Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 927: : Feiqi arrives

The genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! However, the war also allowed Yang Qiu’s soldiers to grow rapidly. At first, they would tremble with their hands when facing the enemy. Those who turned around and fled, as the battle progressed, the situation eased a lot.

Yang Qiu thought to himself that even the Liangzhou army is so powerful, so how strong the Bingzhou army should be, otherwise, why would the Liangzhou army be driven out of Chang'an.

It was late at night, but Li Hao and Guo Bin had trouble falling asleep. They used to live in Chang'an very freely, but they changed because of Lu Bu's arrival. They do not know how they feel, hate, helpless, and admire Lu Bu. .

The army’s food and grass depended on the cavalry looted from nearby villages. At this point, they would not care about the life and death of ordinary people, as long as they could fill their stomachs.

The next day, when the sky was twilight, Guo Bang suddenly woke up, because he felt the ground trembling slightly, which was the momentum only when the cavalry charged.

"Combined with the state army." Guo Bang hurriedly got up.

Not only Guo Bang, many soldiers in the army also felt abnormal. A soldier in charge of patrol saw dust billowing from not far away.

"Order the generals of the various ministries and gather the soldiers to prepare to meet the enemy." Guo Bang and Li Zhang gave the same orders one after another. They knew that if the cavalry of the Union State Army could easily invade the camp, what kind of losses they would suffer, the most What annoyed the two of them was that the Binzhou army was actually preparing to kill them all. They had fled to Liangzhou and still did not intend to give up.

After Li Zheng and Guo Ben met, they discussed it. They took Anding County and Beidi County as their foundation, and then bowed their heads to the Jin Hou. They had great confidence to persuade Lu Bu, but they had not waited for their plans in the two counties. After being able to use it, the cavalry of the Union State Army was ushered in.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on Qixian County, the defenders on the city were surprised to find that a cavalry was quickly approaching Qixian County.

Zhao Yun led the flying cavalry into the Li and Guo Junzhong, who had not had time to complete the defense. For a time, the army was in chaos and everyone was in danger. After the defeat in Chang'an, the Hezhou Army left a deep heart in the hearts of the soldiers of the Liangzhou Army. Shadow, although not many people actually saw the appearance of the Union State Army cavalry that night, but the deeds of the Union State Army cavalry spread at an extremely fast speed in the army.

Especially after the flying bear army was defeated by Feiqi, the Liangzhou army generals were surprised. The flying bear army represented the elite and invincible in the eyes of the Liangzhou army generals.

"It's a flying cavalry." A Liangzhou army general murmured, watching the panicked soldiers around him, he suddenly shouted: "Let down your weapons."

Some soldiers hesitated for a while, and then he obeyed the command of the general. They left their blades aside and made way for the cavalry. It was not that the general did not want to stop the cavalry, but that he was already terrified. Although Li Wei and Guo Pun were capable, they did. After being chased by the Binzhou army to Anding County, it was clear that they would not be let go. Instead of this, it would be better to surrender directly.

Zhao Yun glanced at the soldiers who put down their blades on both sides and rode into the army on horseback. The flying cavalry that followed did not kill the surrendered Liangzhou army.

The surrendered Liangzhou army generals breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene. Even in the troubled times, no one wanted to die. Only by living can there be hope.

The last hundreds of flying knights stopped and gathered the soldiers who had surrendered.

Zhao Yun led the cavalry into the panic Liangzhou barracks.

Li Wei and Guo Ben are very prestigious in the Liangzhou army, but in the face of such a situation, even if the orders are passed on, there are only a handful of generals who can actually execute them.

The bright silver spear flicked and killed a cavalry who came up. Zhao Yun noticed the banner of the Chinese army belonging to this army. The Chinese army is the soul of an army. As long as the Chinese army is defeated, thousands of people in the camp will be defeated. The soldiers only fail.

"Block these cavalry." Guo Bang shouted with red eyes.

However, under the iron hooves of Feiqi, their blocking was still so vulnerable.

"General Guo, let's go." Li Chang sighed. He has already seen that his soldiers can hardly stop the pace of the flying knight. If he persists like this, he will only end up with death.

"Go, where to go?" Guo Bang said helplessly: "And today, there is no place for you and me."

Li Yu said: "If I wait for surrender, Jin Hou will accept it."

Guo Bin shook his head and said: "Definitely not. I was waiting to attack Chang'an. Although the death of Emperor Han was due to Li Ru and Niu Fu, it was us who organized the attack on Chang'an. Therefore, we were accused of killing Han Emperor. There can only be two of us to resist, even after surrendering, we will be sent to Jingzhou to wait for the Emperor of Han to send down."

"Looking back at how it was when you and I were following the Taishi, I didn't want to but fell into the current Even if it is dead, this general will not let the Union State Army succeed so easily." There was a crazy look in Li Zhang's expression.

Guo Ben nodded knowingly, and shouted: "Guys listen to the order, follow the general to kill the enemy!"

The guards of the two guarded them from beginning to end, and these guards never questioned their orders.

"Follow the general to kill the enemy!" the five hundred guards shouted in unison.

The two guards totaled about 800 people. Under the leadership of Li Wei and Guo Bang, they rushed towards Feiqi without hesitation.

Seeing the Chinese Army's banner coming in his direction, Zhao Yun frowned slightly. He suddenly couldn't understand the intentions of these people.

"General, maybe these thieves are desperate." Yang Feng stepped forward and said in a low voice.

There was a smile on Zhao Yun's face. He was not afraid of these people's counterattack before they died. If these thieves were hiding, it would be the biggest threat.

"General Yang, you and I each led a hundred cavalry, to see who can break through the Chinese army first." Zhao Yun smiled.

The warlike blood in Yang Feng's body was also inspired by Zhao Yun. He beat Zhao Yun in marksmanship that year. However, when he saw Zhao Yun again, he found that Zhao Yun's marksmanship had improved a lot. Within Lily, neither of the two could help each other. , Zhao Yun's improvement in marksmanship surprised Yang Feng. He even discovered that Zhao Yun's marksmanship had his own marksmanship.

On the chaotic battlefield, Zhao Yun and Yang Feng led a hundred cavalrymen to charge towards Guo Bang and Li Yi.

Although the guards of Li and Guo are brave and good at fighting, and they are composed of the most elite soldiers in the army, they use the most sophisticated armors, but they are faced with flying knights. Even if you shoot a horse, you can't keep up. Even the average general will see it in the eyes of a weapon made of hundreds of steel-making.

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