Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 875: : Ju grants an envoy to Jizhou

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "There are many counselors under Yehou’s account. However, the most trustworthy person is Fengji. However, the most trusted one is Fengji. People are upright in appearance, but they are in fact greedy people. Even if they are not in strategy, they only need to covertly bribe Feng Ji and Xu You.” Ju Shou said slowly.

Jia Xu, who was on the side, nodded in agreement, and sent troops to Jizhou, not only because of the grievances between the two sides, but also because of the tremendous pressure brought by Yuan Shao. When talking about the understanding of Jizhou counsellors, even if there is a detailed work lurking in Jizhou. There is no comprehensive understanding.

"You only need to bribe these two people to convince Yehou to be indifferent, and after Yehou has captured Qingzhou, he is bound to covet the land of Xuzhou and fight Cao Cao sooner or later. At this time, the lord can sit on the sidelines and seek benefits from it." Ju taught.

Jushou's plan can be said to open another path for Bingzhou. As long as the princes understand the importance of Yizhou, it is only easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is difficult for the army to enter Yizhou just by sticking to the checkpoint. Because of Yizhou going down like this.

Jia Xu mused briefly: "At present, the most important thing is to stabilize Jizhou. Otherwise, once the army attacks Chang'an, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao will inevitably shake. If the two parties are united in one place, it will be very disadvantageous to Bingzhou."

Jushou got up and said, "The humble post is willing to go to Jizhou to persuade Yehou."

Lü Bu frowned and looked at Jushou for a long time and said, "After you go to Jizhou, you must pay attention to your own safety. When Benhou was lucky enough to get the wealth hidden by Zhang Rang, he could pick out some rare things from them, and bring more Shenli. The last ones are used to manage things." The suspect doesn't need it, he doesn't doubt whether he wants to hire someone. He chooses to believe in Jushou.

Jushou did not expect that Lu Bu would agree so easily, "Is the lord afraid that his subordinates will not return after returning to Jizhou?"

"Benhou believes that it is not this class, but Yuan Shao, willing to stay in Bingzhou for two years, he will definitely not let him down." Lu Bu said.

Jushou's heart warmed. This kind of trust has never existed under Yuan Shao's command. This is the trust that should exist between the monarchs and the ministers. It is his former lord, Jushou still respects Yuan Shao's name.

After Jushou left, Lü Bu turned his attention to Jia Xu, "With the view of literary harmony, can the plan of Zhu Zhu work?" Jushou's general plan is roughly the same as that of Li Ru.

Jia Xu said: "Zhezhu's plan is extremely beneficial for Bingzhou. However, the lord has ever thought about how difficult it is for the army to invade Yizhou. The roads in central Shu are narrow and some places can only be passed by one person. Yizhou only needs to send a small amount. The soldiers can hold the checkpoints and make it difficult for the Union State Army to advance, and once the lord gets the three auxiliary land, the princes will definitely be jealous, and it will take longer to plot Yizhou."

Lü Bu nodded: "If you can get a detailed topographic map of Yizhou, can Wen He have confidence? As for the princes shaken by the prince's invasion of Chang'an, it doesn't matter." This time Jingzhou tried to unite the princes without success, it can be seen that The princes still valued their own interests.

Jia Xu's eyes lit up. The reason why Yizhou is so difficult to break through is because of his unfamiliarity with the terrain. If you have a topographic map of Yizhou, you will not be talking about invading Yizhou. It will be beneficial to occupy Changan by then and guard the surrounding checkpoints. As a support, the state is not afraid even in the face of the joint attack by the princes of the Kanto region, and the state has the Huguan checkpoint. It is extremely difficult for the princes to break through. With the current strength of the state, it is still possible to defend the Huguan.

"The premise of everything is that the Note can convince Yuan Shao." Lu Bu sighed.

As if seeing the concerns of Lu Bu’s expression, Jia Xu said: "Jushou is an upright generation. Since he has taken refuge in the lord, he will definitely not repent. Downplay, Jushou is a resourceful person and will make a wise choice."

Lu Bu nodded slightly.

Although the scholars looked down on Lu Bu, they had to admire Lu Bu's trust in the talents under his command, and the real trust in the officials under his command. There were few such masters, but they were not willing to lay down the interests of the family.

Since coming to Dahan, it has been such a life of struggle, even Lu Bu felt tired, but after seeing his wife and children at home, his fighting spirit was stimulated again. He is not living for one person now, his ministers, his wife and children need it. He worked hard to protect, and without the strength in his hands, everything would be lost. Since this is the case in this world, for the sake of his relatives and friends, how can he work harder?

"Cicada, if one day, if we are tired for the sake of my husband, how about our family retreat to the countryside and live a life incontrovertible?" Lu Bu lightly stroked Diao Chan's face and said: "All but According to the husband's orders." Although the life of the Hou Mansion is very rich, he often can't see Lu Bu's figure, and he has to be frightened for Lu Bu who rushed to the battlefield.

Lu Bu hugged Diao Chan and fell asleep deeply.

The next day, Jushou’s residence was arranged. After learning of Jushou’s choice, Zhang Yang was also delighted for Jushou. Although he met Jushou not long ago, he was extremely impressed by Jushou’s character and talent. Often discussing some general trends, even though he was trapped in Jinyang, Jushou was able to judge the changes in the general trend of the world through the news.

The people of the Ju family have no objection to Jushou's choice. They no longer have any favorable impressions of Jizhou. It is a good choice to establish a foothold in Jinyang.

And Jushou gathered the people of the Ju family together and gave a stern warning. Many big families in the state have disappeared in Bingzhou because of their strength expansion and privately doing things that violate the policies of the state shepherd government. He didn't think that the Ju family could challenge these things. There are many families and families in Jinyang today, but they are more cautious and dare not go beyond.

The people of the Ju family have kept the words of Jushou firmly in their hearts, and they have heard about the experience of the family in Jizhou. Now they are in the state of Binzhou, they should act more carefully. They have not yet understood the Jinhou Well, of course, Jushou was able to serve in the prefecture, which was a huge support for the Ju family at this time.

Although Jinyang is good, but the Ju family's aristocratic families from afar, if they don't get support, their lives will only become more and more miserable.

Then Jushou set his sights on his son Juhu and said: "Zhiwen, you have reached the age of standing, and now you are working in Bingzhou for your father. You can go to the recruitment hall. If you can be hired, it would be good, but don’t stay in the recruitment hall. Mention your identity."

(End of this chapter)

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