Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 827: : Guo Jia's worries

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In Cheng Lu's eyes, the construction of Ta's may require a huge price. It has become much simpler here in Lu Bu. With a steady stream of cement transported in, Ta's is rebuilding at an extremely fast speed.

Lu Bu waited until Ding Feng arrived in Jixian, and instead of talking for a long time, he temporarily handed over the formation of the navy to Ding Feng.

Lu Bu admired Ding Feng's understanding of the navy very much, and Ding Feng was not an unknown person in history. With such naval generals, Ta's naval training is just around the corner.

Similarly, Ding Feng admired Lu Bu very much.

"Fengxiao, Youzhou is initially decided. There are still many things that require Fengxiao to work harder." Lü Bu smiled. Sweeping Youzhou has gained a great deal. Not only did he get iron ore, but he could also form his own navy. Dealing with Jizhou in the future will have long-term significance.

Compared with Lu Bu's ease, Guo Jia seemed a bit heavy. "Does the lord know the strong Qin in the Warring States period?"

Lü Bu nodded. The power of Qin is beyond doubt. It swept Liuhe and unified the world. Although Qin II died, it left a strong mark in history, especially the combat power of Qin soldiers. Reached the level of horror.

"The subordinate feels that now the Lord Justice is taking the path of strengthening Qin." Guo Jiadao.

"What about this? The Han Dynasty is weak and the sage is unknown. It is the time when meritorious deeds were made." Lu Bu said that if this sentence were put to ten years ago, it would be considered a treason, but now no one can refute it, because the Han Dynasty Indeed, the influence of Liu Biao is getting lower and lower, although Liu Biao is the current sage, but he does not have much appeal to the princes.

"In the past, the strong rise of Qin State led to the joint offensive of the six countries. If it were not for the strong national power of Qin, it would have disappeared under the attack of the six countries." Guo Jia's tone was full of worry.

Lu Bu fell into silence when he heard this. How could he fail to obey the meaning of Guo Jia's words? The strength he showed was too strong, and it would surely attract the jealousy of the princes. Although Lu Bu was confident, he was not arrogant enough to deal with it on his own. The union of the princes of the Central Plains.

"Fengxiao, this lord has settled Youzhou and suppressed Xianbei. Is there anything wrong with it?" Lu Bu's tone was strongly dissatisfied.

Guo Jiadao: "The key is that the time used by the lord is too short. It took less than half a year to defeat the three armies of Wuhuan, Liaodong, and Yanrou, sweep western Liaoning, calm Liaodong, and flee the Xianbei people in embarrassment. It will surely make the princes of the Central Plains jealous. ."

"Don't worry too much about Feng Xiao, the Central Plains princes are full of contradictions, how can they care about the affairs of the princes, calm Xianbei, but also smooth out the disaster for the people of Youzhou and Bingzhou." Lu Bu laughed.

Guo Jia sighed and said no more. No matter how many enemies Lu Bu will establish in the future, he will follow him to death, not only because the two are monarchs and ministers, but also brothers, brothers who can trust each other in life and death.

"Hope the lord can stay in Ji County for one month." Guo Jiadao.

Lü Bu nodded and agreed. He understood what Guo Jia meant. The officials of the Inspectorate had already gone to the counties. Youzhou needed strong means to rectify to become stronger. Although Youzhou is a barren land, the number of aristocratic families is more than that of Zhongyuan. Not bad, it can be said that 40% of Youzhou’s fields are in the hands of aristocratic families. In the past, Youzhou did not take too drastic measures because of the instability of Youzhou. Outside, Xianbei looked forward to it. Jizhou also coveted Youzhou. Liaodong did not obey the orders, but now it is a good opportunity.

"Guan Ning, who came with Benhou, is quite talented. He can set up a school in Ji County, and Jinyang School will also send people to assist him." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia, Guan Ning’s talent, has naturally heard of him, and he has already met with Guan Ning. Guo Jia is quite pleased that Lu Bu can recruit Guan Ning talents, and the state has Jinyang Academy as its support. The talents needed can be continuously provided. In this regard, Youzhou cannot always rely on Bingzhou.

As long as the people in Youzhou are able to allocate the fields and feel the justice and fairness of the State Shepherd House, and the children in the family can still have a good way out, no one will be willing to oppose the State Shepherd House.

"Here." Guo Jia arched his hands.

"Feng Xiao's previous statement is not unreasonable, we must pay close attention to the movement in Jizhou, and if there is anything wrong, we should pass it to Bingzhou in time." Lu Bu said, he does not want to lose what he has worked hard for.

The seemingly stable Youzhou has fallen into a situation of even more panic than the aristocratic family of Youzhou at the beginning. Among the officials of Youzhou the most are members of the family. They knew that Lu Bu would take action against the family of Youzhou. They did not expect that Lu Bu of Youzhou had just been put down. They dared to take such a big move, and the families were uprooted one by one. Even if the families defy, they became the past under the powerful methods of the guards everywhere, and the officials of the Inspectorate were not few.

The officials of the Inspectorate are most likely to conflict with aristocratic families. They exist to find outlaws. The aristocratic families have deep roots ~ Even after the appointment of the leader, there are still many methods, but the price is changed. What will come will be the stability of Youzhou.

The fate of the Youzhou family was expected by the princes. If Lu Bu made Youzhou’s family feel better, it would be strange. Many aristocratic families secretly rejoiced. At the same time, they were more afraid of Lu Bu, which would really hurt them. People of interest, although Youzhou and Bingzhou are barren, the power of the aristocratic family is still strong, and these aristocratic families have not been able to make a more effective resistance.

Many aristocratic families are also smart. They converged as early as when they made big moves in the state. Although the Liu family in Liaodong said that they had taken refuge relatively late, they were very wise to make the right move and actively cooperate with the officials of the Inspectorate to report illegal actions. People, even members of the Liu family, are merciless, but they have won a good reputation among the people.

The people in Youzhou suddenly realized that the sky had changed. The aristocratic family became cautious, and the fields that were secretly engulfed were returned to the people. Under the propaganda of local inspectorate officials, they also knew that all of this came from Lu Bu. , For Lu Bu more respect, this situation also caused the generals in various conscriptions to get busy.

The people are simple. They can feel who is really good for them. The military strength of Youzhou has increased. The victory over Xianbei has given the people more sense of belonging, distributed fields, and a more stable living environment. The people who have experienced wars cherish it, they know that all this is hard-won.

Qingzhou, Beihai, and nearly 40,000 Qingzhou Yellow Turbans besieged Beihai. Yuan Tan’s big moves in Qingzhou made Guan Hai feel extremely uneasy. The strength of Qingzhou Yellow Turbans was very strong before, but there was a big gap in attacking the city. This time, Guan Hai was determined to break the Beihai. Only with the city can he better resist the threat from Yuan Tan.

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