Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 814: : Sun Ce is in danger

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Sun Ce was furious when he saw this. In Jiangdong, who would dare to be so presumptuous in front of him, following the direction of the crossbow arrows, Sun Ce saw the bushes Zhongying Yingchao has more than ten people in black.

The arrow is like a shooting star, straight to the man in black in the bushes.

An assassin from the Black Ice Platform couldn't avoid it, and shot the arrow in the chest, making groaning noises.

"Kill!" General Qin whispered, and more than ten assassins flashed out from all around.

Seeing this situation, Sun Ce shouted angrily: "Who are you who dare to assassinate Benhou in Jiangdong?"

"Hmph, Sun Ce deceives the monarch, everyone who has to kill him, and those who kill Sun Ce can go to Xiangyang to receive the reward." General Qin shouted loudly.

"It turned out to be someone sent by Liu Biao." Pulling out the saber around his waist, Sun Ce stared at the assassins on the opposite side with piercing eyes.

At first glance, these assassins performed assassinations all year round. Everyone was equipped with a long sword and a crossbow. Although the hand crossbow in the hands of the assassins was lowered, Sun Ce did not dare to be careless.

"Kill!" General Qin waved the long sword in Sun Ce's hand. Five assassins approached Sun Ce's killing, while the other assassins looked around. It seemed that only five people were enough to kill Sun Ce.

Sun Ce had a feeling of being underestimated. As a fierce fighter for many years, he looked down on some assassins. This also made Sun Ce angry. Although he did not bring a spear, he believed that swordsmanship was good.

Sun Ce didn't have a peerless sword, and he seemed a little strenuous when fighting the assassins. These assassins may not have strong personal abilities, but it is very difficult to unite in one place.

After fighting for a while, Sun Ce was shocked. The methods of these assassins were overwhelming. Although the time for fighting was short, he avoided two crossbow arrows. Fortunately, his martial arts were high and he was replaced by other Jiangdong army generals. Here, I am afraid I will be injured.

Sun Ce yelled, and the long sword in his hand swept across the necks of the two assassins at an extremely tricky angle.

The two assassins had just died, and two assassins immediately made up, so that Sun Ce could not breathe.

After repeated battles, even Sun Ce was a little panting. The most difficult part of these assassins was their cooperation, as if these assassins were not in a hurry to kill him, but were just consuming his strength. An assassin, still not letting go.

Three more assassins died. General Qin snorted and strode forward with his sword.

Seeing this, the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace knew that their general was angry. It was not easy for the Black Ice Terrace to train an assassin. The number of assassins who died in the hands of Sun Ce has reached five. The assassins who assassinated Sun Ce and General Qin were only 16 people. Let Sun Ce go on like this, wouldn't the damage be even greater.

The arrival of General Qin made Sun Ce feel a strong threat. The opponent's steps were too vague, giving him a sense of no trace.

The long sword was lifted flat and pierced straight at Sun Ce. His unpretentious sword gave Sun Ce a sense of impeccability. At this time, the long swords in the hands of the five assassins beside him stabbed, obviously to cooperate with Qin. The general acted.

After blocking the long sword in the hands of the five assassins, Sun Ce rolled on the spot and escaped the blow of General Qin. With a wave of the long sword in his hand, the legs of one assassin were cut off.

General Qin seemed to have expected Sun Ce to behave like this for a long time. The long sword followed Sun Ce like a shadow, and the other four assassins also stepped forward.

With such cooperation and assassination techniques, Sun Ce couldn't find suitable words to describe the shock in his heart. When did such assassins exist.

"Chih!" The long sword crossed Sun Ce's right arm. Sun Ce gritted his teeth to resist the pain and killed the other two assassins beside him.

Although General Qin posed a greater threat to him, if there were no interference from other assassins, he was confident that he would be able to kill General Qin.

General Qin's face was low, and ten assassins had already died in Sun Ce's hands. Originally, he had paid enough attention to Sun Ce, but he did not expect that Sun Ce's martial arts turned out to be so powerful. It is said that Sun Ce was good at using long spears.

There were already three wounds on his body, and Sun Ce felt that the strength in his body was slowly losing, and his right arm was injured, so he could only use his left arm reluctantly, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

At this time, there were only two men in black and General Qin in the field. Sun Ce abruptly killed 13 assassins in the Black Ice Platform. Even General Qin was a little moved with his skills. He originally thought that the heroes of the world were nothing but this. After meeting Jin Hou and Sun Ce, this idea quietly changed. No wonder the lord reminded him to plan well when he assassinated Sun Ce, focusing on sneak attacks.

Sun Ce laughed and said: "Well, Liu Biao, who has no courage, sent someone to assassinate him. Even if Benhou died here, the Jiangdong Army in the future will surely crush Jingzhou."

General Qin stepped forward slowly and stared at Sun Ce vigilantly. It was just a mistake in judgment that caused the death of two assassins.

At this moment, there was a rustle in the grass behind Sun Ce.

General Qin's complexion changed slightly, UU read www.uukanshu. The long sword in com's hand stabbed at Sun Ce.

A crossbow arrow took General Qin straight, even if General Qin could kill Sun Ce, he would definitely die. General Qin's instinctive sword retreated, the arrow fell on the ground, and Sun Ce was able to step back a few steps before he heard the bushes. He thought that these assassins had left behind. When he saw these people attack General Qin, he immediately felt relieved.

"Don't leave alone." Shi A shouted, and the dense crossbow arrows went towards General Qin and the others.

The long sword in General Qin's hand wielded airtightly, and the crossbow arrows that killed him flew to the ground. The other two assassins had no such good luck. Each of them had three crossbow arrows.

"Where are you guys?" General Qin said in surprise. The plan this time is absolutely tight. Even Jiangdong’s master Sun Ce can hide it. It can be seen in general. But what happened to the people in black who suddenly appeared? General Qin felt the pressure on these people in black.

"Huh, is it possible that General Qin didn't recognize him?" Shi A ripped off the black cloth on his face and snorted coldly.

"Shi A?" General Qin asked in confusion. He didn't understand why Shi A, who was far away in Jinyang, suddenly appeared in Jiangdong.

"Thief, don't say more, take my sword." Shi A came to kill with a sword, and only by killing General Qin could he calm the anger in his heart. Thinking about him Shi A walked the rivers and lakes for many years, he was deceived by General Qin.

"Could it be that you think that general is afraid that you will fail." General Qin greeted him.

Sun Ce took the opportunity to hide among the men in black who had just appeared. Seeing that the equipment of these men in black was exactly the same as the assassins in Jingzhou before, Sun Ce was even more confused. The general's swordsmanship is extremely powerful, and this person named Shi's is equally good in swordsmanship. Since the two sides have gone together, they have played vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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