Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 957: : Choosing the leader of the alliance to send troops to the pot

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "The three armies are united with 160,000 people, and the Huguan is strong and must follow the unified dispatch, otherwise, when attacking, A mass of loose sand is difficult to accomplish." Cao Cao said.

"Meng De's words are true. The maximum number of people who can be directly involved in the Huguan battlefield is no more than four thousand people. If the Huguan cannot be broken, the hundreds of thousands of troops can only be blocked outside the Huguan." Yuan Shao echoed and counted. The Wan Dajun's conquest will consume a huge amount of food and grass. If the battle is protracted, even if it is based on the background of Jizhou, it will not be able to sustain it for too long.

"In the opinion of this lord, Shanyang Hou can act as the leader of the coalition." Sun Ce said that Sun Jian almost died because of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. Sun Ce didn't have much favor with Yuan Shao, and whether it was a means or a show From a strategic point of view, Cao Cao is much stronger than Yuan Shao. The most important thing is that after breaking Bingzhou, Sun Ce benefited from Cao Cao's hands and did not have much ties with Yuan Shao.

As for the fourth generation of the Yuan family and the third public, they did not have much influence on Sun Ce at this time, and his governance was not close to Yuan Shao.

A gloomy color flashed in Yuan Shao’s eyes. He did not expect that Sun Ce would support Cao Cao at this time. The three of them are astute people. Whoever becomes the leader of the coalition forces means that they will get more benefits. Why does Yuan Shao not want to Becoming the leader, he was the leader of the Eighteenth Route princes at the beginning.

Cao Cao said: "Thanks to Wu Hou's trust, but Ben Chu's brother was once the leader of the 18th princes, which is more suitable than his benefactor."

Yuan Shao smiled satisfied and looked at Cao Cao with a much kinder look.

Speaking of the 18th Route Princes Alliance, Sun Ce became angry and said: "The 18th Route Princes Alliance is not worthy of its name. When the old thief Dong Zhuo retreated, who came forward to chase, Shanyang Hou and Jin Hou risked their lives. Dangerously chasing Dong Zhuo, the other princes sang their praises outside Luoyang City, and my father died because of some people's speculation."

Yuan Shao snorted coldly: "Ru father Sun Jian hid Yuxi and wanted to escape back to Jiangdong. As a courtier of the Han Dynasty, he should stop him. How could the Sun family conquer Yuxi."

"Huh, it's just that Yehou is selfish and wants to occupy Yuxi." Sun Ce said.

Seeing that the two began to argue, Cao Cao said, "The two should not argue, they are all things in the past, don't mention it, but now the most important thing is to break the pot."

"If Yehou becomes the leader, Benhou will never agree to it." Sun Ce seemed to hit Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao looked distressed, "In the beginning, what should we do between you?"

Yuan Shao said coldly: "Meng De has become the leader, and Ben Hou agrees."

Seeing this, Cao Cao did not refuse any more, but walked to the top position, looked around the people in the tent, and said: "Since the prince is elected as the leader of the princes, the soldiers must obey the orders, otherwise they will not forgive, the army. When attacking the Huguan, those who have done meritorious services will be rewarded, those who have done it will be punished, those who listen to the drums but do not advance will be cut, and those who win gold but do not retreat will be killed!"

When everyone heard the words, they were shocked, and they looked at Cao Cao with a trace of jealousy. The others never looked down upon Cao Cao because of his height. Cao Cao exuded a strong power, and no one dared to provoke Cao Cao at this time. majesty.

Even Yuan Shao felt the difference between Cao Cao and the past at this moment. The two met since childhood, and Cao Cao often acted on his own, and Cao Cao often worked on the sidelines. It was him and Yuan Shu that often suffered, while Cao Cao was the one who suffered. Being able to retreat with his whole body also made Yuan Shao a little jealous of Cao Cao.

"Here." Everyone looked at each other and stood up. Among them, General Cao Jun's voice was the highest.

Cao Cao can become the leader of the princes, and it will be a shining thing to say it. When he becomes the leader of the princes, there will be more things he can get.

And the reason why Cao Cao wanted to fight for the position of the leader was also to make plans for things after breaking the Bingzhou. According to the information obtained from Jingzhou, it is difficult to say whether Liu Biao could survive the princes breaking Bingzhou. Once Liu Biao died and Liu Cong succeeded to the throne, he would have reason. To overthrow the status of Jingzhou, and then elected Liu He to become the new emperor.

As for the dignity of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao would use his tyrannical forces to tell the other princes, but those who did not obey the orders had only one way to destroy. At that time, even if Lu Bu had not perished, he was still in a corner, and he did not have the same influence as he does now. force.

If the emperor’s order is not a minister, Cao Cao’s prestige can reach its peak. Even if the influence of the Han Dynasty becomes weak among the princes, ordinary people, some officials and aristocratic families still recognize the big Han, so when fighting on all sides It has become a lot easier.

With the name of the sage, the talents of all parties will go to take refuge, and great development can be ushered in under the rule. As for the status of Emperor Han, it is only Cao Cao used to support the facade, and the true control is still It's him.

After many years of fighting, Cao Cao is no longer the first passionate person, and he has more thoughts about the things behind him.

"It is said that there is no shortage of fierce generals in the merged state army, and there is no shortage of fierce generals in the Bofu Army. If tomorrow, the army will be sent to fight outside Huguan in order to thwart the spirit of the merged state army." Cao Cao suggested ~ ~ Rightfully so. "Yuan Shao immediately agreed. Jizhou was miserably bullied by Lu Bu when he was a military commander, but now the three-way coalition forces do not lack the military commander.

Sun Ce glanced at Yuan Shao, and suddenly thought that when the princes' alliance was at the beginning, Yuan Shao once said, "It is a pity that my admiral Yan Liang Wen Chou is not here". He did not expect that after a few years, the Jizhou Admiral Wen Chou would have died. And Yan Liang was also captured by the Bingzhou Army.

It seemed that he was aware of it. Yuan Shao glanced at Sun Ce and didn't know why. However, after today's events, he had absolutely no favorable impression of Sun Ce. If Sun Ce supported him to become a vassal, Cao Cao would certainly agree.

Yuan Shao understands that the benefits of becoming the leader are not just prestige, talents from all sides are not vying to come to take refuge, even now, when others mention him, the first thing they think of is the 18th princes. Leader.

The next day, the coalition mobilized 20,000 soldiers and horses and headed to Huguan. Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Yuan Shao were among them.

Cao Cao glanced at Sun Ce and Yuan Shao and said, "I don't know who is willing to step forward to fight and raise our military might."

After the words, Le Jin and Le said: "I am not talented at the end, and I am willing to go."

Cao Cao frowned slightly. According to his thoughts, Yuan Shao and Sun Ce were the first to leave. After all, he was the leader of the princes.

"Well, General Youle will go there and he will definitely be able to win." Cao Cao said.

Le Jin turned on his horse and led five hundred cavalry towards Huguan.

These five hundred cavalry are all the tiger and leopard riders in the Cao army, and they are also the most elite existence in the Cao army. Over the years, Cao Cao has secretly accumulated strength and followed the example of Bingzhou to increase the number of tiger and leopard riders to 3,000. The treatment is also the best among Cao Jun.

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(End of this chapter)

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