Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 882: : Han Sui sent troops

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The other five people were silent when they heard the words. The power of the Thunderbolt has been spread in the world at this time, and they really have no way to restrain the Thunderbolt. .

"If Gaoling cannot defend, then retreat to Chang'an." Li Su said in silence for a moment.

Chang'an can be said to be the greatest confidence of the six people against the Union State Army. As the former capital of the Han Dynasty, Chang'an City is definitely not comparable to ordinary county governments in terms of defense.

After discussing for a long time, they didn’t discuss anything. Li Zhang saw this and could only let everyone return to their respective armies. Everything could only be decided after the Bingzhou Army arrived. I had only heard about the various Bingzhou Army before. Really fight against the Union State Army.

In May of the same year, Han Sui led eight thousand troops to Hanyang.

Han Sui is a native of Jincheng County, Liangzhou. He was initially known in Xizhou. He was abducted by Qiang and Hu rebels and elected as the leader. He gathered troops to rebel in the name of killing eunuchs and gathered 100,000 people. He defeated Huangfusong, Zhang Wen, Dong Zhuo, and Sun Jian. After waiting for the famous generals, he was recruited by the court, and Dong Zhuo controlled the Chao Gang. In order to win over Han Sui, he appointed Han Sui as the prefect of Jincheng. Among the Qianghu, Han Sui had a high prestige, and he and Ma Teng were brothers of different surnames.

Although Han Sui and Ma Teng were married as brothers of different surnames, with the entanglement of interests, the relationship between the two disappeared. After receiving Ma Teng's news, Han Sui also decided to send troops after repeated consideration.

One is to attack the Chang'an rebels and gain fame. In these years, in order to expand his strength, Han Sui killed Beigong Boyu and Li Wenhou who had cooperated with him. Well, it still can't compare with the land of Sansuke. Even if you can't get a slice of the land of Sansuke, you can still get certain benefits.

To show the importance of Han Sui's leadership, Ma Teng went out of the city to greet him personally.

Han Sui noticed Ma Chao behind Ma Teng at a glance, and couldn't help asking, "Behind Shoucheng is Meng Qixian nephew, right?"

Ma Teng hurriedly said, "Meng Qi, don't hesitate to come forward and meet Han Taishou."

Ma Chao stepped forward and clasped his fists, saying, "I have seen Taishou Han."

"Shoucheng, you and I are brothers. From now on, Mengqi will call him a certain uncle." Han Sui smiled. At the beginning, Ma Chao had a high prestige among the Qiang people, and he couldn't help but ignore it.

Ma Teng smiled and said: "Just so." Seeing that Han Sui still remembered his past love and meaning, he was quite happy. Han Sui has a deep city, but Ma Teng is a hearty man.

After the two entered the Taishou Mansion for a chat, Han Sui said, "The Marquis of Jin ordered me to wait for the attack on the rebels in Chang'an? Any other intentions?"

Ma Teng said: "Brother Wen Yue, when I was in Jingzhou, my son Mengqi talked to the Jinhou about the Chang'an rebels. If these rebels were not eradicated, I would be a great man and minister. Rebel, Jin Hou gave this general the method of building the Thunderbolt car."

Han Sui's heart moved when he heard this. Although he was in Jincheng, the reputation of the Thunderbolt in the world was extremely loud. If the defender did not have the equipment to suppress the Thunderbolt, it would be a nightmare for the defenders. Che? For my brother, there are quite a few craftsmen in the army."

Ma Chao frowned when he heard the words. The meaning in Han Sui's words was too obvious, but the Thunderbolt was top secret.

"Brother Wenyue, it is true that the building of the Thunderbolt looks simple. If you want to increase the range of the Thunderbolt to one hundred and fifty steps, it is extremely difficult. If you send troops from Hanyang to attack Chang'an, Longguan is the place you must pass. According to the news from Xisuo, there are three thousand rebel soldiers in Longguan." Ma Teng said.

Han Sui's complexion remained unchanged, but he was extremely surprised. He was able to achieve a range of 150 steps, which is definitely a weapon for siege of the city. These years, Han Sui has been shrinking in the Jincheng generation, and always does not want to change the land under his control. "I wonder if Brother Shoucheng can show me the drawings for building the Thunderbolt?"

Looking at Han Sui with a smile but a smile, Ma Teng was silent for a moment and said: "Naturally, Meng Qi, I will show Brother Wen Yue the drawing for building a Thunderbolt car."

Ma Chao clasped his fist and said: "Father, it's not that the child is unwilling to take out the drawings for building the Thunderbolt, but this thing is given by Jinhou. If there is no order from Jinhou, and the drawing for building the Thunderbolt is leaked, once As Jin Hou knows, I am afraid to blame it."

Ma Teng frowned and said, "Brother Wenyue, it's just a certain ill-conceived. Jin Hou sent troops to attack Chang'an just a few days ago. After meeting Jin Hou, let's make a final conclusion."

Han Sui knew that this was Ma Teng's evasive statement, and at the same time he looked at Ma Chao with a slight difference. He could be so witty at a young age, and Ma Chao's future achievements must be extraordinary.

"It's okay, it won't be too late until the Chang'an rebels are broken." Han Sui smiled.

"Shoucheng, Jin Hou can once said that after the attack on Chang'an, where does the city belong?" Han Sui asked in a low voice.

Ma Teng said: "Naturally belong to Jin Jin Hou is a general who controls all the soldiers and horses in the world."

Seeing Han Sui hesitated to say something, Ma Teng retired and asked in a low voice, "Is there something wrong with this?"

Han Sui nodded slightly and said: "Shoucheng has thought that once Chang'an is occupied by the Jin Marquis, we will wait for a place. Although Chang'an has gone through Dong Zhuo's rebellion, it is a battleground for military strategists. Can send troops to Liangzhou at any time, does Shoucheng think that with the current strength of Liangzhou, he can withstand the Jinhou army?"

"By all means, this general has promised Jinhou to send troops, and he has reported this matter to Ming Sheng. It is expected that the imperial decree will arrive in Hanyang soon." Ma Teng's expression changed slightly. He admired Han Sui in terms of resourcefulness. This is why Han Sui was brought in during this trip to attack Chang'an.

Han Sui pondered for a long while and said, "I think my brother's opinion can help Jin Marquis attack Chang'an, but the land of Chang'an must belong to me."

Ma Teng shook his head, "How could the Jin Marquis agree so easily? It is said that the minimum number of soldiers and horses dispatched by Jin Marquis this time reached 50,000."

"Otherwise, let Jin Hou be Ming Sheng, and Piao Shou will become Liangzhou herd. Liangzhou has been chaotic for many years, the people are not living, and Liangzhou's herd is vacant." Han Sui suddenly said, he naturally knew that he wanted Lv Bu to give up Chang'an. It is impossible at all, and the most important thing is how to obtain benefits in such a situation.

Ma Teng got up and said, "Brother Wen Yue was joking, and someone is not as talented as Wen Yue, and someone is competent in leading the battle, but there are many inferior places in governing the place. And Wen Yue brother is quite prestigious in Liangzhou. It’s most suitable to have Wen Yue brother in the position of state shepherd."

Han Sui did not say anything else when he heard this. His remarks were originally intended to take the position of Liangzhou herd, but Ma Teng's reaction was in his expectation. With Ma Teng's character, if he chooses to be Liangzhou herd, he would be aggressive. It's weird.

(End of this chapter)

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