Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 855: : Zang He seizes power

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Zhu Shuran did not notice the changes in the generals, not only Zang Ba, Chen Gong is also working hard to win over the civilian officials in the city.

"I wish the prefect, the time for this general to go to the East China Sea is not short, and Langxie also has a lot of things to deal with. This general will have a banquet in the army tonight, and I hope that the prefect and everyone can appreciate the face." Zang Ba clasped his fist. .

Zhu Shu heard this secretly, Zang Ba stayed in the city, and always gave him a feeling of anxiety. As for Zang Ba’s banquet in the army, he didn’t think much about it. This is in the East China Sea. There are thousands of troops in the city. The elite cavalry under Zang Ba didn't dare to be too presumptuous in the city.

That night, the generals from Zhu Shulian's combined army and officials from the city went to the army to have a banquet. There were also 500 soldiers who accompanied Zhu Shu.

During the banquet, there was no enemy. The officials and generals also opened their mouths. It’s just that the generals who had something in their minds had a lot of subtlety in drinking. They knew that this might be because Zangba wanted to shoot Zhu Shu, and Zhu Shu treated them. Although not good, they are also generals under Zhu Shu's command.

"General Zang was able to personally lead the cavalry to come to help out. This officer is very pleased. He doesn't say thank you. This wine, the officer respects General Zang." Zhu Shu said, sitting opposite Zang Ba.

"How can Daen not say thank you, otherwise, who will help Zhu Taishou in the future?" Zang Ba smiled.

"What does the general mean?" Zhu Shu put aside his drink, and asked with an unkind expression, thanking him was just a kind word.

Zang Ba smiled and said: "I wish the Taishou a lot of hard work in guarding the East China Sea. This general is quite unbearable. After Cao Cao takes over Xuzhou, he will definitely attack the East China Sea. At that time, I wish the Taishou will have the confidence to defend. Give it to talented people."

"You..." Zhu Shu got up and pointed to Zang Ba with a green face. How can he not understand Zang Ba's thoughts now? Come out." He didn't want to be too stiff with Zang Ba at this time.

"This general didn't drink too much. Please also wish the prefect to be able to complete it." Zang Ba said every word.

"Where is General Zhang?" Zhu Shuda shouted, he didn't feel the slightest kindness in Zang Ba's tone.

When Zhang Bu heard the words, he slowly walked to Zang Ba's side and held his fist toward Zhu Shu: "I wish Taishou, the humble post is already a member of General Zang Ba."

Zhu Shu felt the world spin for a while, he had always trusted Zhang Bu, and Zhang Bu was responsible for most of the guards who protected him, but Zhang Bu secretly took refuge in Zang Ba.

"As the prefect of the East China Sea, Zhu Shu can't distinguish between rewards and punishments. He is willing to take refuge in this general's step forward." Zang Ba shouted.

Many generals hesitated for a moment, and they still stepped forward. Since they chose Zang Ba, they have come to the opposite of Zhu Shu.

"You, you..." Zhu Shuqi's fingers trembled. These generals were originally from the Eastern Navy, but they didn't expect to be drawn away by Zang Ba in such a short time.

"Huh, Zhu Shu, you are unkind, and you don't blame this general for being unrighteous." The lieutenant walked in with the help of the soldiers and said coldly.

Zhu Shu's back was cold and sweaty, and he realized the critical situation.

"Just now, the general wanted to wish Donghai County in the hands of the prefect, but Zhu prefect did not agree, this general had no choice but to make this bad move." Zang Ba smiled.

"Come here, take Zhu Shu down." Zang Ba suddenly raised his voice.

"Hugh got hurt, Taishou Zhu." A general drew his sword and stood in front of Zhu Shu and shouted.

Zhu Shu sighed: "Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it was General Li who was the most loyal to his officer. It's a sigh that the officer had a lot of complaints about General Li in the past."

"The humble position was promoted by the prefect Zhu, and only then has the status it is today. Even if it is death, these shameless people cannot be allowed to hurt the adults."

The atmosphere in the venue was a bit solemn, and many officials and generals even bowed their heads in shame.

"Well, with the company of General Li, the officer is not so lonely on Huangquan Road." Zhu Shu laughed, but the laughter sounded a little bleak to everyone.

Zhu Shu was also a personal character in Donghai County. Although he did not pay so much attention to the generals in the army, he still promoted a group of generals. Zhu Bao was very loyal to Zhu Shu, but Zhu Bao died in the decisive battle outside the city and Huaxiong. Otherwise, Zang Ba would still have to work hard to win over the generals in the army.

"In that case, I can't blame this general for being ruthless." Zang overbearing: "Where is Sun Guan?"

Sun Guan heard that he drew his sword and led the soldiers to rush forward, but for a moment, Zhu Shu and General Li were in different places.

Zang Ba sighed: "General Li is also a loyal and righteous man, but he hasn't met the Ming Master, so let's bury the two."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the tent was a bit heavy, Zang Ba smiled and said: "You can take refuge in this general, this general is very pleased, as long as this general still has a breath, I feel that Xuzhou Army is not allowed to attack the East China Sea."

"I would like to listen to General Zang's order." The lieutenant took the lead in expressing his attitude. He did not regret his choice. The other civilian generals saw this scene and they also went forward and agreed.

The people of Donghai County didn't know that the original prefect Zhu Shu had already died in the camp of Langxie Army, and Donghai belonged to Zang Ba from then on.

Because of Lu Bu, Zang Ba also paid special attention to the people.

There may be Zhu Shu’s diehard loyalists in Donghai County, but these people dare not express dissatisfaction under the general situation. What's more, there is Chen Gong beside Zang Ba who is responsible for making suggestions. The two thousand cavalry under Zang Ba’s command are already there. The army in the city has established a reputation. It can be said that the defenders can make the Xuzhou army retreat, largely because of Zang Ba.

After gathering the army in the city, Zang Ba let go of his mind and firmly controlled the army in his hands. He was not afraid of people in the East China Sea secretly making chaos.

After stabilizing the East China Sea, Zang Ba asked Yin Li to lead three thousand soldiers and horses to guard the East China Sea with Sun Guan.

The news of the Xuzhou Army’s return without success spread to Yanzhou, which made Cao Cao’s expression serious. Judging from the news reported by Chen Deng, Zang Ba was not only brave but also quite strategic. One of them is Mr. Chen.

What shocked Cao Cao the most was that Zang Ba took advantage of the situation to take Donghai County as his own. Zhu Shu, the prefect of the East China Sea, had a certain means, and he was defeated by a military commander, so Cao Cao didn’t pay attention to Zang Ba’s side. That's Mr. Chen, but the Yanzhou Army has just gone through the war and needs to rest and rejuvenate. Even if it wants to subdue Zangba, it will have to wait for the coming year.

"Wen Ruo, what do you think about the joint attack on Binzhou as mentioned by the envoy of Jingzhou?" Cao Cao turned his attention to Xun Yu. Lü Bu's strength made Cao Cao more vigilant, and even the barren Binzhou could become so in Lü Bu's hands. Fu Shu, once these characters enter the Central Plains, what kind of waves will be set off. Putting this kind of thing on him, he asks himself that he can't do Lu Bu's level.

(End of this chapter)

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