Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 914: : Guo Bang's Counterattack

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In order to prevent Ma Teng and Han Sui from discovering the reality of the Pili car in the Bingzhou army, the Pili car was 140 steps away from Chang'an. The distance stopped, and the Perak riders were busy in an orderly manner.

The Perak riders in the Binzhou Army are all trained and have a great improvement in accuracy, far beyond the reach of the Perak riders under Ma Teng.

Not only the East Gate, but also hundreds of Thunderbolt cars appeared outside the South Gate and West Gate. Three hundred Thunderbolt cars were used to attack the city. It can be seen that Lu Bu paid much attention to this battle. It seems that the ordinary city requires only 100 Thunderbolt. The car's continuous attacks can cause the defenders to collapse.

There were 20,000 defenders in the city, but they wanted to guard the eight gates of Chang'an. Although there were no enemy troops in the north of the city, Li Zhang and others did not dare to relax their vigilance.

When the three hundred thunderbolt cars began to dominate, in the eyes of the defenders, dense boulders roared in. Just such a power made many defenders timid.

There is no doubt that the city of Chang'an is strong. Even if a boulder hits it, the defenders will not feel much movement.

At this time, the main task of the army outside the city is to fill the moat. Only when the moat is filled can they have a chance to compete with the defenders.

Watching the Bingzhou sergeants throw the sandbags into the water in an orderly manner, Guo Bin frowned, and the Bingzhou army's movement of filling the moat seemed slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. Every soldier was very clear about the next move and no soldiers would appear. In the case of a collision, and with the suppression of the Thunderbolt, the defending army could hardly cause damage to the Union State Army. The occasional counterattack by the archers could not reach such a long distance.

The defenders faced this situation and could only watch the army outside the city busy.

After a day of siege, the city screamed constantly, mostly because of the soldiers who did not die after the thunderbolt hit.

Guo Bang and others gathered all the wounded soldiers in one place, and they were silent. As for asking the doctors to rescue these soldiers, they did not have so much energy. In the army, the doctors are very precious, only the upper lieutenant. The generals have the chance to be rescued after being injured. Ordinary soldiers, who cares about their life and death.

As night fell, the thunderbolt cars outside the city stopped attacking, and the defenders breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the situation.

In the city of Chang'an, Li Yi said anxiously: "According to the current situation, it only takes ten days for the enemy to fill the moat."

"But Jin Hou categorically rejected what I was waiting for. Although there are 20,000 troops in the city, there is still some insufficiency." Guo Bang said. Originally, he was just trying to give his head to Lv Bu and take a look at Lv Bu. Is it resolute to attack Chang'an Heart?

"General Li Meng guards the east gate, is there any difficulty?" Li Yu asked.

Li Meng said: "General Li rest assured that this general guards the east gate and will make it difficult for the Union State Army to advance. It is not a small Perak car. After the moat is filled, the Union State Army can still use the Perak car to attack the city. At that time, this general will give Bingzhou A tough lesson from the army."

Li Yi nodded, Li Meng is generally good in martial arts, but in terms of defending the city, Li Meng is definitely a very strategic general.

"Can the cavalry in General Li's hand be used?" Guo Bang asked suddenly.

Li Yu said vigilantly: "What is General Guo going to do?"

"General Li, the enemy forces outside the city are so arrogant. There are Fiery Sun archers in the east of the city and flying knights in the south of the city. However, although there are three thousand cavalrymen in Ma Teng and Han Sui’s army, there is nothing to worry about. If it goes on like this, it will be extremely detrimental to the morale of our army. You might as well send elite cavalry to fight. If you can burn the Thunderbolt in the Ma Teng army or defeat the cavalry in the Ma Teng army, you can greatly improve the morale of our army. "Guo Bang explained.

After a moment of silence, Li Yi said: "Tomorrow will see the timing." The cavalry under him was the most elite cavalry under Dong Zhuo's command. Rely heavily on.

After Dong Zhuo died, Li Wei and Guo Bin led the Fei Xiong Army to escape from Chang'an. Fei Xiong Army became Li Wei and Guo Bin’s subordinates. It was precisely with the Fei Xiong Army that Li Wei was the largest group near Chang'an outside the city. power.

However, Guo Bang had 70% of the flying bear army, which was not comparable to Li Zhang. When the two were fighting, they rarely used the flying bear army.

After arranging something in the army, everyone left with great anxiety.

The lights in the large tent of the Binzhou Army were brightly lit. After reading the news from the city, Lu Bu asked, "Wenhe, when will that work?"

"The lord, Li Yu and Guo Bin are not the generals, especially Guo Bin, who is quite strategic. If it is at this time, it will not play a big role. It may be for Guo Bin to see through. Once the situation in the city is critical, this Ji may be able to knock on the gates of Chang'an." Jia Xu whispered.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "It's really unlucky for Li Yi and Guo Bang to meet Wenhe."

"Lord, although there is a contradiction between Li Yu and Guo Bang, but the subordinate thinks of a more suitable candidate." Jia Xu said.

"Who?" Lu Bu asked in After Jia Xu had spoken with an ear, Lu Bu showed a happy face, "This matter depends on the timing."

The city of Chang’an is heavily guarded, but it does not prevent the flying eagle soldiers from inquiring about the news. Even before Lu Bu attacked Chang’an, there were flying eagle soldiers mixed into Chang’an’s army. At this time, the Xiliang Army can enter as long as they have money. If you are willing to spend money, you can have an official position.

The next day, when the sky was light, the army outside the city once again opened up, and the Thunderbolt slowly moved in the direction of the city wall.

Since the attack of Pili Che began to the present, the defenders in the city have not moved at all, and the defenders outside the city are somewhat relaxed. Ma Dai, who is responsible for protecting Pili Che, has been able to watch the battlefield in his spare time, and from time to time he can hear boulders hit the city wall. As for the movement of the above, as for the defenders in the city will make a surprise attack at this time. In his opinion, it is entirely an act of seeking death. In order to show fairness, this time the three thousand cavalry soldiers, Ma Teng and Han Sui each have half of them.

Just when the Piliche soldiers were a little lazy, the north gate suddenly opened, and the leader was Guo Bin's general Yang Ding. Two thousand flying bear troops filed out from the city and came in the direction of Piliche.

The soldiers controlling the Thunderbolt car were a little panicked. They controlled the Thunderbolt car. In order to reduce the burden on their bodies, they could throw the boulder farther without even wearing the armor. This was learned from the Thunderbolt drivers in the Union State Army. Under this circumstance, if they encounter cavalry who charge up, their fate can be imagined. Some of the soldiers next to the thunderbolt are even ready to escape at any time. Next to them, there are also three thousand cavalry.

However, the three thousand cavalrymen did not expect that the defenders would dare to go out of the city to fight at this time, and some cavalrymen were even discussing what the evening meal would be like.

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(End of this chapter)

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