Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 930: : Liu Beihui Zhuge (Part 2)

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Zhang Fei rushed to the door and acted as a guard.

Liu Bei said: "Sir, Yi De's character is a bit impatient, please don't take it to your heart, sir."

"Liang is just a idler, why do you need to be like that." Zhuge Liang waved his hand.

Liu Bei solemnly saluted: "Mr. Kong Ming, Bei Nai is a clan of the Han clan, but now the Han clan is unknown, and the lords are everywhere. I beg your husband to come out and help."

Zhuge Liang dodged and said, "Your Excellency, please go back. Liang is talented and shallow, not enough to undertake important tasks."

"Mr. has read poems and books extensively, and he is also a big man. Should he sit and watch the big man fall into a panic? Although Bei is incompetent, he will fight hard, otherwise he will have the face to meet the ancestors and ancestors." At this point, Liu Bei burst into tears.

"Liang is a farmer, so dare to talk about things in the world, so that you can find someone else."

Liu Bei said sternly: "How can a big man embrace the geniuses of the world under the forest spring? I hope that Mr. can help revitalize the Han Dynasty and save the people from the water and fire."

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "I wish to hear about the ambition of the emperor."

Liu Bei knew that this was the beginning of Zhuge Liang's consideration of him, and if his answer could satisfy Zhuge Liang, he would naturally be out of the mountain to assist him.

"Nowadays, the Han Dynasty is declining, and the traitorous officials steal their lives. After the war, the princes do not know the Han Dynasty in their hearts.

Zhuge Liang said: "Since Dong Zhuo took control of the Chao Gang, there have been great chaos in the world, and heroes have been everywhere. Today, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Lu Bu have huge forces. The three princes have more than 100,000 elite soldiers. You can't fight with them. Sun Ce has Jiangdong and has experienced the second generation. As for the people attached to the people, this can be used as aid but not possible. Jingzhou is occupied by Hanmian in the north, benefiting the South China Sea, connecting Wuhui in the east, and connecting Bashu in the west. Yizhou is dangerous, fertile and thousands of miles away, the land of abundance, the great ancestor became an emperor because of it, and now Liu Zhang is weak, the people are rich and the country is prosperous, and he is ignorant of enterprising, intelligent man, thinking of the emperor, so that since the emperor is the clan of the Han Dynasty, Xinyi is written by Xinyi. If the four seas have Jingzhou, Yizhou, Xihe Zhurong, Nanfu Yi, Yue, and Sun Ce outside, and internal political affairs, when the world changes, then the first general will order the army of Jingzhou to Wan and Luo to make the king The people of Yizhou came out of Qinchuan, and the people are safe to eat the pot of syrup to welcome the emperor? If so, the great cause can be achieved, and the Han Dynasty can be prosperous. This is a bright plan for the emperor. "

After he finished speaking, he ordered the boy to take out a painting and hang it in the hall, saying: "This is a topographic map of Xichuan, which makes the king's desire become hegemony. The north allows Cao Cao and Lu Bu to occupy the sky, and the south allows Sun Ce to occupy the land, so that the king can occupy any place. , First take Jingzhou as home, and then Xichuan to build the infrastructure, so as to become a leader, and then you can see the original picture."

Liu Bei was puzzled: "Yuan Shao in Jizhou, the fourth generation and the third male, why didn't Mr. not count?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "The soldiers of the combined state are strong and strong, and although Yuan Shao's strength is strong, it will be broken by Lu Bu and Cao Cao sooner or later. Yuan Shao is a man who is wide outside but jealous inside, not a Mingjun."

Liu Bei said: "Lv Bu sits in the land of Bingzhou, Youzhou, Hanoi, and Hedong. He will plan Chang'an in the future, and he can enter Yizhou from Chang'an."

"Don't worry about the prince, how can other princes fail to see Lu Bu's ambition, if they don't show their expectations, the princes will definitely attack Bingzhou together."

Liu Bei was shocked when he heard this. At this time, the princes were full of contradictions, and the joint attack on Binzhou seemed out of reach.

As if seeing Liu Bei's doubts, Zhuge Liang said: "The imperial court must have united the emperor before trying to conquer the state."

Liu Bei nodded. This matter is no longer a secret among the princes. After Zhuge Liang's words, Liu Bei suddenly started. Zhuge Liang has already made a detailed plan for his future path. If he acts according to Zhuge Liang's plan In a few years, he will be able to stand among the princes.

Liu Bei stood up and arched his hands and said: "The words of the sir makes Beimao set aside, like a cloud and mist to see the blue sky, but Liu Biao of Jingzhou is the sage of today, so it is impossible to find it. Liu Zhang and Bei of Yizhou are both Han clan relatives. ."

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "When you watch the sky in the bright night, the saint will soon be alive, and Liu Zhang will not be the son of a career, and he will definitely belong to the emperor in the future." Between the words, Zhuge Liang did not take Liu Biao into his heart at all. At that time, just relying on Zhuge Liang's words could make him dead.

Liu Bei prayed again: "Although Bei has a meager name, I hope that Mr. Bei will not give up, come out and help, and prepare himself to listen."

Zhuge Liang shied away again.

Liu Bei cried and said, "If your husband refuses to come out to help, what should the common people do?" After the words, tears fell like rain.

Seeing Liu Bei's intentions sincerely, Zhuge Liang went to ask each other three times, and solemnly bowed: "Since you don't abandon each other, I would like to do what you can do."

Liu Bei was overjoyed when he heard the words: "If you have a gentleman for help, the Han room will be thriving."

Since then, Zhuge Liang has been under Liu Bei's command.

Although Zhuge Liang promised to make a promise at the time of only he knew the real difficulties. Liu Bei had only a few thousand soldiers and horses at this time, but Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were no more than Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. It is so difficult to stand out from the crowd.

However, it was precisely because of the difficulties that inspired Zhuge Liang's fighting spirit. Lu Bu was able to stand among the princes with the help of a martial artist. Why couldn't he let Liu Bei achieve hegemony?

Among the princes, Lu Bu, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shao are strong. Although Sun Ce’s subordinates are elites, the Jiangdong region is small. Unless they are people with great means, the most powerful military is Lu Bu. In terms of cavalry strength, any The princes are incomparable. In addition, Lu Bu's attack on Chang'an must have the intention of plotting Yizhou. If the princes cannot realize the terrible Lv Bu in time, how difficult it would be for Liu Bei to seize Yizhou from Lu Bu's hands.

After leaving the house, Liu Bei solemnly introduced Zhuge Liang: "These two people are Bei's third brother, Zhang Fei, with the word Yi De, quite brave."

Zhang Fei coldly snorted: "It's just a book that gave birth to ears, but it made Lao Zhang waste a lot of time."

Liu Bei glared at Zhang Fei and continued: "This is Zhuge Liang, with the word Kong Ming. In the future, it will be the army division. Yun Chang and Yi De treat military divisions like preparations, and there must be no slack."

Zhang Fei looked at Zhuge Liang up and down, but did not see what was different from ordinary people, and snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly without comment. As Zhang Fei said, he is a scholar. To win the approval of Liu Bei's subordinates, he must show sufficient ability.

"Ying De is reckless, there is a place where he smashed into Kong Ming, don't blame Kong Ming." Liu Bei said.

"Lord, Liang Zi should do his best to assist the lord." Zhuge Liang arched his hands.

Seeing Zhuge Liang's sincere attitude, Zhang Fei's complexion was slightly awkward.

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