price will skyrocket. Normally, you can buy a stone of rice for a hundred dollars, but in the event of a war, you might need three hundred dollars.

At the beginning, Liu Bei’s method of inspiring the people might still be useful, and Liu Bei was sincerely doing good for the people of Xuzhou, and he also had good prestige among the people. When they mentioned Liuzhou’s pastoralism, the people would also give praise. However, when Xuzhou was caught in the quagmire of war, who would the people blame for all of this? Before Cao Jun attacked Xuzhou, he said that everything was in charge of Xuzhou's State Shepherd House, and had nothing to do with ordinary soldiers and civilians.

A little bit resourceful people will see the mental retardation of this sentence, but ordinary people will believe it. They don't yearn for war and hope for a stable life. This has not changed.

The army in the city reached forty thousand people, but the atmosphere in the army was not so good. Many soldiers even whispered about it, mainly because Cao Jun offered a reward. If he can kill Liu Bei, reward 10,000 gold, seal the marquis, and capture it alive. Or killing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei is also a reward.

In terms of official positions, Cao Cao is nothing more than Yanzhou pastoralist. The imperial court decides the matter of the marquis, but this does not prevent the soldiers from discussing in private. Wanjin and Fenghou are what many soldiers dream of.

Chen Deng also felt a bit of danger from Liu Bei's subtle attitude, and his performance was relatively low-key during this period.

"Yuanlong, the Chen family is a famous family in Xuzhou. I heard that my father is now at home. I don't know if I can invite him to the prefecture. The Yanzhou army will arrive in Xuzhou soon. This is the time of the siege of Xuzhou." Liu Bei said.

Chen Deng contemplated for a while and agreed. If he refuses, it will definitely arouse Liu Bei's suspicion. On the surface, Liu Bei feels generous, but Chen Deng, who has been in contact with Liu Bei for a period of time, found that this is not the case. Besides, one can go. How could the people who go to the position of the prefecture and animal husbandry be the easy generation, the generosity is just what Liu Bei showed to ordinary soldiers and civilians.

Seeing Chen Deng's agreement, Liu Bei's doubts in Liu Bei's mind were slightly reduced. He valued Chen Deng very much, and he took control of Xuzhou, and the Chen family did not help from the side. Chen Deng himself is a talented person, perhaps in strategy. There is a gap between Cao Jun's top advisers, but he is much stronger than his own advisers.

"Yuanlong, now in Xuzhou, there are internal and external troubles. Langxie Zangba does not follow the orders of the prefectural animal husbandry The official has only Pengcheng in his hands. If he can hold Pengcheng, the Chen family will be the hero of Xuzhou." Liu Bei looked at him. Staring at Chen Dengdao.

"Thank you, my subordinates, my subordinates will do my best to help them keep Pengcheng." Chen Deng said with some excitement.

After leaving the prefecture, Chen Deng's complexion became a little gloomy. Today Liu Bei's words are testing his attitude. If he answers a little bit badly, I'm afraid Liu Bei will attack the Chen family.

The Chen family had such a certain influence in Xuzhou, and they were not arrogant enough to be able to confront Liu Bei.

Cao Jun did not stop because of Liu Bei's series of actions in Pengcheng. When 80,000 troops gathered outside the city, the atmosphere in Pengcheng became even more solemn. The gaze of the defenders on Cao Jun was even a little frightened. They also thought of Cao Jun's siege weapon and Cao Jun's generals.

Cao Jun set up camp outside the city, showing off his power, and after the delivery of his baggage, Cao Jun began to attack Xuzhou City.

A Perak car was displayed outside Pengcheng. Outside of each city wall, the number of Perak cars gathered reached a hundred. With the suppression of Perak cars, Cao Jun could calmly fill the moat without taking too much risk.

The moat is the backing of a city. With a moat, it can greatly ease the pace of the enemy’s offensive. It can not only delay the enemy’s attack, but also cause huge damage to the enemy when the enemy fills the moat. Once the moat loses its effect, it is extremely unfavorable for the defenders.

Although the number of Cao's troops was large, they did not encircle Pengcheng. This was also to give hope to the defenders in the city and to make the defenders feel that there was still a way to retreat. Once the soldiers had such an idea, they would have more scruples on the battlefield. In general siege, unless the siege party has an absolute advantage, it will not completely encircle the city.

(End of this chapter)

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