Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 911: : Polongguan

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Since Ma Teng and Han Sui led the army to Longguan, they did not order the soldiers to attack Longguan, just let Pili Che Constantly attacking Longguan.

Five days later, Ma Teng ordered people to invite Han Sui over.

After the main general in the army lifted it up, Ma Teng coughed lightly: "There must be panic in Longguan at this time. Brother Wen Yue, from the general's opinion, how about attacking Longguan tomorrow?"

Han Sui pondered for a long time and slowly said, "Shoucheng, it’s not because my brother is unwilling to attack Longguan now, but what should I do after we break Longguan? The Bingzhou army is attacking Gaoling at this time. Soldiers are under Chang'an. Chang'an is not an ordinary city. Even with the help of Thunderbolt cars, it will hurt the soldiers."

After a little thought, Ma Teng understood Han Sui's intentions. It was clear that he wanted to delay time outside Longguan, consume the strength of the Bingzhou army, and defeat the rebels in Chang'an, which in itself was a matter of earning fame.

"If the Longguan Defender is in a hurry and Chang'an sends reinforcements, the advantage that our army has built will not be there." Ma Chaodao said that he was a little bit against Han Sui, a scheming man.

Originally, Ma Chao had a very good sense of Han Sui. After all, Ma Teng had told him how Han Sui was. However, after Han Sui planned to take away the drawings of the Perak car from Ma Teng's hands, he had to face Ma Teng. With dissatisfaction, there is a secretive guard.

"Meng Qixian nephew, the situation in Chang'an is critical at this time. How could Li Lao Guo Bang and others easily send reinforcements? Besides, although there are two thousand defenders in Longguan, they think it is more than enough to defend Longguan." Han Sui smiled.

Ma Teng categorically said: "Three days later, the whole army will attack Longguan." Ma Teng did not have the slightest affection for the Li Wei, Guo Bang and others who occupied Chang'an. In any case, he was a courtier of the Han Dynasty. , The attack on Chang'an was for the big man.

Han Sui saw that Ma Teng’s tone was firm and he couldn’t say much. He hadn’t been idle for a few days. Since seeing the power of the Pili car, he secretly spent a lot of effort on the craftsmen in Ma Teng’s army, trying to buy the craftsmen. , Got his hands on the method of building the Thunderbolt, but Ma Teng is more tightly defensive in this regard, and he has done a good job of protecting the craftsman, making him unable to start.

The Thunderbolt attacked Longguan for eight days. There were 25 out of 100 Thunderbolt cars that were overwhelmed and damaged. Of course, the effect was obvious. The defenders suffered a lot of damage. The soldiers in the army of Ma Teng and Han Sui. However, no one was compromised, this was extremely rare in the battle of siege, and it was also a dangerous level such as the attack on Longguan.

Hu Feng in the city has no calmness in the past. Although hiding behind the female wall can avoid damage from the Thunderbolt to a large extent, the morale of the defenders has become extremely low in the long run, especially when they are closed for the Thunderbolt every day. The wailing of hitting the soldiers made more soldiers panic. Even a small number of soldiers in Longguan became panicked and yelled because they could not bear the pressure. Although the soldiers who supervised the army beheaded in time, they still gave them to the army. This caused a lot of turmoil.

"General, the enemy has begun tackling the key." A school lieutenant pointed to the army in the distance and shouted.

Hu Feng was shocked, but on the surface he still had to pretend to be calm, "all the soldiers listen to orders and prepare to defend."

When the Thunderbolt stopped throwing the boulder, carrying the ladder, the densely packed soldiers rushed towards Longguan, and at the side of the ladder soldiers, they also approached Longguan under the impetus of the soldiers.

"Pick up the boulder, as long as the enemy is near, I will smash it fiercely." Hu Feng shouted, the depression that has been accumulated in his heart for many days will be released when the enemy is attacking the city.

And the boulders sent by the enemy to shut down happened to be returned to them, and let them taste the power of the boulders.

Perhaps it was the defenders who were accustomed to the offensive of the thunderbolt. When they saw the soldiers carrying the ladder again, there was not much fear on their faces, but a small part of the soldiers still did not obey the orders of the generals, and they just took their bodies. Hidden behind the female wall, for fear of becoming the target of Thunderbolt.

"Stand up for Lao Tzu, if you find a soldier hiding behind the female wall, kill him directly!" Hu Feng shouted sharply.

Teams of guards walked around Guan, and after beheading more than ten soldiers one after another, the soldiers hiding behind the female wall greeted their enemies.

A rain of arrows headed towards the outside of the pass. Many of the ladder soldiers fell on the way to attack. The distance from starting to the city wall was the biggest test of their luck.

The bow and arrow shot, so that the defenders gradually regained a little confidence. When they saw the ladder in front of them, many defenders did not immediately push the ladder to it, but picked up the huge boulder at hand and smashed it down.

The dangerous terrain of Longguan played a huge role at this time. Even Jinglan, under the dangerous terrain outside Longguan, could not easily get close to because of the overall place where Longguan is located. The terrain of Jinglan is too high, and if Jinglan is too close to Longguan, it is difficult to get a foothold, which will cause the archers on Jinglan to be discounted.

A soldier quickly climbed up the ladder.

Some defenders may have been a little frightened under the power of the Thunderbolt for several days, and there has been no movement from the ladder to the closing.

Hu Feng may not be good at martial arts, but he showed great talent in defending the city. Hu Feng, who kept walking around the pass, was always able to withstand the enemy's attack in time.

The battle against Longguan lasted for three full days. After successive attacks, fewer than a thousand defenders were able to fight. Ma Teng and Han Sui also paid a considerable price, nearly three thousand soldiers, forever. He fell outside of Longguan, this is still the case of thunderbolt cars, if there is no suppression by thunderbolt cars, the price of wanting to attack Longguan is even heavier.

However, the lives of ordinary soldiers, like Ma Teng and Han Sui, are not at all concerned. As long as there is money and food in their hands, there is no need to recruit soldiers. In troubled times, the people are the cheapest.

Seeing that Longguan was difficult to hold, Hu Feng had no news from the soldiers sent to Chang'an for help. After a little thought, he opened Longguan and chose to surrender.

When he saw Hu Feng, Ma Chao was very dissatisfied. If Hu Feng chose to take refuge in the first place, there would not be so many things, and there would not be so many soldiers who died outside Longguan. These soldiers were all carefully trained. Success, there is still a big gap between an ordinary citizen and a qualified soldier.

Ma Teng was so relieved to Hu Feng, and made it clear that he would definitely show this to the Lord, and Hu Feng's heart came down. Even if Ma Teng killed him at this time, no one would stand up. Speak for him, after all, he represents the rebel of Chang'an.

(End of this chapter)

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