Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 807: : Desire and

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Ge Hou doesn't care about the teasing in Xu Rong's words. His purpose is to seek peace. Presumably the Han army will also agree. You can get a lot of benefits, why not do it.

"If the Han army is willing to retreat, the West is willing to compensate 50,000 cattle and sheep, and 500 horses." Ge Houdao.

"Haha, is Bu Dugen sending out beggars? The state army has mobilized more than 10,000 people. The daily consumption of food and grass is a huge amount. It is absolutely impossible for us to retreat based on this thing." Xu Rong flatly refused.

Seeing this, Ge Hou sneered in his heart. The more Xu Rong entangled in compensation, the more it showed that the Han army also had the heart to retreat, but wanted to get more benefits from the Xianbei people.

"Xu Taishou, it’s not that the West is unwilling to bring out more things, but that the West Xianbei is weak. Even if they want to bring out more things, they still don’t. The 50,000 cattle and sheep and 500 war horses are also squeezed out by the tribes. "Yes." Ge Hou exclaimed.

"Hmph, I can't bring out more things, I dare to come and beg for peace." Wei Xu shouted loudly.

Xu Rong said: "If the Xianbei people are willing to take out 200,000 cattle and sheep, 5,000 horses, and the state army will retreat."

"It's absolutely impossible." Ge Hou replied. If he agrees to this condition, he won't have to live after returning to the tribe. Two hundred thousand cattle and sheep, although the west can be taken out, how should the people of the following tribes spend the winter? .

Since it is a negotiation, it is inevitable that there will be bargaining, and Xu Rong is also a very patient person. In the end, the two sides set the amount of compensation at 120,000 cattle and sheep and 1,000 horses, although the number given by Budugen It is a little higher, but if the Han army can retreat, everything is worth it. I believe that Bu Dugen will not blame it after this number is returned.

After Ge Hou left, Wei Xu said, "Premier Xu and Xianbei are bargaining, so they are not afraid that the people of Xianbei will suddenly change their minds."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Naturally not. The West Xianbei is most afraid of the Union State Army. The Union State Army has tens of thousands of elites. Once gathered from various places to the West Xianbei, how will Bu Dugen survive? I am determined to win."

The Shoujiang City is related to Lu Bu's plan. No matter how low the city is, it represents the city on the grassland, and the surrounding area of ​​the Shoujiang City is extremely prosperous in the eyes of the prairie people. Adding to the construction, it is a city, similar to the city of Danhan Mountain. This city is naturally under the rule of Lu Bu. At that time, this city will not only be the Xianbei, but also the Huns in Han, presumably The Huns would be very happy.

Judging from the performance of the Huns, they have a strong sense of attachment to Bingzhou. The Xiongnu suppressed the Xianbei, and the Han ruled the Xianbei and the Huns. What a splendid scene would be if the grassland was used as a horse farm.

In Shoujiang City, Bu Dugen was overjoyed after listening to Ge Hou's narration. Although the number of cattle and sheep was a little over 120,000, it would not hurt Xianbei. Compared with the encounters in the central and eastern regions, the western region was stronger. It’s too much. In his opinion, the Han people pay attention to etiquette, and once they agree, they will not go back.

"My lord, could it be that the Han people wanted to paralyze me, and deliberately promised peace, and then sent a large army to attack the west?" Hong Kai said.

Bu Du Gen's expression tightened, and his happiness just disappeared a lot.

"My lord, from the perspective of the humble position, Xu Rong was definitely not the leader of the Han army's promise of peace this time. Judging from the terms of Xu Rong's request for compensation, it must have been granted by someone secretly. Xu Rong will agree to pay 50,000 heads of cattle and sheep." Ge Houdao.

Bu Dugen heard this, his frown stretched out, and laughed: "It is the blessing of the Xianbei people to have Mr. Ge's help."

Hong Kai glanced at Ge Hou contemptuously. No matter how talented Ge Hou is, he can't change his identity as a Han. Just this point, you won't see a good face in the Xianbei tribe.

"Order all the tribes to prepare cattle, sheep and horses, and send them to the outside of the city." Bu Dugen ordered.

This kind of compensation is generally borne by the tribes. Maybe Bu Dugen can get some benefits from it. The last time Bu Dugen compensated the Han army, Bu Dugen secretly got a lot of cattle, sheep and horses, which gave the tribe's strength. He has gotten a lot of improvement, and of course he also knows that this improvement is based on the damage to the overall strength of the Xianbei people.

The tribe where the husband is located is definitely a big tribe in the west. Although a lot of warriors have been lost last time, the strength in the west cannot be underestimated. After returning to the tribe, the husband can only lie on the bed.

Bu Dugen begged the Han for peace and compensated for the bull's-eye horses. After the matter spread to the tribe, the first husband was furious. Others may not know the clues, but he knew some of it. Bu Dugen secretly made the compensation last time. No less gains, this time Budugen will also let After the news of the successive defeats of the eastern Xianbei and the central Xianbei spread to the tribe, the Husband’s first had a bad premonition. Whether it was the demonstrated strength or determination, it was not comparable in the past. The Youzhou Army fought the central and eastern parts so badly, and the State Army would let the western Xianbei be spared.

He was extremely dissatisfied with Bu Dugen. The hidden position of the Han army was too concealed, and the Xianbei were not familiar with the Han realm, so they were ambushed. Can this kind of thing blame him? After Bu Dugen returned to the west , But hinted at many tribes, and a patriarch who had a close relationship with the husband reminded the husband to be careful.

"Budu is unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous." Husband Jia coldly snorted.

"Chi Yun, you went to the Han army camp quietly, just say..." Husband Jia whispered.

Chi Yun's face changed slightly after listening.

"Don't worry, Bu Dugen can choose to surrender. Why can't we have our own choice? Do you think that the current military strength of the Xianbei people can still resist the Han army?" Hujia asked rhetorically.

Chi Yun nodded. He is the absolute confidant of the first husband, and he has unconditional trust in the first husband. Even if the first husband chooses to attack Budugen, he will follow without hesitation.

"You must be cautious about this, and you can't learn about Bu Dugen, otherwise it will be dangerous." Husband Jia said.

In the middle of the night, Chi Yun quietly rushed to the Han army camp. Before getting close, he was captured by scouts outside the camp. No matter what Chi Yun had said, the scouts did not allow him to see Xu Rong in the middle of the night.

The next day, Xu Rong learned that a Xianbei had been arrested last night. He was curious. It is said that the Xianbei had just arrived in the Han army to seek peace. Within two days, they sent people to the army late at night. He also knew about raising cattle, sheep and horses, and it was obvious that Bu Dugen wanted to make peace.

(End of this chapter)

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