Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 937: : The envoys of princes gather in Jizhou

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The first reaction of the first trapped camp soldier to board Longguan is to rush towards the enemy, several knives and sparks, and The soldiers of the trapped camp also beheaded an enemy in front of them. The Bingzhou Army behind the soldiers of the trapped camp saw this, and when the soldiers of Xiliang did not react, they chopped off the weapon in their hands.

The joining of soldiers in the trapped camp is like a shot of a booster, defeating the Xiliang army, which was originally in the superiority, steadily retreating.

The Xiliang sergeant looked at these monsters in front of him with fear in his eyes, and the word invulnerability flashed in more than one person's mind.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared in the sky, the Sergeant Binzhou had already gained an absolute advantage on Longguan.

Ma Dai saw that the situation was gone, and led his soldiers to flee in the direction of Hanyang.

In just two days, Longguan Pass was broken.

After the banner on Longguan was replaced by the banner of the Bingzhou Army, Zhao Yun handed over the task of guarding Longguan to Wei Xu, and led the army back to Chang'an.

Ma Teng was a little stunned when he learned that Longguan was attacked by the Bingzhou Army. How strong Longguan was. There were two thousand defenders and fifty Thunderbolt vehicles in Longguan. Among them, the range of the Thunderbolt vehicles reached one. One hundred and sixty steps, coupled with the terrain of Longguan, can make the range of the Thunderbolt reach one hundred and seventy steps or more, which is absolutely solid in the eyes of Ma Teng.

If Longguan was defended by a thunderbolt, he would never get any benefit from leading an army to attack Longguan.

"Let's talk about the situation in detail." Ma Teng's expression was a little gloomy. He just calculated it and the Bingzhou Army didn't dare to engage in evil with him at this time. Unexpectedly, Lu Bu would do the opposite and directly send an army to attack. Longguan, isn't Lu Bu afraid that he would agree to the court's request and raise troops to attack Chang'an.

After Ma Dai explained the situation of the battle in detail, the tent fell into silence. He placed the Thunderbolt at a distance of 200 steps from Longguan, and was able to throw the boulder up to Longguan. The army’s thunderbolt reached a range of about two hundred and twenty steps. What a horror. It seems that when he attacked Chang'an, Lu Bu was still concealed. It was the same thing. He would also choose Did this.

"Meng Qi, now our army has already fought evil with Jin Hou." Ma Teng sighed.

Ma Chaojian frowned slightly, "Father, even if the Marquis of Jin captured Longguan, they would not invade Longyou in a short time. It is said that the Marquis of Jin has led his army to withdraw from Chang'an, and he must be aware of the crisis from the princes."

Ma Teng nodded. He watched Ma Chao grow up step by step. He became more and more admired for Ma Chao's way of doing things and the comprehensive thinking of problems, and he also gradually handed over major issues in the general to Ma Chao to handle.

"The top priority is to capture Longyou. If you can seize the capital of Wudu, you don't have to be afraid to merge with the state army." Ma Chao said slowly. This is also the result of his discussion with Ma Teng. Ma Teng can become a great prince of Liangzhou.

Ma Teng said, "Xiabian has about 5,000 troops. The defenders in the city are mediocre. If he can be captured in a battle, he will be determined in Longyou."

The reason why Ma Chao is famous in Liangzhou is because when he fought against the Qiang people, he gained a great reputation among the Qiang people and maintained a good relationship with the Qiang tribe.

"Meng Qi, can you attack Chang'an?" Ma Teng asked in a low voice.

Ma Chao pondered for a long time and shook his head. "Father, even though the Bingzhou Army has taken Longguan from our army, it is not embarrassing for our soldiers in Longguan. Obviously, he does not want to tear his face with his father at this time, and our army is the most The main thing is to secretly accumulate strength and wait for the result of the princes attacking the merged state. If the Jin marquis loses the army, Chang'an's defense must be slack. When the father raises his troops, Chang'an can be calmed down in one fell swoop."

During this period of time, Jizhou was the busiest. After the Binzhou army calmed down the land of Chang'an with thunder, stormy waves were set off in the upper layers of Jizhou. Even Feng Ji and Xu You also smelled bad feelings from this incident. The reason why they agreed to Jushou to help Lu Bu speak, subconsciously believed that Lu Bu could not easily break Chang'an.

After all, Li Zhao, Guo Bang and others were Dong Zhuo’s most elite soldiers. However, the facts surpassed their expectations. It took only more than a month for the Bingzhou Army to calm the land of Chang'an and seize the checkpoints around Chang'an. There is a lot of evidence for Chang'an to spy on the meaning of the princes.

First, Kuai Yue, the envoy of the imperial court, after expressing the court’s goodwill, he vaguely reminded Yuan Shao of the threat from Bingzhou. At first, under Xu You’s persuasion, he did not take it seriously. However, when the envoys from Yanzhou and Jiangdong arrived, Yuan Shao felt the crisis.

Lu Bu and Jizhou have a deep hatred. He believes that Lu Bu will not let Jizhou go so easily. The reason why he did not attack Jizhou is to accumulate strength, especially the intelligence sent from Chang'an, which shocked Yuan Shao and sent troops from Bingzhou. By the time Chang'an was captured, the Bingzhou Army did not lose too much of its Once Lü Buteng came out, would Jizhou still be so stable?

Compared with Chang'an, Jizhou has no odd risks to defend. Once the army and soldiers of the merged state come to the city, relying on the thunderbolt cars of the merged state, Wei Jun will be completely in danger.

Yuan Shao met with the messengers from the three parties again.

Kuai Yue first said: "Yehou, now the Jinhou occupies Chang'an, the land of Sanfu is rich, and there is a male gate to defend. In time, after the Jinhou will stabilize the land of Changan, where will the Binzhou army attack? Think about it?"

Yuan Shao coldly snorted: "The Honourable Marquis and the Jin Marquis have good relations. The reason why the two sides were fighting endlessly before was because of some trivial matters."

"From the next point of view, that's not the case. Did Yehou forget that he lost his army in Hanoi and who made the Jizhou army retreat from Youzhou and gave up the land of Youzhou helplessly?" Cheng Yu laughed.

Cheng Yu's words were like a knife, cutting into Yuan Shao's heart. I thought of how energetic he was when he smashed Gongsun Zan at the beginning. However, after encountering Lu Bu, everything changed. When fighting the combined state army, the Jizhou army repeatedly lost the north. , The reason why he did not take action against Bingzhou and Youzhou was because of insufficient strength. Once Jizhou and Qingzhou had accumulated enough strength, the first step he had to do was to recapture what he had lost.

As if seeing Yuan Shao’s anger, Cheng Yu continued: "If the Marquis of Jin grows, it will be useless in Jizhou. It is known that Jizhou has sufficient grain and grass, and it is a land of wealth. If the Marquis of Jin is a Marquis of Jin, how could he easily give up such a wealthy man? place."

"The words of Master Cheng are true. The Marquis of Jin wants to emulate the incident of the Qin violent that year. According to Hangu Pass, waiting for the world to change, maybe Jin Marquis will not attack Jizhou next step, but he will surely seize Yizhou. Yizhou is strange. The danger can be maintained, and the fertile fields in the middle of Sichuan are thousands of miles away. With the support of the grain and grass from Yizhou, how can anyone in the world be able to fight against the Jinhou?

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