Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 964: : Lu Bu Zhan Yan Liang

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Yan Liang and Zhang Xi also have difficulties at this time. They have played against Lu Bu until now. On the contrary, it is getting stronger and stronger, it seems that Lu Bu doesn't know that he is tired.

Cheng Lian, who was wandering the battlefield, was only a few dozen steps away from Lu Bu. The long knife slapped his horse back fiercely and slammed Zhang Yu. As long as he could entangle Zhang Yu, then Lu Bu's victory would be a sure thing.

Zhang Xun also did not expect that the generals of the Union State Army would come out at this time. From the battle to the present, Lu Bu has been fighting against many people. After the Tiger and Leopard Riders rushed, he often greeted Lu Bu. It is said that the Union State Army would not be here. It's time to send generals to come.

In a hurry, Zhang Yun hurriedly resisted.

But Lu Bu looked at Yan Liang with a hint of sarcasm. When Yan Liang and Wen Chou Zhang Nan were fighting against him, Wen Chou and Zhang Nan were killed by him. Could it be that Yan Liang had no shadow in his heart when he was fighting against him.

It can be said that Yan Liang's reputation was completely lost in the hands of the Bingzhou Army, first defeated by Lu Bu, and then captured for Zhang Liao in Dangyin City.

Yan Liang's secret path is not good, but it is impossible to retreat from the battlefield at this time. He has already learned the speed of the Chitu Horse. Although the horse under him is a good horse, if he wants to escape, it will only be a dead end. .

Cheng Lian's arrival was mainly to hold Zhang Xi, and Zhang Xi had been fighting with Yan Liang for a long time, and his strength was a bit inferior to the original. When fighting against Lu Bu, he had to maintain the highest vigilance at all times.

Although Cheng Lian's knife skills are not as strong as Zhang Yun, he can still do it by dragging Zhang Yun.

A fierce kick of the Chitu under him, the famous general who has never killed the opponent since he went into battle, made Lu Bu a little angry, mainly because Yan Liang and Zhang Xi knew that their martial arts were great, and they just tried to hold them back on the battlefield without showing them. The killer move, in this way, although Lv Bu can have the upper hand, it is somewhat difficult to kill one of the two. Now, without Zhang Yun blocking him, Lv Bu showed his hideous strength.

With the help of the horse, Yan Liang even heard the sound of Fang Tian painting a halberd and pierced the sky, struggling to raise his long sword to resist.

In this blow, Lu Bu used 90% of his strength, coupled with the strength brought by the speed of the red rabbit horse. Although Yan Liang blocked the blow, he was short. It turned out that the horse under Yan Liang could not withstand the succession. The fight, and fell on exhaustion.

However, Lu Bu didn't intend to let Yan Liang go so easily, turned his horse's head, and pierced Yan Liang with a halberd.

The armor failed to protect Yan Liang, and the painted halberd easily pierced Yan Liang's armor and pierced into his chest. For a while, blood was flowing like a fountain.

Yan Liang's eyes widened, struggling to get up from the ground, his expression was full of unwillingness. He was originally a general of the Jizhou army and had a great reputation in the world. He didn't want to fail after encountering Lu Bu. This time he was even more defeated. On top of the war horse.

Thinking about following Yuan Shao and becoming the first of the four pillars in Hebei, Yan Liang is so energetic and confident about the future, everything is gradually blurred from the front.

Painted the halberd lightly back, blood gushing down Yan Liang's chest, with a puff, Yan Liang fell to his knees. Although his hands were trying to block the injury, he couldn't stop the power in his body from flowing at an extremely slow speed.

"My lord, Yan Liang will go there first, and then I will serve my lord in the next life." Yan Liang screamed and fell to the ground feebly.

Without Feiqi coming forward at this time, it is undeniable that Yan Liang is a strong general, and Yan Liang is so loyal to Yuan Shao. These characters are worthy of their awe, even Tiger Leopard Cavalier is far away from Lu Bu's side.

When Lu Bu and Yan Liang and Zhang Yun fought against each other, the number of Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers who died in Lu Bu's hands reached six people. With this powerful force, even Tiger and Leopard Cavalier could not easily provoke Lu Bu.

Yuan Shao clenched his fists and his face was pale. Even though Yan Liang had been defeated by the Bingzhou Army several times, his position in his heart was still unshakable. He also trusted Yan Liang very much. Now he saw Yan Liang fell from the horse and was killed. You can imagine the anger,

"Ju Yi, take the lead in leading the dead!" Yuan Shao said coldly.

After receiving the order, Ju Yi ordered all the dead soldiers and headed towards the battlefield.

In the training of the Xianden dead men, Ju Yi also absorbed some of the methods of trapping the camp. The Xianden dead men used heavy armor, and his face was also protected by the armor.

Cao Cao saw the appearance of the Xiandeng dead, and knew that this battle might be over. Lu Bu could not have known how powerful the Xiandeng dead, and would not let the cavalry under his command die in vain, but Yan Liang, general of the Jizhou Army, was waiting here. Under the circumstances, his death was unexpected.

"Mingjin retreat!" Lu Bu gave the order to retreat as soon as the Xiandeng dead man appeared.

The flying horse that was ordered retreated like a tide, and stood quietly behind Lu Bu.

Lu Bu glanced at the battlefield, frowning slightly, Feiqi and Tiger and Leopard Cavalry did not take much advantage. It seems that the military strength of the princes has made great progress after years of development. UU reading

There were still dead robes on the battlefield, and the state army did not have the habit of abandoning robes. They cleaned the battlefield after waiting for the princes' army to retreat.

However, at this time, how can the army of the princes retreat easily? Although the number of cavalry who fought on the battlefield was not large, the blades used by the flying cavalry were forged from 100 steels. It is no secret among the princes. It is also very good if you can get a certain number of scimitars.

Eight hundred Xiandeng dead soldiers did not look squinted. From the body of this army, the princes felt the powerful aura. Although Xiandeng dead soldiers were silent, no one dared to ignore the eruption after silence.

Shut down, after seeing the Xianden dead, Jia Xu immediately informed the trapped camp to be ready. Those who reached the peak on the pawns belonged to the trapped camp and the Xianden dead, both of which were defensive. extreme.

Even the cavalry can't get much benefit in the battle against the dead.

Lü Butze immediately said: "Since you are attacking Binzhou, you are the enemy of the prince. It is late today. The soldiers on both sides will clean the battlefield separately. When they come to Japan, they will go to the coalition barracks, and then they will meet the powerful generals of the vassal army for a while."

Cao Cao said: "Just use Fengxian's words."

Seeing the words of the lord of the princes, Ju Yi naturally did not dare to disobey.

Both sides sent soldiers to gather the bodies of their own soldiers, and even the weapons were not let go, but they did not pick up the other side tacitly. At such a moment, any small conflict may trigger a new war. .

After cleaning the battlefield, Cao Cao led his troops to leave. He was not in a good mood. Today, when he was fighting against the Union State Army, two of his generals died. Among them, Le Jin was a famous military general. The most important thing was this one. During the battle, the coalition forces are basically bullying fewer people with more people.

(End of this chapter)

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