Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 864: : All parties come to make

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "When there is no war, these rice grains are enough for the state, so it is enough. It is not easy for the people to cultivate the land. If the Japanese will be generals After the Jizhou seizure, there is no more food and grass." Lu Bu said: "Furthermore, after the people have rice in their hands, the prefecture and pastoral government can pay to buy it. "

Jia Xu arched his hands and said: "The lord has a foresight, and his subordinates are better off."

"It's not the prince who is far-sighted, but from the perspective of the people. If the family wants to set the tax higher, they can profit from it. The rice collected by other princes will be paid by the people. Aristocratic families rely on their power to avoid paying taxes." Lu Bu said.

After the two talked for a long time, Jia Xu also found his way. Lu Bu may be inferior in strategy, but he can have insights in the general direction. Lu Bu’s words were also very important to Jia Xu, and he took Jizhou. After that, not only did the governing land expand, it was of great significance to the merged state.

Jizhou Fushu is rich in rice and grain. With Jizhou as a backing, he can attack Xuzhou, Qingzhou and other places. Then it will be the real king's business. It is said that the grain and grass are in danger. Food can only be passed through by purchasing.

After Sun Ce got the news that Zhang Zhao sent back quickly, he was overjoyed. Three hundred thousand stones, grains and grass were exchanged for fifty Perak cars. No matter how you look at it, Jiangdong took a lot of advantage. From these things, it can be seen that Lu Bu is really friendly to Jiangdong. Perhaps the Qiao family's affairs were unintentional.

Sun Ce couldn’t make up his mind when it came to the bed crossbow. He ordered Zhou Yu to come over. Six hundred thousand stone, grain and grass is not a small amount. It is one thing to be grateful to Wang Yue and others for saving him. It's another way of saying it.

After listening to Sun Ce’s recount, Zhou Yu said: “Lord, I’m afraid Jin Hou has long known about the joint princes of Jingzhou. Since the end of the war in Youzhou, Hezhou has not stopped buying grain and grass. Although the princes knew, they couldn’t stop it. Unless it really broke his face with the Jin Hou, the reason Jin Hou agreed to sell to Jiangdong Crossbow and Thunderbolt was also to unite Jiangdong. The unknown princes of the Han Dynasty were so powerful that they were unwilling to be restrained by the Han Dynasty. The ambition to capture the land of Sanshou, as well as to attack the heart of Jizhou, the wealthy Jizhou, once it is obtained for the Jinhou, it will be the most terrible thing."

Sun Ce nodded approvingly. Now Jiangdong and Bingzhou have no conflict of interest, and Jiangdong is interested in Bingzhou. This is why Bingzhou is willing to sell crossbows and thunderbolts. "In Gongjin's view, six hundred thousand shi Is it worth buying fifty bed crossbows?"

Zhou Yu pondered a little: "In fact, the most powerful bed crossbow should be Yanzhou. The range of the bed crossbow in Yuan Shu's hands reached 300 steps. According to the news from Bingzhou and Jizhou, the bed crossbows owned by the two have not reached this point. Although it is impossible for Shanyanghou to sell the crossbow to Jiangdong."

"However, the matter of the bed crossbow is very important. If the bed crossbow can be placed on a warship, it will be especially obvious for Jiangdong's strength improvement. Although Cao Jun is strong, he is not good at water warfare. Only by virtue of this, Jiangdong will be invincible. Land." Zhou Yu said: "In the opinion of his subordinates, he can buy 30 bed crossbows from Jin Hou for 300,000 stones, grains and grass, and Jin Hou will definitely not refuse."

"Okay, in Gong Jin's opinion, after the crossbow is shipped back, it will be handed over to the craftsman to imitate, and Gong Jin will be responsible for the remaining crossbow." Sun Ce said.

"No." Zhou Yu arched his hands.

Jinyang, Xun You arrived in Jinyang not long after the Jiangdong envoy came to Jinyang. This is also the first time Xun You traveled to Jinyang after Lu Bu occupied Bingzhou. He was very emotional for the damage to friends along the way, and the rise of Bingzhou surpassed everyone. As expected, who would have thought that Lu Bu would have done what he has done in Bingzhou alone.

Xun You often thought that it would be terrifying if Lu Bu were placed in Jizhou, a wealthy place. Soon Xun You denied this idea. Jizhou is no better than the state, and the state is constantly fighting. The strength of the family is greatly reduced, and the strength of the family of Jizhou. Being strong is far from comparable to that of Bingzhou. To a certain extent, Yuan Shao still wants to give face to the family. It is not that Yuan Shao does not want to rule Jizhou absolutely, but that he does not have the courage to offend the family.

After experiencing the locust plague, the most significant change is the city wall of Jinyang. The city wall as high as six feet gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

With the status of Yanzhou envoy, Xun You was not embarrassed in any way.

The layout of Jinyang City seemed orderly to Xun You. There were so many merchants in Jinyang, but there was no blockage on the main roads in the city.

"Lord, Yanzhou messenger Xun You is in the prefecture, shepherd's house." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu asked: "Wenhe knows why Meng De sent an envoy at this time?"

"I guess it's for the joint vassals of Jia Xu said: "According to the news from Hedong, Ma Teng's messenger is about to arrive in Bingzhou. "

Lu Bu nodded slightly. He didn't expect that there would be so many envoys from the princes going to Bingzhou. What they planned could not be for profit. "The envoy of Yanzhou will be handed over to Wenhe for disposal. After the envoy of Ma Teng arrives in Jinyang, he will inform the prince. "

Pound took refuge in this matter. Ma Teng should be ventilated for this matter. As for Ma Teng who would not agree, he would not be able to help him at that time. As early as when Lu Bu returned to Bingzhou, he secretly sent flying eagles to Hanyang to pick up Pound’s family. .

Jia Xu handed over and said here.

After leaving the prefecture, Lu Bu decided to take a trip to Baibo Valley. As the core place of Bingzhou’s military, the importance of Baibo Valley is self-evident. At that time, the Bingzhou Army had more advantages, especially in the transformation of the bed crossbow and the Thunderbolt. Lu Bu was the most concerned. According to the news returned from Yanzhou, the range of the bed crossbow in Cao Cao’s hand could reach 300 steps. This equidistance is not comparable to the current bed crossbow built by Baibogu.

Whether it is a field warfare or used to defend the city, the bed crossbow has a huge effect. At this point, the bed crossbow cannot fall behind the princes.

"Biaobing, you used to be a member of Momen, don't know what kind of equipment you are good at?" Lu Bu asked.

Zeng Di replied: "The one that I am good at building is a stone car, which is the thunder car in the mouth of Jinhou."

"Oh, I don't know how many steps Momen's Thunderbolt can reach in range?" Lu Bu was surprised.

Speaking of the building of the equipment, Zeng Di looked confident. At this point, how much the world can compare with Momen, Momen is best at this "500 steps is more than enough."

(End of this chapter)

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