Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 933: :anger

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"Nowadays, except for Longguan Pass which is not in the hands of our army, all the other passes are occupied by our army." Jia Xu said, the pass around Chang'an is the capital against the princes. Why did Li Wei, Guo Ben and others be able to dominate Chang'an in the first place? , Because of the checkpoints around Chang'an.

The reason why Chang'an was originally designated as the capital was because of its special geographical location, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is the foundation of the king, even if the princes of the Guandong have changed, they can observe the changes in the world by simply guarding the checkpoints.

"Longguan? Send someone to tell Ma Teng that if the army in Longguan doesn't withdraw again, Xiu blames Benhou for disregarding the friendship of the past and cede the land of Longyou to Ma Teng. He is still not satisfied. Do you think that you can rely on Longguan? It can threaten Benhou without success." Lu Bu's tone was a little sullen.

Jia Xu arched his hands and said: "Here." In his heart, Ma Teng is on the opposite side. Han Sui is also a greedy person, but Han Sui knows how to advance and retreat, and he will not be threatened by taking credit. Such people often It can last longer. Maybe in the war, Ma Teng is a rare fighter, but when it comes to handling problems, Ma Teng thinks about the problem much worse.

In Jixian County, Ma Teng glanced at Ma Chao next to him and smiled: "The Marquis of Jin sent an envoy to ask our army to let Longguan go out."

Ma Chao coldly snorted: "Longguan is one of Chang'an's barriers. It is handed over to Jin Hou. How can there be such a simple matter? My father sent troops to help Jin Hou calm Chang'an, and Jin Hou just promised Longxi County."

Ma Teng mused a little: "Listening to the envoy, Jin Hou was already angry about this matter. Although our army is strong, we have to consider more. Now Changan's Union State Army still has 40,000 people."

"Even if the Longguan Pass is handed over to the Bingzhou Army, Jinhou must give enough benefits. Father can let people tell Jinhou that our military wants to put down Longxi, but there is not enough food and grass." Ma Chao whispered.

Ma Teng's eyes lit up, he was not good at strategy, and he didn't know what kind of trouble this behavior would cause them, but he was more obedient to Ma Chao's words.

It was Wei Xu who was in charge of the mission to Ma Teng. After learning about Ma Teng's attitude, he was furious and reprimanded Ma Teng in person.

Ma Teng looked at Wei Xu with a sullen expression. If he hadn't cared about Lu Bu's identity, he would have drawn his sword to face each other.

"General Ma's words, this general will tell Jinhou, General Ma don't regret today's decision." Wei Xu coldly snorted, turned his head and left. He was the messenger of the Union State Army. Naturally, he would not be polite to Ma Teng. Teng's tone is clearly toward getting more benefits.

After Wei Xu left, Ma Chao said angrily: "Father, Jin Marquis is too arrogant. He dares to treat his father like this. Anyway, his father is a Zhenxi general who is granted by the court."

Ma Teng waved his hand. Only for a moment, he wanted to kill the arrogant Wei Xu, but reason prevailed. What he wanted was Longxi County. If possible, he even thought that General Wu would also take control. For his own sake, the capital of Wu is close to Hanzhong. As long as the defenders in Hanzhong relax a little, he may be able to send troops to Hanzhong. Taking Hanzhong as his foundation is much better than Hanyang.

Under Ma Teng’s governance, Hanyang is good, but there is no danger to defend. The Bingzhou army can send troops to Hanyang and Longyou only after leaving Longguan, and can attack Wudu after leaving Sanguan. If you have Hanzhong as a support, It is advancing, retreating and defensive.

"Mengqi, now that the Jin marquis occupy Chang'an, it has already caused the princes to be jealous. Otherwise, the court will not send envoys again to make the father a general of Zhenxi. It is just for the court to win, and the father does not intend to be involved in the Jin Dynasty for the time being. The war between Hou.” Ma Teng said. After seeing the mighty strength of the Bingzhou Army, he didn’t want to be an enemy of Lu Bu, but he wanted to let him let Longguan out easily. It was not Ma Teng who wanted to see. of.

Ma Chao said yes.

"Meng Qi, secretly led troops and horses to Xixian County. As long as our army can take down Xiafen with lightning speed, the rest is not a concern." Ma Teng said, the reason why he didn't want to let go out of Longguan was because he wanted to. To occupy the land of Youfufeng, Youfufeng belongs to Sansuke. Although after the disasters of Li Su, Guo Bang and others, the level of wealth is still not comparable to that of ordinary counties, and after the land of Youfufeng, he can spy on Chang'an. As long as the court's strategy can succeed, he will send his troops to Chang'an and take Chang'an in one fell swoop.

If Han Sui learns about Ma Teng's thoughts, he will be amazed. Ma Teng has always felt like a straightforward man.

"Here." Ma Chao's tone was a little excited. After years of secretly saving, now he finally has a chance to attack Longyou.

After Wei Xujiang returned to the army in Hanyang, Lu Bu and Jia Xu frowned. From Ma Teng’s attitude, the two felt extraordinary. No matter how powerful Ma Teng was, the Bingzhou Army now has a lot of information. The multitude could send troops to attack Longguan at any time. As long as UU read occupy Longguan, Hanyang would be in danger. He didn't believe Ma Teng could not understand these things.

"My lord, guessing from his subordinates, it may be due to the imperial court. Otherwise, Ma Teng's attitude will not be like this." Jia Xu said, this is what he worries most. After occupying Chang'an, it will take a certain amount of time to deal with the surrounding areas of Chang'an. The matter, depending on the attitude of the court and the princes, it is clear that they do not want the Bingzhou army to gain a foothold in Chang'an.

"From Wenhe's point of view, how should we deal with this matter?" Lu Bu temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart.

Jia Xu said: "What Ma Teng plans to do is nothing more than an interest. The lord only needs to send some baggage and comfort, and Ma Teng will inevitably let go."

Lu Bu's face suddenly pulled down, and he coldly snorted: "When did Benhou have been threatened by others, and Ma Teng wanted to use Longguan as a threat, Benhou let him see the inviolability of the Bingzhou Army's majesty."

Jia Xu secretly said that it was not good, and Ma Teng made the condition at this time, obviously because he had spotted Lu Bu and didn't dare to turn his face, he obviously didn't understand Lu Bu's temperament.

"Order Hao Meng to mobilize all the Thunderbolt cars." Lu Bu said.

Seeing this, Jia Xu had to swallow the words of persuasion, because he saw that the generals in the tent showed anger after hearing about Wei Xu's experience.

"Where is Tai Shi Ci?"

Tai Shici went out and clasped his fist and said, "The end is here."

"I order you to be the vanguard of the army, lead two thousand soldiers, one thousand fierce sun archers, and then go to Longguan to clear the obstacles for the army."

"Here." Tai Shici's tone was a bit agitated. This is the first time he has led a battle since joining the Union State Army, and he still holds an important position such as vanguard. There are more generals in the big tent than his senior generals. This shows Lu Bu's trust in him, and Ma Teng's threat at this time also made Tai Shici extremely dissatisfied.

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