Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 825: : Liu Bei defeated and went to Xiangyang

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! When heading to Xiangyang, Liu Bei's heart is also a little confused. Many years have passed, and Xuzhou was originally a foundation, but he has come to the present. , Even if it’s going to Jingzhou, it seems that Liu Bei’s feeling of loss was felt, and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others remained silent along the way.

After Cao Cao entered the city, Zhang Bang Anmin selected the elites to join the army and placed Liu Bei's family alone in one place. There was no embarrassment.

"This time, Yuanlong is indispensable for capturing Pengcheng. Ben Hou will appoint Ming Sheng and honour Yuanlong as Xuzhou pastoralist." Cao Cao immediately promised.

Chen Deng said: "Thank you for the trust of the lord, the subordinates will do their best to assist the lord to level Xuzhou." With the position of Xuzhou Mu, the Chen family will certainly have greater development. Although Liu Bei treated the Chen family well, Liu Bei's strength is too strong. Weak, staying in Xuzhou will only bring continuous wars to Xuzhou. In contrast, Cao Cao's tyrannical strength can make Xuzhou stable from wars. Stability is not only important for ordinary people, but also for aristocratic families.

"I don't know if Yuanlong has a clever plan to capture Xia Pi?" Cao Cao asked with a smile. He seldom asks about the family under his control, as long as he doesn't touch his bottom line. Cao Cao, who is also a member of the family, knows the energy of the family very well. This time, Liu Bei was not defeated by the family. No matter how benevolent Liu Beiping was, once the family in Xuzhou took refuge in others, they could only be forced to leave, and there would be a few people in the world who were as happy as Lu Bu.

This is also why Lu Bu has survived in Bingzhou. If he was replaced by the Central Plains, he would have been driven away long ago.

"Lord, Hua Xiong has tens of thousands of elite soldiers, including three thousand cavalry, all of them are elite. If you don't recruit by words, presumably Hua Xiong will recognize the situation." Chen Deng said.

"Okay, let Yuanlong take care of this matter." Cao Cao laughed. Hua Xiong is a great general. If he can recruit his subordinates, he is still very good. Although Hua Xiong's personality is a bit bad, Xia Pi is not that good. If it is easy to break, it is better to retain its strength than to destroy the army and break the generals to attack Xiapi.

Xia Pi, seeing Jian Yong, Hua Xiong was very angry. If it weren't for Jian Yong, he had lived in Yuzhou very comfortably, but how could he be sent under the fence like he is now, he is the general of the Xiliang army.

"General Hua, now Cao Jun is attacking Pengcheng, why doesn't the general send his troops?" Jian Yong asked directly after the salute.

"Bold Jian Yong, how dare you talk to Lord Hou like this." Liang Gang stepped forward and scolded.

"General Hua knows the truth about the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth. If Pengcheng is attacked by Cao Jun, Xiapi will definitely be difficult to defend. General Hua thinks that with the 10,000 soldiers and horses in his hand, he can resist Cao Jun. Cao Cao's ambition to capture Xuzhou is clear." Jian Yong did not. Regarding Liang Gang, the purpose of his trip was to persuade Hua Xiong to send troops, and he had enough confidence.

Hua Xiong squinted his eyes and looked at Jian Yong for a long time. Jian Yong's words really made him think more. Cao Cao's strength made Hua Xiong feel fearful, especially the kind of weapon that can throw boulders. Although Xia Pi is high in the city. Deep, it is also difficult to stop.

"Jian Yong, if this Hou sent his troops to Pengcheng, can Shijun Liu have something to say?" Hua Xiong asked.

Jian Yong was secretly contemptuous. Even now, Hua Xiong is still thinking about his own benefits, without realizing the approach of the crisis. It must be a miracle that these characters can live to the present.

"If General Hua is willing to send troops, Liu Shijun will be responsible for the food and grass. After repelling Cao Jun, he will give General Hua a thousand horses and 50,000 shi." Jian Yong said.

Hua Xiong's heart moved. The most missing thing in the current army is the war horse, but the price of the war horse is too expensive. With his strength, it is difficult to buy more. Only these three thousand cavalry soldiers have been formed with all their best efforts. The warhorse looked too bad in Hua Xiong's view.

"A thousand war horses must be good horses." Hua Xiong said.

"General Hua, although you can rest assured, he is definitely a superior warhorse of Binzhou." Jian Yong smiled. As long as Huaxiong can send troops, the pressure on Xuzhou can be relieved to a great extent.

"Okay, this general..." Hua Xiong was about to talk about the dispatching of troops. A guard hurriedly walked in and said with an ear.

"I'll talk about this later, come, take Jian Yong down to rest first." Hua Xiong's tone was a little anxious.

Gu Yong, who had been keeping an eye on Hua Xiong, felt a sudden change when he saw Hua Xiong's inconsistent performance, but he was on Hua Xiong's site at this time, and he could only follow Hua Xiong's arrangements.

"Cao Cao captured Pengcheng." Hua Xiong said that his originally straight waist suddenly collapsed, and he had just bargained with Jian Yong, but to get more benefits in supporting Pengcheng, even if Liu Bei did not send someone to the front. Come for help, he will also send troops there when the fighting reaches a certain level.

"Cao Jun actually captured Pengcheng so quickly?" Liang Gang asked in surprise. The news they got a few days ago was that Cao Jun could not attack Pengcheng for a long time. In just a few days, Liu Bei was defeated.

"Chen Deng took refuge in Cao Cao secretly, taking advantage of Liu Bei's army to attack Cao Jun at night and open the city gate to welcome Cao Jun into Pengcheng." Hua Xiong sighed.

"That's the case." Liang Gang also sighed. When Cao Cao broke through, he did not hesitate to choose to go to Xuzhou. He also believed in Liu Bei. After all, Liu Bei has a good reputation. In fact, Liu Bei treats him and Hua Xiong indeed. Yes, at this moment of crisis, he gave way to Xia Pi.

"Liu Bei is defeated, and the next one is in danger." Hua Xiong said. He would rather face Liu Bei than against Cao Cao. The Thunderbolt left an indelible shadow in his heart. He didn't expect the overwhelming presence. The boulder has a cold body. Although the boulder cannot break through the city wall, it can break through the fighting spirit of the soldiers. Once the army loses fighting spirit, the end of the battle can be imagined.

"General, Cao Cao committed countless crimes in Xuzhou. Even if he broke Pengcheng, the only people who followed Liu Bei's orders were Pengcheng, Xiapi and Guangling. The East China Sea prefect had violated Liu Beiyang's Fengyin, and the territory of Langxie was even more embarrassed. Domineering." Liang Gang said dismissively.

Hua Xiong shook his head slightly and experienced more things. He is no longer the fierce general who only knew how to fight on the battlefield. Since Cao Cao has broken Pengcheng, he will not sit back and watch the current situation in Xuzhou. Langxie's chaos can be tolerated, but Xia Pi, In the three places of Pengcheng and Guangling, Cao Cao was determined to win. The attack on Xuzhou was not as simple as Cao Cao's avenging his father. Cao Cao's purpose was to conquer Xuzhou.

Xuzhou is rich and rich in grain and grass, which can provide Cao Jun with a large amount of grain and grass source, which can support Cao Cao's ambitions to a great extent.

Hua Xiong understood that unless he left Xuzhou now, it would be very difficult to resist the wolf-like Cao Jun with the tens of thousands of people in his hand, but where would he go if he left like this.

(End of this chapter)

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