Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 945: : Meet the father and son

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Although Qin Yang and Qin Yan are caught, there is still a trace of hope in their hearts. The strength of the Black Ice Platform is clear to both of them. Even if he was repeatedly frustrated after being an enemy with Lu Bu, his own background was still there, especially the Iron Eagle Swordsman, who was the most elite existence in the Black Ice Platform.

"Father." Qin Yang's expression was no longer as arrogant as he used to be. The reason why he stayed in Jinyang with peace of mind was because he believed that Qin Tian would lead the assassins of the Black Ice Platform to rescue him. What he didn't expect was Qin Tian. Fell into Lu Bu's hands.

Qin Tian nodded slightly, and slowly moved forward under the urging of the soldiers, and was finally imprisoned next to Qin Yang.

"Father, why did you get caught by Jin Hou?" Qin Yang asked with a gray face.

Qin Tian sighed, "I was too confident for my father. I didn't expect Lu Bu to be under a heavy siege in Gaoling City. Otherwise, it would be easy to seize him as his father. It is a pity that two hundred iron eagle swordsmen defeated the Bingzhou Army."

Qin Yan couldn't calm down after listening. As the strongest force in the Black Ice Platform, the Iron Eagle Swordsman had only 300 people in total. However, Qin Tian lost 200 people when he assassinated Lu Bu. The biggest blow to the ice table.

As long as the foundation of the Black Ice Platform is still there, there will be the capital to fight Bingzhou. Even if Qin Tian and Qin Yang are imprisoned in Jinyang, Qin Qu and Qin Chu who are in charge of intelligence are both descendants of Qin and they can afford to revitalize. The important task of the black ice platform.

"Not only that, General Qin Qu also died in battle." Qin Tian felt a deep sense of frustration.

The court suddenly fell into silence. After a long time, Qin Yan said slowly: "Master, maybe we shouldn't have set our sights on Jinhou in the first place."

Qin Tian also woke up from the initial madness. According to his original plan, he would control Youzhou, and then plot the land of Jiangdong, Chang'an and Yizhou. If he can unite Bingzhou again, Black Ice Terrace's No one would be able to stop the strength, but things backfired. Hei Bingtai had to retreat from Liaodong in embarrassment. The assassination of Sun Ce was also rescued by Wang Yue, and the land of Chang'an was captured by the Bingzhou army with thunder.

Qin Tian nodded and said, "I should have believed in you at the beginning. You should plan Yizhou first. You shouldn't focus on Youzhou and Bingzhou."

Yizhou is a country of abundance. Back then, Qiang Qin was able to preserve it under the joint siege of the princes. It has an inseparable relationship with Yizhou. At that time, Yizhou was the main source of Qin’s grain and grass. Although Liu Zhang had only a defensive heart, he took precautions against Yizhou. The matter is still relatively strict.

"My lord, now you and I are all captured by the Jin Hou. If Jin Hou discovers other hiding places in the Black Ice Platform, the Black Ice Platform will be completely dangerous." Qin Yan worried.

The prison door opened with a creak, and a person dressed as a scribe walked in, but the scribe showed a strong hatred, especially when looking in the direction of the three of them, the hatred eyes could not conceal his inner thoughts. of.

"Who are you?" Qin Yang warned. Since being imprisoned, there have been so many people in prison.

Zeng Di sneered and said, "Here is the Momen."

"Momen." Qin Yang paused in his heart. He couldn't be more clear about the grievances between the Black Ice Platform and Momen. The assassins of the ice platform were able to enter the land of Momen, otherwise, with the power of Momen, even if the strength of the black ice platform was several times stronger, it would never be easy to break through.

Momen is unique in the construction of equipment and institutions, and this is even the black ice platform that has to be admired.

"It turns out that they are from Momen. Don't the Momen people do not ask about world affairs? Why did they go to Bingzhou?" Qin Tian sneered, and he would not have a good face for these defeated generals.

"Let me ask you, Momen was the one who captured the Black Ice Platform in the first place, but where is it now?" Speaking of this, Zeng Di gritted his teeth. He can never forget the atrocities of the Black Ice Platform after entering Momen with his words on that dark night. .

Qin Tian hummed coldly: "Why does this general want to tell you."

"When I die, I dare to be tough." Zeng Di's voice became colder and colder.

"The life and death of the three of us is probably not something you can control, right?" Qin Yang countered without hesitation.

"Don’t forget, what Momen is best at. Although he is not talented, he still knows some things. You and the three of them are from the Black Ice Platform. Do you need the help of your Momen disciple or raise three useless people." Zeng Di slowly said.

"You are a useless person." Qin Yang's complexion flushed. He is the young master of the dignified black ice platform, but in Zeng Di's mouth, he has become a useless person. How not to make people angry.

"Hmph, I will ask Jin Hou for orders next time." Seeing that the three of them refused to confide in the slightest news, Zeng Di turned and left, but the person in charge of the Black Ice Platform fell into Lu Bu's hands, which was the news that excited him~www.readwn .com~Lord, I didn’t expect the Momen people to unite with Jinhou, but I heard that the disciples of Momen are good at building equipment. If this person is good at siege equipment, he can definitely be in the lords. There was a wave of waves. "Qin Yan said.

"Let's take one step at a time." Qin Tian said helplessly, falling into Lu Bu's hands, and it would be very difficult to get out, unless the Black Ice Platform could come up with something enough to hit Lu Bu.

Before he was in the Black Ice Platform, Qin Chu might not show anything, but Qin Tian knew that Qin Chu, who had been in charge of building the armor and equipment in the Black Ice Platform, had great ambitions. The power of the Black Ice Platform was Strong, no one doesn't want to control, besides, Qin Chu is also behind Qin.

"Even if he is dead, Lu Bu would never want to get useful news from me." Qin Tian said firmly, no matter who controls the Black Ice Terrace by then, it will still be a descendant of the Qin State. I told Lu Bu that it was the real disaster for Hei Bingtai. Since Xiangyang assassinated Lu Bu, Hei Bingtai and Lu Bu have been in an endless situation.

As the days for the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce to hold events are getting closer and closer, the merchants gathered in Jinyang once again reached a peak. Unlike the last Jinhou event, among the merchants who went to Jinyang this time, there were very Few, the princes ordered them not to stay out of the matter, even if they were escorting grain and grass, they were cautious, lest they be known to others.

The princes have strict orders, and the aristocratic families have their own methods. The aristocratic families only need to send people directly to Jinyang to entrust the food and grass to those who secretly control it.

There are more businessmen who come to Jinyang, and none of the happiest is the people in Jinyang. Businessmen live in Jinyang and spend a lot of money every day, and people can earn a certain amount of money through merchants.

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(End of this chapter)

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