Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 889: : Attack on Gaoling

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! That night, Lu Bu gathered all the generals in one place. "Changan Li Lai, Guo Bang and other rebels have done a lot of evil, and everyone is condemned. , The soldiers are very fast, and tomorrow the fourth watch will bury the pot for cooking, and the fifth watch will begin to attack Gaoling. You must fill in the moat of Gaoling within five days, so as not to give the defenders a chance to breathe."

"Here." The generals said in unison.

Lü Bu nodded secretly. Through the voices of the people, he heard a strong confidence. Only the subordinates led by such generals can be called elites. If the generals have no confidence in the war, how can they talk about the soldiers below.

"Hao Meng, the thunderbolt car matter is left to you. If the city's defenders pose a threat to our army, Benhou will ask you for it." Lu Bu said.

Hao Meng walked out with a fist and said: "Don't worry, the lord will take care of it so that the defenders will never forget it."

Hao Meng, the general of the Bingzhou Army, was the first to come into contact with the Thunderbolt. He has a lot of achievements in the Thunderbolt. Usually, he is mainly responsible for the soldiers' control of the Thunderbolt. Although Hao Meng's martial arts can only be regarded as average, since he has been in control. After the Thunderbolt, his status in the army was not low. In addition, Hao Meng was originally the general who followed Lu Bu at first, winning Lu Bu's trust.

Lü Bu nodded. Hao Meng worked **** the Thunderbolt training. He saw it in his eyes. When attacking Gaoling, the first thing to bear was to fill the moat. The crossbow was used to help the Bingzhou army to attack the city. Soldiers, when facing the defensive wood boulders, can also use the crossbow arrows on the city wall to continue to attack the city wall.

In the field battlefield, the role of the bed crossbow is much higher than that of the Thunderbolt, especially the penetration ability of the bed crossbow. Even soldiers holding a shield can be penetrated or knocked off. It is completely on the battlefield. The existence of oppressiveness, as long as the crossbow is guaranteed to be safe, it can cause continuous damage to the enemy.

"Huang Zhong led the Lieyang bow to protect the safety of the Thunderbolt in the east of the city, while Li Yan and Yang Feng led Feiqi in the south of the city." Lu Bu continued to order. Although the Thunderbolt is powerful, it is relatively easy to be destroyed. There were thousands of cavalry in the city. Once these cavalry came out of the city, it would be a big problem. Lu Bu had to allocate a large number of cavalry to protect the Thunderbolt.

"Here." The three said in unison.

Seeing Lv Bu turning his gaze to him, Jia Xu stood up and said: "The strength of the Xiliang Army in the city cannot be underestimated. Even if our army has tens of thousands of people, it must do a good job of patrolling at night to prevent enemy troops from attacking the camp."

After the affairs of the generals were properly arranged, the generals retreated one after another. Tomorrow they will launch an attack on Gaoling. The soldiers need to rest well before they can deal with the next battle.

The next day, when the sky was twilight, the defenders on the city were in panic. In the south, north and east of the city, a large number of sergeants of the Union State appeared. What appeared in their vision were some strange shapes, and in these Beside the thing, there are thousands of cavalry guards. At this time, there are only more than a hundred cavalrymen in the city, so naturally they dare not open the city gate.

On the city wall, Zhang Ji frowned. Judging from the shape of these things and the information obtained, it is undoubtedly the Thunderbolt. The existence of the Thunderbolt is what worries Zhang Ji the most. If there is no Thunderbolt, even if there are 6,000 people in the city, he I also have the confidence to block the Union State Army, and Gaoling City is high and deep. If the Union State Army attacks, the damage will not be small.

The Thunderbolt stopped at a distance of two hundred steps from the city wall, and the soldiers in the city could only witness the Bingzhou army throwing boulders on the city wall.

This is an unequal battle. The defenders, who were originally at the top of the terrain, are temporarily at a disadvantage because of the existence of the Thunderbolt.

This was also the first time that many defenders faced Thunderbolt cars. They had heard of all kinds of Thunderbolt cars in the past, but now they really see them, but it makes people unable to resist. The overwhelming boulders are enough to keep them hitting. collapse.

A Xiliang sergeant threw down the sword in his hand and fled towards the city. The robe, which was still alive, was smashed by a thunderbolt car and was so close to him.

Looking at the panicked soldiers, Zhang Ji suddenly pulled out the saber around his waist, beheaded two retreating soldiers one after another, shouting: "The enemy is currently, there is no order for those who dare to retreat without permission, kill them!"

The lieutenant led a hundred guards to patrol the city, but any soldier who encountered retreat would be killed. The cruel method gradually stabilized the city. Although it was dangerous on the wall, it would not Die immediately, and retreat can only speed up death.

Seeing that his archer was completely useless, Zhang Ji ordered: "Let the soldiers hide behind the female wall, and leave a small number of soldiers to observe the situation of the Union State Army."

With Zhang Ji's order, many soldiers hid behind the female wall one after another.

Although Gaoling City was repaired through Zhang Ji's efforts, under the attack of the Pili Che, the newly built stones on the city fell down, and the two maiden walls were even directly knocked down by the Pili Che, and the soldiers behind the female wall wailed. UU Reading

The huge boulder that hit the city wall and fell into the moat made waves from time to time, and the defenders of the city listened to the grand scene of the boulder hitting the city wall and falling into the water from time to time behind the female wall.

After a day’s siege, the walls were pitted and horrible. These thunderbolt cars were transformed by a craftsman’s workshop again. They are not the same in terms of power. If they encounter a weak city wall, Lu Bu is confident that they will be born with thunderbolt cars. To defeat it, this is the advantage of absolute suppression on equipment, such as Gaoling, Chang'an and other cities, how much can the world have, once Zeng Di said that the Thunderbolt car can be built, and the state army's ability in siege It can be improved again.

In the city, Fan Chou and Zhang Ji looked at each other. They have tried their best to consider the Pili car. They did not expect the Pili car to be so powerful. They also saw the madness of the Bingzhou army's siege. Under the cover of the Pili car, The soldiers of the Union State Army didn't even carry the swords, and threw bags of dirt and gravel directly into the moat.

"General Zhang, if this goes on like this, within a few days, the moat will be filled for the Bingzhou Army, and then our soldiers will meet with the Bingzhou Army Swordsmen." Fan Chou said worriedly. He had attacked the Bingzhou Army before. Although the city is worried, there is no such sorrow.

Zhang Ji sighed. How could he not see that this was the deterrent of the Union State Army. Once the moat was filled, there would be no morale for the defenders to face the Union State Army.

"I hope Youwei can lead the cavalry on the battlefield." Zhang Ji said, and now he can only pin his hopes on the reinforcements of Zhang Xiu and Chang'an.

At any time late at night, the Chinese army’s large account was brightly lit, and Lu Bu, Jia Xu, and Jushou were analyzing the situation on the battlefield. Judging from the current situation, it is extremely beneficial to the Bingzhou Army.

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(End of this chapter)

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