Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 909: : Lee? S?/a>

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Thousands of assassins? It's a big tone. There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers under the command of the Houhou. I wonder if you dare to hide the black ice platform. Say it?" Lu Bu asked rhetorically.

Qin Tian said that the Black Ice Terrace is a force active in the dark. Even if the assassins inside are superb, but under the front of the army, it is difficult to survive. This is why Qin Tian desperately wants to obtain the territory. As long as he has a site, he can develop rapidly with the background of the black ice platform, especially after breaking through the Momen to obtain the method of making siege and defense equipment, Qin Tian is full of confidence, who knows it is a stumbling block. The halberd was in Lu Bu's hands.

Originally, with the power of the Black Ice Platform, as long as it gradually surfaced, it could quickly occupy a place among the princes. The Black Ice Platform held a lot of confidential things in its hands. This was also the Black Ice Platform’s biggest reliance, the only mistake. , That is, they picked the wrong enemy.

"Qin Tian, ​​you can be regarded as a character. In this world, only Black Ice Terrace is the only one who dares to assassinate such an arrogant one." Having a good destination will not lead to a situation where everyone shouts and fights in the future."

Qin Tian snorted coldly: "Hou Jin, do you think this general is such a stupid person? Handing the Black Ice Platform into your hands is the real way to destroy the Black Ice Platform."

"Don't you think that a small black ice platform can be a rare place to live here? A group of Qin's remnants who want to restore Qin's former state can only make people feel ridiculous to say it."

Qin Tian's expression was slightly stagnant. They are after the Qin State. This matter can be described as an absolute secret in the Black Ice Platform. After all, this matter is of great importance. Once known to the princes, I am afraid that there will be no hiding place for them in the world. NS.

Seeing the changes in Qin Tian's expressions, Lü Bu had already understood it. Before that, it was only a guess, but now it is a confirmation.

"Qin Tian, ​​the situation under Jin Hou's rule is clearer than you. It is impossible to have a place in the world with some assassins." Jia Xu said, he also looked at the role of the Black Ice Platform. Come out, if you can get the refuge of the black ice platform, the harvest will be huge.

There are no permanent enemies in this world, only interests are the most real. When the interests reach a certain level, the enemies of life and death can also shake hands and make peace.

Qin Tian flatly refused, "Black Ice Terrace can't take refuge in anyone."

Seeing Qin Tian's tough attitude, Lv Bu waved his hand to signal the soldiers to take Qin Tian down. The people on the Black Ice Terrace might be called diehards. Only let time kill these people. Maybe one day after Qin Tian figured it out. The main bus will take over everything.

Lu Bu was in a better mood after capturing the owner of the Black Ice Platform. He turned his eyes to Jia Xu and said: "Wenhe, now the battle of Gaoling has been settled, and the strength of the Black Ice Platform has been compromised. It's time to be on the agenda."

Jia Xu pondered for a moment and said: "The lord, attacking Chang'an, is not in a hurry. The lord was assassinated in He's family. You can use this as a reason to put pressure on the aristocratic families in the city. At this time, Gaoling seems to be stable, but it is not. Ma Teng and Han Sui did not lead them. After Ma Teng and Han Sui broke through Longguan, it would not be too late to send troops to Chang'an."

Lü Bu nodded and said: "Wenhe is also responsible for the affairs in the city, but Li Wei and Guo Bang of Chang'an must start as soon as possible. It is Ma Teng and Han Sui that Benhou does not want to take the lead in breaking Chang'an. ."

"Here." Jia Xu arched his hands and said, confidence was unprecedentedly high. Gaoling was captured so quickly, it was a great blow to Li Wei, Guo Bang and others. As long as the Union State Army could occupy the land of Chang'an, Liangzhou The Beidi County and Anding County will definitely belong to Lu Bu, and once more troops are sent to pacify Yizhou, Lu Bu's strength is standing at the pinnacle of the big man.

Especially after occupying Chang'an, advance can attack and retreat can defend.

Different from the high morale in Gaoling City, Chang'an City was full of gloom and bleak. After the news that Gaoling City was attacked by the Bingzhou Army, although Li Wei, Guo Ben and others tried their best to appease the soldiers in the army, the panic caused by this was also obvious. The strength of the Binzhou Army once again shocked the Xiliang Army.

Guo Bang's expression also lost his previous confidence. If the Bingzhou Army came to Chang'an City, it would be extremely disadvantageous for the Xiliang Army. The Xiliang Army was good at field warfare, not defending the city. Facing the offensive of the Bingzhou Army, the defending army. It was also a lack of effective means of defending the city. It should be noted that when the state army attacked Gaoling, it took only a few days to fill the moat of Gaoling. The high pool of Chang'an City was deep and unreliable. However, it was in disrepair for a long time. Sufficient.

If the Bingzhou Army and Ma Teng and Han Sui were united in one place, the real danger would be. The arrival of Ma Teng led the troops, which can be said to have severed the way for Li Su and others.

No matter how powerful Li Chang and others are around Chang' they are the people of Liangzhou after all, and Liangzhou is their foundation.

"General Guo, Ma Teng, and Han Sui attacked Longguan, and the two armies have such sharp weapons as the Thunderbolt. Although Longguan is strong, if this is the case, our army will be in danger." Li Xi sighed, he did not expect Fan Chou and Zhang Ji. After losing so quickly, under the project of the Union State Army, he directly opened the city gate and took refuge in the Union State Army.

Regarding this approach, Li Yu was dismissive and became a general under the command of the princes. How can he have the freedom to hold the military power, and he has also heard about the state army. For these generals who are accustomed to free life. Said it is a huge torture.

Besides, Li Zhang and Guo Bang didn't dare to gamble on their lives. After all, they were the main generals when they broke Chang'an. Fan Chou and Zhang Ji could easily get out of the matter, but they were a bit difficult.

"Ma Teng and Han Sui don't need to worry about it. What this general is most worried about is the Bingzhou Army." Guo Bang said.

"Two generals, why don't we send envoys to the Bingzhou army to make peace with Jinhou. If Jinhou is willing to retreat, it would be a joke to want to capture Chang'an with Ma Teng's 20,000 soldiers and horses." Li Meng said.

Guo Bin was silent for a long time and said, "Perhaps this method can be tried. After all, to attack Chang'an, we need a lot of food and grass."

Li Yi nodded and acknowledged Guo Bang's statement, but he did not have much hope for the envoy to go to the Bingzhou army. Even if this kind of thing is placed on them, he will not talk to the enemy with a huge advantage. And of.

From Lu Bu’s actions, Li Zhang and others can feel Lu Bu’s ambitions. They are good rebels. However, they have been in Chang'an for many years. It is not that the princes do not have the Han Dynasty in their hearts, but that they did not have enough interest to drive them to occupy Hedong. , Is already a sign that the Union State Army is preparing to plot the land of Chang An.

(End of this chapter)

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