Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 836: : Zhenjia Restaurant

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "The Xiongnu tribe can have 500 cavalry, all armor and blades come from Benhou." Lu Bu said without a doubt.

The receiving city is so big, if the Huns promised too much force, it would not be easy to manage.

Although the number was much smaller, Yufro agreed. What's more, the five hundred people don't need the Huns to provide weapons. When the time comes, the tribes can accumulate a little force in secret. Yufro is not stupid, and the grassland is no better than the Han. , A little weaker, it is very likely to be annexed by other tribes, even the mighty Xianbei were defeated by the Bingzhou army, let alone the Huns, at this time, Yu Fuluo did not dare to challenge the majesty of the Han army.

As if seeing through Yuvro's careful thoughts, Lu Bu said lightly: "Except for the five hundred cavalry soldiers equipped by the prince, if you find that there are weapons in the tribe, they will be killed by rebellion, and the Xiongnu tribe need not worry. The tribes on the grassland will fight against each other, and there will be officials in the affected city. If there is any problem, there will be officials to deal with."

"Follow the orders of the Marquis of Jin." Up to now, Yuvluo dared not sing against Lu Bu. Judging from Lu Bu's past behavior, he treats his friends very well. It is like the cavalry of the Xiongnu tribe in the Han army. Money is available, and those who have been successful in combat can be promoted. At first, they thought it was a drudgery. Now many leaders of the tribe want to send the warriors in the tribe to the Bingzhou army.

Without him, once the warriors in the tribe have a half-office position in the Bianzhou Army, the status of this tribe among the Huns will inevitably rise.

At this point, Yu Fuluo secretly rejoiced that Hu Chuquan was sent to the army at the beginning. When he was in Youzhou before, Hu Chuquan was a general in the army. Because of Hu Chuquan, Yu Fuluo was in the Xiongnu. The tribe is more respected than Huli.

Seeing that Yuvro is still a little bit unwilling, Lu Bu said: "You can rest assured that the Huns are friends of Ben Hou, and Ben Hou will not forget it. When the time comes, he will have to cooperate with him in the matter of descending to the city. "

"The humble duty must do his best." Yuvro handed over. With Lu Bu's words, he was completely relieved. Lu Bu's credibility is excellent among the Xiongnu tribe.

The fact that Lu Bu blatantly built a city on the grassland was also spread in the world. Many people admire Lu Bu’s methods, and some people criticized Lu Bu’s behavior. According to them, whether it is Xianbei or Wuhuan People or Huns are all foreign races, how can they build cities for foreign races? This is a problem for raising tigers.

Regarding these things, Lü Bu smiled. The views of the people of the world cannot change his will. If the people on the grasslands cannot be resolved reasonably, sooner or later, these people will grow again. Isn't there no enemy outside of the Xianbei? After the decline of the Xianbei people, there will again be ethnic groups rising on the grasslands.

The city limits the actions of the foreign races, and it also makes the foreign races have a more sense of belonging to the big man. After a few decades, will they still hate the big man? The subtle influence is the most terrible, let's let them provide more for the rule. Many cattle, sheep and horses, where to find such a good thing.

Jinyang, in the eyes of the princes, was a strong rising city. Lu Bu put a lot of effort into it. It can be said that Jinyang is the foundation of Lu Bu. The original craftsmanship workshop, but now the wine workshop, paper workshop, and cloth workshop are all in These workshops and war horses relied on the commercial exchanges between Jinyang City and Binzhou.

War horses are extremely important strategic materials for Binzhou, and the war horses sold to merchants of various parties are also selected by the soldiers of various ministries.

After working on the affairs of the prefecture and animal husbandry, Lu Bu gave birth to the idea of ​​walking down the street. The best way to feel a city is to really experience it and discover the shortcomings through some details.

Walking on the streets of the city, Lu Bu could clearly feel the tremendous changes in Jinyang. Not only was the number of merchants increasing, but the people in the past could not see the worry.

The city is full of hustle and bustle, but it is well organized. People are not allowed to gather on the four main roads. This is also to ensure that in case of emergencies, the defenders in the city can respond in time, while the standing army of the state is stationed in the city. Outside training.

"Zhen's restaurant?" Lu Bu asked, remembering that there was no such restaurant in Jinyang before leaving. Looking at the people coming in and out of the restaurant, this restaurant is obviously doing well in Jinyang.

Choosing to sit down by the window on the second floor, the scene outside the restaurant is unobstructed, making Lu Bu feel a lot relaxed.

"Jinjiu." Lu Bu said directly, looking at the little servant who came up.

Seeing that Lu Bu obviously didn't like to disturb, Xiao Si swallowed again when he reached his lips.

"Why did you come in, go out quickly, otherwise the shopkeeper will definitely blame it after seeing it." After Xiao Si turned around, his face immediately became a little weeping.

The image of the visitor was a bit sloppy, and even though he was a little far away from the visitor's location, Lu Bu smelled a faint sour smell.

"Can there be Jinjiu?" The visitor lay directly on the ground on the second and shouted. The diners in the restaurant also cast their eyes on him, and did not appear curious about this person.

"Get out quickly. How can a person like you be able to enjoy a pot of Jinjiu?" Seeing the visitor lying on the ground, he didn't pull it, nor did he pull it.

And Lu Bu squinted his eyes and looked at the person lying on the ground. The action of this person lying on the ground is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Unsurprisingly, this person has martial arts in his body. Go This restaurant is probably not as simple as outsiders think.

However, Lu Bu was planning to come to drink, no one in the future will take it to heart. I believe that this matter will naturally be handled by the restaurant.

Lu Bu didn't want to ask about this, but the visitor sat down opposite Lu Bu unceremoniously, and laughed: "Your Excellency is very energetic, and your future achievements will be extraordinary. Why not drink a pot of wine?"

"Not good." Lu Bu categorically refused, and his right hand was placed on his waist insignificantly. Once someone came, he would directly beheaded by any strange action.

Dian Wei, who was not far away, was also staring at the visitor vigilantly.

"Excuse me, excuse me, this person is very rude." After Xiao Si finished speaking, he no longer cared about the smell of the person, and said, "I will call the soldiers if I don't leave."

In Jinyang, there are no shortage of powerful and powerful people, but few people are willing to cause trouble in Jinyang. The main reason is that Jinyang has stricter control. Once something happens, the soldiers patrolling in the city can be directly detained regardless of your status.

"Why is it not good?" The visitor shouted with wide-eyed eyes.

"For no reason, why invite you to drink." Lu Bu said lightly. From people, he hasn't felt malice for the time being.

"If you don't invite you to drink, your misfortune will not be far off."

"This person is talking nonsense, don't take it to heart." Xiao Si smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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