Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 818: :The calculation of Jingzhou

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"Join with the princes to crusade against the state." Kuailiang said slowly.

Cai Hao also nodded. Although he was united with Lu Bu, he did not want to see Lu Bu sitting big. He had discussed this matter with Kuailiang before. Only by letting Jin Hou disappear can the world's princes be saved from danger. Kuailiang told him about the matter in advance and analyzed the power of it.

In order for Liu Cong to become a prince, Cai Hao greeted Lu Bu more than once and went to Bingzhou in person. However, Cai Hao is not a stupid person. Binzhou does not border, if Lu Bu captures the land of Chang'an.

Liu Biao was silent for a long time and asked, "How sure is this matter?"

Kuailiang said: "Among the princes, there are not a few people who are afraid of the Jin. They only need to know their interests, and they will surely win the support of the princes. Although Shanyang Hou has a good relationship with Lv Bu, since the Jin Hou fought against Ye Hou, his army of Henan Yin I can see some clues."

Liu Biao said, "This matter is of great importance, and you must not leak any rumours. You also need to be cautious when contacting the princes."

"Hey." Kuai Liang arched his hands.

"I don't know one thing. Why do you want to make Lu Bu a general if you want to join forces with the princes to crusade against Bingzhou?" Liu Biao wondered.

"Holy, the Marquis of Jin has done meritorious deeds in suppressing Xianbei, but he did not listen to the court's orders, but it was a rebellious move. Besides, it is difficult to protect the ministers. There is no meticulous work by the state. If this is not successful, it will be known to the Marquis of Jin. Really." Kuai Liang said.

"This matter must be cautious." Liu Biao exhorted again.

Lu Bu, who was far away in Youzhou, didn't know, because the pacification of Youzhou and Xianbei had made Jingzhou firmer in uniting the princes to attack Binzhou, but would the conflicting princes agree with Jingzhou's opinions.

The city of Danhan Mountain and the city of Sushang City are under construction. According to Lu Bu’s vision, the cities of these two places should be constructed in accordance with the rules of the county government. The grasslands are different from the inland areas and may be threatened from various quarters. Take precautions before they happen. As for what is consumed, the help of the captives and the Xianbei tribes and the Xiongnu tribe is not a big problem.

The city of Danhanshan King's Court is not only inhabited by the central Xianbei and the eastern Xianbei, but also the Wuhuan people. These three forces are placed in a city. Lu Bu is not worried that they dare to unite. One is that the three parties have insufficient strength. With the passage of time, the strength of the three parties will become weaker and weaker, and Lu Bu will not allow foreigners to sit in his own city.

What's more, it is Pound who guards Danhan Mountain. Pound with elite soldiers in his hands will not have the slightest softness in dealing with aliens. This can be seen from Lu Bu during the war.

In Lu Bu's plan, Liaodong is a more important part, not only an important source of iron, but also the establishment of navy, which will be a big help in the future.

The Liu family had a high prestige in Liaodong, and at this time Liu Tai was still the prefect of Liaodong. Lv Bu would not let the situation continue like this. Liaodong should not be lost.

After pacifying Xianbei, Lv Bu deliberately took Zhang Liao to Liaodong. Whether in the management of the army or the place, Zhang Liao demonstrated his extraordinary ability and temporarily placed Zhang Liao in Liaodong, in order to make Youzhou more stable. .

In addition, Zhang Liao was able to train heavy cavalry in East Liaoning. As long as there was a war, the cavalry would enter Jizhou from Jixian County, and they would be able to set off a **** storm in Jizhou. For Jizhou, Lv Bu never thought of letting it go, mainly because Yuan Shao’s family background was too prominent. Such a person is a neighbor, he is uneasy.

The most important thing this year is to pacify Youzhou and Xianbei. Both of these things have been completed. What we need to do now is to step up rectification in Youzhou and get more benefits when the princes fight.

The war consumes not only food and grass, but also weapons and war horses. Now Lu Bu, who controls Xianbei, has a large number of war horses waiting to be shot. How many horses are brought under the rule, the value of the horses will only get higher and higher as the war progresses.

In the beginning, a war horse might be good for four thousand dollars, but now it needs six thousand dollars or more. Even so, merchants from all over Jinyang still flock to them. Six thousand war horses, they transport After arriving in the Central Plains, it can be sold for 10,000 yuan. Compared with Jinjiu and Shenli, the transportation of war horses may be difficult, but war horses are easy to sell.

Liu Tai didn’t feel surprised about Lu Bu’s coming again. After taking refuge in Lu Bu, he also spent a lot of time studying Lu Bu. If he wants to better survive the Liu family under Lu Bu’s rule, he needs more. To get to know Lu Bu.

In the end, Liu Tai discovered that he wanted to make the Liu family better and better. Under Lu Bu’s rule, it seemed that there was only one way to go, and that was doing business. You can see from the various things displayed in Bingzhou, as long as the rare things in Jinyang can be transported to The Central Plains can get a lot of profits and Lu Bu has risen among the princes by virtue of the energy of a businessman.

"Marquis of Jin." Liu Tai bowed respectfully. Today, his position may not be comparable to that of the past, but under Lu Bu's rule, Liu Tai always feels like walking on thin ice.

"Liu Taishou doesn't need to be polite." He was clear about Liu Tai's behavior in Liaodong. After all, Liaodong had just come under his rule, and he needed to be extra cautious in handling Liaodong's affairs.

Although Gongsun Kang is dead, there are still a lot of people in the Gongsun family in Liaodong. These people threaten the safety of Liaodong. As for the people of Liaodong, they will gradually feel a sense of belonging to the prefecture. At this point, Lu Bu With absolute confidence, in troubled times, what the people need is a stable living environment. At this point, Lu Bu can guarantee them that as long as the fields are distributed, he is not afraid that the people in Liaodong will resist the prefecture.

"This is the general Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan of this Hou, and the feelings of this Hou are better than brothers." Lu Bu introduced.

Liu Tai didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly stepped forward to see him. Zhang Liao was the first general who followed Lu Bu, and he won Lu Bu's trust in "meeting General Zhang."

"Prefect Liu." Zhang Liao clasped his fists in return.

"Although Liaodong is calm, there are still younger generations. General Zhang guards Liaodong and assists Liu Taishou, so that Benhou can return to Jinyang with peace of mind." Lu Bu said with a smile.

"Right so." Liu Tai said. Of course, the most suitable candidate in his heart is Liu Yi, but he also knows that this is impossible. Lu Bu will not let the Liu family sit in Liaodong. Once Liu Yi leads the army in Liaodong, Liaodong It would become what the Liu family said.

"Premier Liu, I don't know how the navy is training?" Lu Bu asked. The navy generals from Ganning had not arrived yet, and Lu Bu didn't want to wait for the formation of the navy.

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