Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 939: : Mountain rain is coming

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Since joining the Bingzhou Army, Wei Yan’s performance is remarkable, and there are many generals in the State Army who can stand alone, but with The expansion of governance requires more and more talents in this area.

Wei Yan heard this and said in doubt: "Lord, now Hedong is stable up and down, and the gangsters who ruled the land have long disappeared under the front of the army."

"Does Wen Chang think that Hedong is very stable now?" Lu Bu looked a little disappointed.

Wei Yan was silent for a moment and said: "From the point of view of his subordinates, the greatest threat to Hedong at this time comes from Cao Jun."

Hearing this, Lu Bu nodded slightly and smiled: "Wen Chang continued."

Seeing this, Wei Yan felt a little settled. Lu Bu handed He Dong to him, which shows his trust. If Lü Bu is unhappy because of some minor omissions, it will be extremely detrimental to future progress.

"Now that the lord occupies the land of Chang'an, the princes must be uneasy. The first one must be Cao Cao. He sent troops from Hangu Pass, but he could attack Luoyang in a few days. At this time, Cao Jun Cao Ren was in Yin, Henan." .

Lu Bu said: "Wen Chang, now the situation in Bingzhou is several times more complicated than you think. It's not just Cao Jun, but Jingzhou and Jizhou, I'm afraid they will take action this time."

Wei Yan's face changed drastically when he heard the words. He was very confident of the Bingzhou Army, but he faced so many enemies at the same time, which was unbelievable.

"Ma Teng and Han Sui sent troops to help the prince calm the land of Chang'an. However, Ma Teng occupied Longguan and intended to threaten the prince. The envoys of the princes communicated with each other. According to the information obtained by the prince, they are very likely to go down. Invade and state."

"Ma Teng child, dare to be like this." Wei Yan suddenly became angry. At the beginning, Wei Yan still appreciated Ma Teng's assistance. He didn't expect Ma Teng to do such a thing in a blink of an eye.

"Chang Wen, who is a general, can't get angry easily. You can do better if you start from the overall situation and understand everything. Although the princes are strong, it is not easy to merge with the state army." Lu Bu said.

Wei Yan clasped his fist and said that the princes jointly attacked Bingzhou, which seemed terrifying, but in Wei Yan's eyes, it was a chicken and dog. Today, the Bingzhou military is strong. If the princes want to attack Bingzhou, they need to break the Huguan. If they want to enter Chang'an, they must Breaking through Jiguan, whether it is Jiguan or Huguan, is a pass that cannot be easily broken.

"Don't worry, the lord will definitely not let the enemy enter the Hedong half step." Wei Yan said.

"There is a literary leader in Hedong, and the prince is very relieved, but the literary leader must remember to be the way to go, and must not ignore the lives of the soldiers because of the momentary happiness and anger." Lu Bu reminded again.

Then Jia Xu talked with Wei Yanchang, mainly to mention what strategy Wei Yan adopted when facing the coalition forces of the princes.

After staying in Hedong for three days, Lu Bu returned to Jinyang.

Looking at the blooming Jinyang and the bustling people, Lu Bu's heart became firmer, and everything in the state needed military power to guard him, no matter how powerful the princes' soldiers and horses were, he would fight with them.

Different from the stability in the city, the senior officials of Binzhou seem a little dignified. Judging from the information obtained by all parties, the situation is extremely unfavorable for Binzhou.

After returning to Bingzhou, Lu Bu immediately brought in Gu Yong and Li Su, and he had to be cautious in front of the safety of the state.

After Jia Xu briefly explained the situation, even Lu Bu's expression was a bit solemn. What he didn't expect was that all the famous princes in the world participated in dealing with Bingzhou. Now Bingzhou has become the target of public criticism.

"Yuan Tan, tell me your opinion." Lu Bu cast his gaze to Gu Yong.

At this time, Gu Yong was in charge of Bingzhou’s internal affairs. He was definitely a top talent in Bingzhou. War is a competition in materials and strength. In terms of strength, the Bingzhou army is not lost to any prince’s army. However, in terms of food and grass, Bingzhou has its own. Compared with the princes, they are still a little bit weaker in their shortcomings, hoarding food and grass. If the war is protracted, it will be extremely detrimental to Bingzhou.

Bingzhou relied more on commercial development. Once the war started, it would be difficult for the merchants of the princes to enter the Bingzhou. Without the support of the merchants, there will be a large number of people in the state that will find it difficult to find things to do, and the princes will definitely be there. There are restrictions on food and grass, and the state does not lack money. However, without food and grass, even if there are tens of thousands of troops, they will only be ruined.

Relying on the danger of Huguan, the army of the princes would have to pay a great price if they wanted to invade the merged state.

Gu Yong sorted out his thoughts and slowly said: "Now the food and grass in Bingzhou is enough for the army to need for a year. If the war is protracted, you can buy food and grass from the people. Now our army has even occupied the grassland. The cattle, sheep and horses transported to the Bingzhou Army can also greatly alleviate the problem of food and grass. The yam from Hanoi has been transported to Bingzhou. The soldiers in the army have not rejected the yam. In this way, our army’s food and grass will definitely be Able to support for another half a year Lv Bu nodded, Gu Yong is a qualified manager who can take advantage of the combined state to fight the enemy.

"Order Pound and Cao Xing to **** the cattle and sheep to Bingzhou as far as possible to serve as food and grass. Remember to give them reasonable prices." Lu Bu said.

"Lord, if the princes send troops to merge the state, Hanoi will definitely be unstable. Unlike Bingzhou, Hanoi has no odd dangers to guard, so plan ahead." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu nodded, Hanoi is rich. There is no doubt about this. However, under the princes' front, it is not easy to defend Hanoi. The state army is strong, and the war-fighting princes and horses are not weak. If it has a huge advantage in quantity, relying on the city will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

"Leave Xu Huang to do his best to move the people to Hedong or Sanshou. You must be known to the people and you should not be reckless and reckless."

Orders were quickly communicated from the prefecture and animal husbandry, and the cavalry in the city continued to rush to various places, adding a hint of cloud to Jinyang.

"Now there are 30,000 soldiers and horses near Bingzhou, and the generals are ordered to select elite men from the standing army and fill them in the army. The number of soldiers has increased to 40,000. The defenders in various places began to move to Jinyang. When I went to Jinyang, I solved the food and grass problem by myself." Lu Bu said.

Binzhou has given a very generous policy to taxation in various places. Basically, grain and grass are hoarded everywhere. Only when the war is tight, it will be transferred. This is also to avoid the consumption of grain and grass during transportation, and Jinyang’s financial resources can be used to shoulder the burden. Jinyang's army is more than enough.

"Lord, my subordinates expect that the number of soldiers and horses gathered in Jinyang will reach 50,000." Jia Xu said.

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(End of this chapter)

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