Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 846: : Shan Fu Laitou

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After arranging the affairs of Kong Rong, Liu Biao focused on the matter of setting up the prince, only the position of the prince was determined Only then can Jingzhou be more stable. In any case, he is the emperor of the Han family.

Let’s say that after Liu Bei led his troops to Xinye, he did not commit any crime to the people Qiu, but he also had a good reputation among the people.

Needless to say, recruiting troops and hoarding food and grass, Liu Bei feels that the most urgent person at present is the counselor. The reason for retreating from Xuzhou is largely because there is no top counselor. Although Chen Deng has a certain strategy, he is compared with the counselors under Cao Cao. When he got up, the difference was not even a little bit, which made him realize the importance of counselors.

There are fierce generals such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in the army. Liu Bei is not worried. As long as he can be stabilized in Xinye, it is easy to regain a soldier and horse. In troubled times, the people are the most indispensable. Taking the risk seriously, joining the army seems to many people to be a good choice.

Liu Bei naturally knew that Liu Biao was using him by letting him be stationed in Xinye, and he didn't use Liu Biao's thoughts. Liu Biao is already very old, and what will happen to Jingzhou in the future is unknown.

After staying in Xinye for a period of time, Liu Bei heard the name of Wolong and Phoenix Chick. Although the two of them did not go to official positions, they already had a big name in the land of Jingxiang. "This kind of statement is disagreeable, no matter how smart the two are, there is no scholar who has stepped into the official career, and a strategist who wants to truly stand on the top requires more training.

But when he heard that Zhuge Liang had praised the Marquis of Jin, and the Marquis of Jin had not succeeded in recruiting Zhuge Liang many times, he was tempted by Zhuge Liang. What kind of character is Lu Bu? Judging from Lu Bu's past behavior, as long as it is Lu Bu. All recruiters have a certain ability. For example, Wei Yan and Huang Zhong, the generals who were not well-known in Jingzhou before, became shining after arriving in Bingzhou. Among them, Huang Zhong became the leader of the Lieyang Archer, in Youzhou and Make contributions on the battlefield of the grassland.

Lu Bu attaches great importance to Zhuge Liang, which shows that Zhuge Liang has great talents. If there are such people to help, Liu Bei will be a counselor.

After stabilizing the city, Liu Bei decided to go to Xiangyang quietly.

"My lord, just as I posted the recruitment notice, a literati came to see the lord." Zhang Fei shouted with excitement in his words. "What else is this population shouting? Things like the repetition of the heavens and the earth."

Liu Bei was happy when he heard the words, and said hurriedly: "Invite this person quickly, no, the official will go there in person." He even suspected that this person was a young phoenix of the Wolong and phoenix passed down by Jing Xiang.

After Liu Bei saw the people saluting each other, Liu Bei asked, "Dare to ask your first and last name?"

"A certain Naiying Master, whose surname is Shan and Fu, Wen Shijun is recruiting talents in Xinye, and he wants to come to entrust him." Shan Fudao.

After the two talked for a long time, Liu Bei was impressed by Shan Fu's talents and asked: "Someone heard that Jingxiang has a crouching dragon and phoenix chicks. I wonder if the husband knows these two?"

"These two have talents in the world, and if the lord can get their help, big things can be done." Shan Fu smiled, expressing a lot of admiration for Wolong and Phoenix.

Liu Bei was overjoyed when he heard that, "Mr., do you know where these two are?"

Seeing that Liu Bei attaches great importance to Wolong and Phoenix Chick, Shan Fu will inevitably feel a little disappointed. He turned to Liu Bei in order to be able to make contributions in troubled times. Liu Bei is well-known in the world and is a descendant of the Han clan.

As if perceiving the loss of Shan Fu's expression, Liu Bei said, "I am grateful for being able to get a husband to vote. I think Mr. Bei also knows that his subordinates lack talents."

Shan Fudao: "The Phoenix Cub is Pang Tong Pang Shiyuan. He went to Jinyang this year, but did not return to Jingzhou. He must have traveled elsewhere. Wolong is Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Kongming, and now he lives in Shuijing Villa outside Xiangyang. After you arrive, you can find out if you ask a little bit."

"Thank you, Mr., in the future, Mr. will serve as a military division for the account." Liu Bei said.

Shan Fu thanked him, he valued Liu Bei's potential.

"Brother, the Holy Master sent a letter, inviting Big Brother to go to Xiangyang for a banquet." Guan Yu walked into the hall and said in a low voice.

Liu Bei introduced Shan Fu: "This is Bei's second younger brother. His surname is Guan Mingyu. His name is long. He has the courage to be improper. This is Mr. Shan Fu, who has just been appointed as a military division."

After Guan Yu glanced at Shan Fu, he stepped forward to see him.

Shan Fu hurriedly returned the gift, and he had naturally heard of Guan Yu's name.

"Sir, the sage sent an envoy to invite Bei to go to Xiangyang for a banquet. As for the city, Mr. Lao will assist Yun Chang and Yi De." Liu Bei said, after all, Xin Ye is where he has just taken a foothold, and Shan Fu has just come to take refuge. , Liu Bei can't have too much trust.

"Shijun, the Holy Master invites you to Xiangyang at this time. I am afraid it is not as simple as it The envoy made plans." Shan Fudao.

Liu Bei questioned: "What do you mean by Mr.'s words?"

"The saint is old, once again inviting the envoy to Xiangyang, it is nothing more than the prince's matter. When the envoy was in Xiangyang, he had met the eldest prince Liu Qi, and he must be jealous of the Cai family."

Liu Bei was taken aback. He had seen Liu Qi in Xiangyang. It could be said that he had done very concealedly, how did Shan Fu know about it.

"As the king, the position of the prince is very important. After the prince returned to Xiangyang, countless people were secretly monitored. The fact that the prince met the prince has already spread among the officials of Jingzhou." Shan Fu explained.

"Mr. Wang also taught me." Liu Bei arched his hands.

"There are two fierce generals under the king's account. You only need to secretly order one of them to lead the cavalry to respond. At the banquet, you should be cautious in your words and deeds, otherwise there will be a murderous disaster." Shan Fudao.

Let's say that Liu Bei and Zhang Fei ordered three hundred cavalry soldiers together. After they went to Xiangyang together, Liu Bei remembered Shan Fu's words. At the banquet, he was cautious and made no other mistakes.

The arrival of Liu Bei made Cai Wei feel uneasy. Liu Bei has a not-so-famous reputation and is a clan of the Han Dynasty. From Liu Biao’s look, he can see that he attaches great importance to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei will meet Liu Qi soon after he enters Xiangyang. If he supports Liu Qi as the prince, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble. He does not plan to take action until the situation is not clear.

At this time, what Cai Hao most urgently needed to do was to win the support of the princes. Lu Bu had secretly promised to hold Liu Cong as the prince. Although he was quite jealous of Bingzhou, he was very eager to listen to Kui Liang’s suggestion. I regret it, and now that the Cai family in Jingzhou is becoming more and more prosperous, the most urgent thing to do is to make friends with the princes. Before working with Lu Bu, the Cai family has gained a lot of benefits and has stabilized the Kuai family in Jingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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