Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 950: : Zhuge Liang shot

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Kong Ming, is it because the Bingzhou Army is afraid and has already withdrawn?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said: "How proud Jin Hou is, how can he give up the land in Hanoi so easily? The lord should be a soldier, carefully probe the news ahead, and don't get caught by the enemy."

"The military division's words are not correct. If you are replaced by a general of the Union State Army, how can you stand guard against the city when you learn that the army is coming?" Zhang Fei shouted dissatisfiedly. Since Zhuge Liang joined the army, he has no regard for the army. He has made too many contributions, but Liu Bei treats such a young man with courtesy.

"Yingde must not be presumptuous." Liu Bei scolded. After talking with Zhuge Liang, he admired Zhuge Liang's talent very much.

"Is it true? The three generals will know later." Zhuge Liang showed a faint smile again, without the slightest displeasure in his expression.

Even after Zhang Fei saw Zhuge Liang's actions, he still had to admire Zhuge Liang's tolerance, if he was so stunned, he would surely jump into thunder.

Zhang Fei's dislike for Zhuge Liang was mainly because he was embarrassed when he first visited Zhuge Liang. He was sure that Zhuge Liang was deliberate at the time.

"So, my old Zhang will wait and see." Zhang Fei smiled.

Xu Huang did not leave Hanoi, but wandered in Wen County. He wanted to take the last chance to send the yam to the army to prevent these yam from falling into the hands of the enemy. The yam can be relieved to a great extent. The problem of food and grass in the army, and the delicious taste of yam, is deeply loved by military lieutenants.

"General, the Jingzhou Army claims to have a hundred thousand troops and is coming in the direction of Wen County. The pioneer of the troops is Liu Bei." A general ran over and said, panting.

"Huh, Liu Bei, it's just a dog's ear of a bereavement. The lord helped him withstand the enemy. I didn't expect Liu Bei to be such an ungrateful man. He led a large army to attack the lord under the rule of the lord. If he saw it, he would kill him." Xu Huang Said coldly, he hates people like Liu Bei the most.

"The general said that since Liu Bei is so rampant, our army might as well set up an ambush on the way and teach him a lesson." Several generals said rushingly.

"Li Meng, the yam has almost been collected, you led 500 soldiers to transport all these yam to Huguan." Xu Huang said.

"General, the humble job also wants to stay and kill the enemy." Li Meng said with a cry.

"Dare you even violate this general's order?" Xu Huang's face suddenly pulled down.

Li Meng hurriedly said: "Subordinates take orders." Xu Huang rules the army extremely strictly, but he treats the generals in the army well in private, and is loved by them.

If the Jingzhou army wants to enter Wen County, Qingfengling is a must pass. Although the terrain of Qingfengling is not dangerous, it is also a good ambush spot. Xu Huang focused his eyes on the topographical map near Qingfengling. The vanguard of the Jingzhou Army had only 3,000 men, but at this time Xu Huang had 3,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, and the rest of the soldiers and horses were escorting supplies to Huguan one after another.

With 3,000 soldiers and horses in his hand, Xu Huang is confident that he will defeat the vanguard of the Jingzhou Army and defeat the vanguard of the Jingzhou Army, which can improve the morale of the army to a certain extent.

When Liu Bei faced Cao Cao, he still had some shortcomings, not to mention the more powerful Union State Army, and Liu Bei certainly could not have imagined that at this time, the Union State Army would dare to set up an ambush in Qingfengling.

There are three villages near Qingfengling. Although there are people going to Hedong in large numbers, many people still choose to stay.

After Liu Bei led the army to Hanoi, he also relaxed his vigilance. Even if there are people in the villages along the way, they are very defensive to the Jingzhou army, and the scouts in the surrounding area did not find any traces of the Bingzhou army. For these people, Liu Beiqiu did not commit any crimes, but rather comforted.

"What did the military division say that the Union State Army will set up an ambush in Hanoi? It's just nonsense. Where is the Union State Army from Hanoi now?" Zhang Fei shouted.

However, Zhuge Liang showed a faint smile on the corners of his mouth after receiving the information from the scouts. According to the news from the previous scouts, there must have been activities of the Union State Army in the Wen County generation, but now these Union State troops have suddenly disappeared. He does not Think that the Union State Army is afraid of the Jingzhou Army.

The combat power of the Bianzhou Army was strong in the eyes of the princes, and the Bianzhou Army was extremely confident, and it was impossible to retreat. It is said that the scouts of the Bianzhou Army must have received the news of the Jingzhou Army's entry into Hanoi. However, the vanguard of the Jingzhou Army has only 3,000 people. As a strong general of the Union State Army, Xu Huang will certainly not let go of such an opportunity.

And here is only thirty miles away from Wen County, and the only place where the state army can set ambush is Qingfengling. Zhuge Liang secretly increased his vigilance.

Although the soldiers in Liu Bei's army are elite, it is not easy to join the state If you face a battle, it is most likely that Liu Bei's army will lose.

"Master, let the army continue to advance and closely investigate the surrounding news, especially Qingfengling." Zhuge Liang said, this is his first battle after joining Liu Bei's army, and it is also an important opportunity to improve his status in the army.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Liu Bei’s worship brothers and they have high prestige in the army. If you want to truly enter the core of Liu Bei’s command, you must convince the two of them. Otherwise, even if they are trusted by Liu Bei, it will be difficult to perform in the army. Unfold your fists.

When it was only ten miles away from Qingfengling, Zhuge Liang said in a low voice: "Master, you can secretly send General Guan and General Zhang to lead 500 soldiers and horses, and quietly rush to the mountains on the left and right sides of Qingfengling to kill the enemy."

Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Liang, who was full of confidence, and wondered: "Kong Ming meant that the state army set up an ambush in Qingfengling?"

Zhuge nodded brightly.

"But from the news from the scouts, everything is normal in Qingfengling, and the terrain of Qingfengling is not critical, and the state army will set up an ambush here?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang smiled confidently, "Lord, if you were the commander of the Binzhou Army, what would you do when you face the three thousand Jingzhou Pioneers?"

Liu Bei thought about it for a while and said, "Naturally, he will go forward."

After speaking, Liu Bei understood Zhuge Liang's intentions, and the news he received from Hanoi made Liu Bei temporarily relax his vigilance, thinking that the Union State Army was likely to retreat from Hanoi, leaving only a small number of soldiers and horses behind.

"Military strategist, what do you mean by letting my old Zhang go to Qingfengling?" Zhang Fei hurried over with a loud voice.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "General Zhang knows as soon as he goes, but he just wants his soldiers to be on guard, but there are fierce beasts on the mountain."

"Ferocious beasts?" Zhang Fei laughed and said: "My Lao Zhang is least afraid of fierce beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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