Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 960: : Lu Buzhan Huaxiong

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At this time, it is in front of the main generals of both sides. If they can stand firm in the righteousness, it can greatly improve the morale of the army. What pays attention to sending troops is that the division is famous.

"Yuan Benchu, because you are the leader of the Eighteenth Route princes, you did not expect to act to make the heroes of the world laugh. Could it be that you forgot about the Huns in Bingzhou? In the midst of the war, leading troops to attack Hanoi without authorization, the bed crossbow used by the Liaodong Army was also from Benchu. Originally, Benhou could not bear the war in Jizhou and agreed to the original request for alliance. Back in the face, these characters dare to bark yellingly in front of this lord."

"Yuan Shu is also a member of the Yuan family. He has been blessed by the Han family for generations, but he was called the emperor in Shouchun, and now the descendants of Yuan Shu are also in Jizhou? What is the crime of the people of the Beihai navy, but originally they joined the Qingzhou Yellow Turban remnants to attack Beihai. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Yuan Shao's complexion kept changing. As a member of the Yuan family, his most important thing was reputation. He didn't expect that Lu Bu's mouth was so unbearable, but these things were true, so he couldn't refute it.

"It is Jiangdong Sun Ce that most distresses Benhou. Your father, Sun Jian, was rescued by Benhou in the Huaxiong army. Ru was assassinated in Jiangdong and he was also under the command of Benhou. Now he is leading the Jiangdong army to attack Bingzhou. Your father, Sun Jian, learned how to rest in peace."

The three princes turned red, and wanted to gain the upper hand in words, but they did not expect to be beaten by Lu Bu one after another.

After listening to the generals, the generals of Binzhou felt refreshed, and the restlessness was even more enjoyable than the future that killed the opponent on the battlefield.

"Fengxian, it's useless to say more now." Cao Cao sighed, if anyone can become a prince, how can he fail to understand what's inside.

Lu Bu coldly snorted, "I have to see when I arrive, what are the capabilities of the generals under your command?"

Wearing a purple gold crown, holding a square halberd, and a red rabbit horse under him, Lu Bu's height is definitely something that can only be looked up to, and Lu Buwei's reputation adds a bit of momentum to him.

"Feng Xian is the commander of the army, how can he be in danger." Cao Cao said.

How could Lu Bu fail to hear what Cao Cao meant, "Meng De's remarks are too bad. If a military commander dare not take the lead, how can his subordinates die?"

"Lü Bu'an dares to be so rampant!" Xu Chu was furious when he heard this. Lu Bu just took advantage of words, but now he is embarrassing Cao Cao in the battle against generals, making him very angry. Others are afraid of Lu Bu, but he will not be afraid. .

Dianwei rode his horse to kill Xu Chu and said, "Then you will go away and fight with your Grandpa Dian for a hundred rounds."

The two were fighting together again, one was Cao Jun's fierce general, and the other was a Bianzhou Army's fierce general. Xu Chu was proficient in the sword technique. Only then Dian Wei Jiang Le attacked and provoked the anger in his heart, but Dian Wei wanted to Xu Chu will be cut down.

Cao Cao turned his gaze to Hua Xiong behind him. Hua Xiong was Dong Zhuo's first fierce general, and his reputation in the world was not weak. If he could kill Lu Bu on the battlefield, victory in this battle would be even easier.

After Lu Bu was beheaded, Bingzhou must be disrupted, and breaking Huguan would not be as difficult as it is now. If the danger of Huguan is beyond doubt, after Lü Bu's years of repairs, this place can definitely be regarded as dangerous.

Dianwei and Xu Chu were fighting vigorously, while Lu Bu stared coldly at the princes and generals, and his provocation was beyond words.

Hua Xiong knew that he could not push back, so he rode a horse to kill Lu Bu. Only he knew the bitterness in his heart. He had not joined the Cao army for a long time, and Cao Cao was also on guard against him. Cao Cao's orders were followed, but Hua Xiong was very optimistic about the actions of the princes' coalition forces this time.

How powerful was Dong Zhuo’s army at the time, and the princes’ soldiers and horses were just improvised pieces, but they defeated Dong Zhuo, who possessed tens of thousands of elites. After years of war, the princes’ soldiers were even more elite, and it was natural not to break through the Bingzhou. Excuse me.

Lu Bu has always been a lingering shadow in Hua Xiong's mind.

"Hua Xiong children, a few domestic slaves, dare to come to challenge the prince, is there no one under Cao Jun's account?" Lu Bu shouted.

Hua Xiong, who was riding his horse, was slightly stagnant, but he didn't expect that he would become a slave of several surnames in Lu Bu's mouth.

The generals of the Bingzhou army behind Lu Bu burst into bursts of laughter. Hua Xiong first followed Dong Zhuo, and then turned to Wang Yun to kill Dong Zhuo. After Li Lao Guo Pun and others broke through Chang'an, he turned to Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu was defeated and went to Yuzhou. Yuzhou was defeated and went to Xuzhou. After being defeated by Cao Jun, Xuzhou took refuge in Cao Cao.

Immediately, Hua Xiong was furious. In any case, he was a famous warrior. This humiliated Lu Bu, and his fear of Lu Bu turned into anger.

Gently kicking the horse's belly, the red rabbit horse ran towards Hua Xiong like an arrow from the string, Fang Tian's painted halberd exuded a cold glow under the sunlight.

The swords and halberds intersected and sparks flew in all directions. Lu Bu gently pulled the The Red Rabbit underneath him knowingly, turned around at a very fast speed, and headed towards Huaxiong again, but Huaxiong was still there at this time. Did not turn the horse's head.

The generals in the coalition of vassals couldn’t help but worry about Hua Xiong. Even if Hua Xiong had a bad reputation after Lü Bu’s rhetoric, he would still be a general of their side. If he was easily beheaded for Lu Bu, it would definitely affect the army. The morale of the princes and the generals understood Lu Bu's power, and many generals looked at Chituma with hot eyes.

The red rabbit horse is eight feet tall, which is a bit taller than ordinary people. Coupled with Lu Bu's height of more than nine feet, it gives a strong sense of oppression, and it looks like a **** of war from a distance.

However, Hua Xiong is a fierce general on the battlefield. He has been fighting for many years and has extremely rich experience on the battlefield. Although the speed of turning the horse's head is much worse, it barely blocked Lu Bu's ultimate move.

Hua Xiong’s anger gradually dissipated after two rounds of fighting. The strength from the long knife made him very uncomfortable. In the past, when fighting generals, Hua Xiong’s favorite was to win with strength. Lu Bu clearly surpassed himself in strength.

"Child Hua Xiong, if you dismount and surrender, I will save you from death." Lu Bu gently lifted the painted halberd in his hand, disdainfully said.

Hua Xiong, who had just calmed down, became angry again and kicked his horse violently to meet Lu Bu.

After the summarization, Huaxiong had many dangers. If it were not for Huaxiong’s extremely rich battlefield experience, I am afraid that he would have fallen off the horse. After many years of battlefield battles, Lu Bu is no longer comparable when he first came to Dahan, whether it is halberd or equestrian. All have made great progress, especially after getting a horse like Red Tuma, the force of force is definitely at the top.

Da Huaxiong is mighty, and he still survives tenaciously. You can leave a message in the book review area for book friends to let Huaxiong have any fate.

(End of this chapter)

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