Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 868: : Crazy businessman

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The days of sale are getting closer and closer, and the sales of Xianlian, Shenli and other things have also fallen into the lowest valley during this period of time. Sometimes they can't even sell at all, and the merchants are waiting for the opportunity to sell.

The busy Jinyang Chamber of Commerce in the past has gradually become deserted in the past few days.

However, there are more and more businessmen in Jinyang, and restaurants and inns are even more overcrowded.

In the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce, the number of merchants entering and exiting was less, but Mi Zhu was constantly busy. He had to arrange the reception of merchants on the day. This way of selling made Mi Zhu foresee that there would be a lot of merchants on the first day. What the Yang Chamber of Commerce has to do at this time is to collect money. As for the goods, there will be special people to take charge. The price of rice grains purchased by Jinyang is also a little higher than the usual price. It is said that the rice grains in Huguan can no longer accumulate, and some rice grains are not only transported to Jinyang, but also to Jiguan.

It seems to outsiders that this may be the reason why the Huguan rice grains can not accumulate, and a more reasonable person will find clues in the transportation of rice grains. Jiguan is a barrier to the east of the river, and after going out of the east of the river, they can attack the land of Sanshou. , If the rice grain is placed in Jiguan, the army will be more convenient to dispatch. At that time, Jinyang's army only needs to go out of Huguan and enter Hedong to directly attack Chang'an.

There are also more soldiers patrolling in Jinyang City. At this critical moment, the people going to Jinyang are even more mixed. They don't want to go wrong at this critical moment.

The first to bear the brunt was Jinyang Order Gu Yong. Since Guo Jia went to Youzhou, the position of Jinyang Order was temporarily vacant, and Gu Yong was ordered to take charge of Jinyang affairs.

After Jinyang was built, there were eight city gates. Looking at the city of the Central Plains, it is as magnificent as Jinyang. Among the eight city gates, two gates are used for merchants to enter, and two gates are used for the common people. In and out, the four city gates are used for the transportation of materials, ensuring the orderliness of Jinyang.

On the first day, as expected, the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce was crowded with densely packed merchants. The merchants who came to deliver grain and grass gave priority to it, and it made many merchants regret why they didn’t deliver rice. Rice grains will be consumed to a certain extent, but Jinyang’s price is not low. Who knows how many Jinyang’s Shenli, Xianlian and Jinjiu are, if the sale is over, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?

The Zhen family is a large family in Jizhou. However, the family gradually declined with the death of the family Zhen Yi. Although the contemporary family owner Zhen Yao has some means, among the upper class in Jizhou, the position of the Zhen family is getting weaker and weaker. In business, many achievements have been made in these years, but in this era, the status of businessmen is somewhat low. Even if they have wealth and wealth, they must act carefully.

The Zhen family has a daughter, Zhen Mi, who was born in Chu Chu and moving since she was young. Originally, Zhen Yao wanted to marry the wealthy family of Jizhou with Zhen Mi in order to gain a foothold in Jizhou. However, Yuan Shao’s defeat in Dangyin made Zhen Yao temporarily extinguished. This mind.

Zhen Yao’s mother, Zhang, was originally a member of the Zhang family in Jizhou. She had some means and vision. Otherwise, the Zhen family would not rise so quickly from decline. He knew that no matter how hard the Zhen family did in Jizhou, it would be difficult to truly leave. High-level people in Jizhou, unless they can get involved with the Yuan family.

The affairs of the Mi family in Bingzhou gave the Zhang family an opportunity for the Zhen family to become more powerful, but it was very difficult to get a relationship with the Mi family as a family of merchants.

This time, Zhen Yao secretly transported one hundred thousand stones, grains and grass to Hanoi, preparing to do something in Jinyang. The reason he personally went there was because of the news from Zhen Yu last time.

Using the means of the Zhen family, after secretly buying it, it is not difficult to transport the grain out of Jizhou. What was beyond Zhen Yao's expectation was that the rice grain was detained for Hanoi prefect Xu Huang after it arrived in Hanoi. Xu Huang's guarantee made Zhen Zhen Yao went to Bingzhou with confidence, but deep down in his heart, Zhen Yao felt that Bingzhou’s move was not as simple as it seemed. One hundred thousand stone, grain and grass is not a small number, and the number of soldiers and horses stationed in Hanoi is only 10,000. The wealth of Hanoi is beyond doubt. Of course, there will be no shortage of food and grass.

However, the relationship between Jizhou and Binzhou was already tense, and the ability to go to Jinyang for business is already a great tolerance for the Hanoi defender.

"My lord, you see if this order can work." Zhen Yao handed Xu Huang the paper to an official of the Chamber of Commerce.

The official opened the paperwork and glanced at the amount on it. He didn't dare to call the shots easily. The value of one hundred thousand stones, grain and grass is not low.

After receiving the news, Mi Zhu looked at the documents in his hand for a long time, raised his head and asked, "You are from the Zhen family in Jizhou?" Mi Zhu is no stranger to the Zhen family in Jizhou, both of whom are also business families.

"I haven't consulted the adult's name yet in Zhenyao, Jizhou." Zhenyao handed his hand and went to Jinyang for the first time. Zhen Yao was extremely cautious about what he did.

Mi Zhu waved his hand and said, "Who is not a grown-up ~ is just Jin Hou's high regard, and I have to take care of the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce."

Zhen Yao hurriedly got up and said, "I don't know if it is Master Mi, but Shu is rude at the bottom. My mother once talked about Master Mi with Zaixia."

"It's not worth mentioning. In Jinyang, as long as you are a law-abiding businessman, you will gain something. Isn't the Zhen family restaurant in the city very good?" Mi Zhu laughed. The Zhen family transported grain and grass, Lu Bu After I learned about it, I explained to Mi Zhu. The people of the Zhen family had expressed their favor. If they could get the secret support of the Zhen family, it would be of great significance to the future occupation of Jizhou.

After the two chatted for a while, Mi Zhu said: "Wen Yan uses rice grains, and he can buy Jinyang products first. Since I met him, let's handle this for Wen Yan."

Seeing Mi Zhu's affectionately calling himself, Zhen Yao's sense of Mi Zhu is better. Among merchants, there are very few achievements of the Mi family. What's more important is the position of Mi family in Jinyang. Mi Zhu's younger sister is Jinhou Madam, just put this relationship there, it's not that ordinary people can be embarrassed. "So thank you Master Mi."

"Even though I met Wen Yan for the first time, I had a very happy conversation. If Wen Yan doesn't give up, he can be commensurate." Mi Zhu smiled.

"So, I won't refuse to resign, Brother Mi." Zhen Yao was delighted, and didn't expect things to go so smoothly in Bingzhou.

After discussing the items to be purchased, Mi Zhu said: "Wen Yan came to Jinyang for the first time, so why not live in his brother's mansion. Although the mansion is rudimentary, there are still some houses."

Originally intending to leave Zhen Yao, he hesitated after hearing these words and agreed. He came to Jinyang not to buy things as simple as buying goods. It would be even better if he could get in touch with the senior officials in Bingzhou. Although Mi Zhu is a businessman, he has If he is to guide him, it will be extremely easy for him to get in touch with the senior leaders of Bingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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