Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 972: :3 British battle with Lu Bu (on)

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Sun Ce glanced at Cao Cao suspiciously, saying that Cao Cao was also the leader of the princes, and Liu Bei was the defeated general at this time, with only a few thousand soldiers under his command, why Cao Cao deserves such attention.

Yuan Shao looked at Cao Cao deeply. Sun Ce had not experienced the 18th Route princes' crusade against Dong Zhuo. He had seen Guan Yu's power. Even though Guan Yu did not make a move at the time, he defeated Hua Xiong. Hua Xiong was Dong Zhuo at the time. The first fierce general under his command.

After Liu Bei entered the account, he arched his hands, discussing the official position, he is the pastor of Xuzhou, there is no need to bow to the princes in the account.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and glanced at Zhuge Liang behind Liu Bei. He knew that the reason why Liu Bei was able to defeat the elite Bianzhou army after entering Hanoi was because of Zhuge Liang. It was also rare to show such ingenuity when he was a fledgling young man. Talents.

"The generals of the Bingzhou army are very arrogant, and they have repeatedly fought outside the camp. It is a pity that there are no strong generals in the army, so that the enemy generals are so arrogant." Cao Cao sighed helplessly, this sentence was sincere.

When the Union State Army challenged, it was basically a cavalry. If a large number of troops were sent to attack, the Union State Army could escape. The duel between the generals and the Union State Army was very strong. From the beginning to the present, there has not been a Union State Army. The generals were beheaded.

At this moment, news came that Lu Bu was fighting outside the camp.

Zhang Fei said angrily: "A hundred thousand army, no one dares to fight."

The complexions of Cao Cao and others kept changing, but they did not refute.

Zhuge Liang, who has been observing the looks of the princes, has a deeper understanding of Lu Bu's martial arts, how can he be bloodless as a general, and the generals in the princes' army behaved like this, it is clear that he was afraid of Lu Bu.

Cao Cao laughed and said: "Nowadays, there are strong men coming, so why not break the thieves, come, drink wine, and cheer for the strong men." He knew Zhang Fei would definitely go out in anger.

Zhang Fei coldly hummed: "Why does this general use wine to be courageous." After saying that, he turned and walked out of the tent, took the snake spear handed by the soldiers, and led the soldiers and horses to the outside of the camp.

Yuan Shao and Sun Ce watched this indifferently. Zhang Fei's words were rude, just in time for Lu Bu to teach him a lesson. There were two warriors under Liu Bei's account. It was no secret among the princes.

"Lord, let the second general follow the third general." Zhuge Liang whispered.

Liu Bei understood, and went to the battlefield with Guan Yu's name for Zhang Fei's help.

It was quite boring in Huguan. Lu Bu decided to lead his soldiers to kill the princes. After many days of fighting, the princes’ army faced the challenge of the generals of the Bingzhou army and raised the free card, which greatly encouraged the morale of the Bingzhou army. And he is the commander of the three armies, his status is respected, and playing in person is more beneficial to the morale improvement, and Jia Xu sees that the princes have never dared to fight, so he did not stop him.

At this moment, the gate of the camp of the princes was opened wide, and hundreds of cavalrymen filed out. The leader was Zhang Fei.

"I haven't seen each other for several years, but I didn't expect that I would meet Yi De on the battlefield now." Lu Bu sighed.

Zhang Fei clasped his fist and said, "Although my old Zhang has a good relationship with Jin Hou, he is offended if he has an order." Zhang Fei has always respected Lu Bu.

"If this is the case, Ben Hou will have a taste of Yi De's martial arts." Lu Bu smiled. Zhang Fei's respect for him was in his eyes.

Zhang Fei had the thought of challenging Lu Bu for a long time, but he was blocked by Dianwei when he challenged in Xuzhou, and ended up without a problem. Zhang Fei was good at fighting on the battlefield, not on foot combat. He suffered a lot from Dianwei's hands. Since then, Zhang Fei believes that even if Lv Bu is strong, there is a limit. He could defeat Guan Yu with a single sword in Xuzhou because the sword in his hand was too sharp.

The Chituma, who got the signal, flew towards Zhang at a very fast speed.

Zhang Fei couldn't help frowning. There are many things on the battlefield that can affect the strength of the generals, the most important of which is the quality of the horses. With a sophisticated horse, the strength of the generals can be used, and after having a horse , For the improvement of the strength of the generals, when the generals meet each other, they rely more on the strength brought by the speed of the horses. The faster the speed of the horses, the more the strength is added.

Lu Bu's own force is extremely powerful, and coupled with a horse like a red rabbit, his strength will become even more terrifying.

Zhang Fei burst out with a shout, and the Zhangba Snake Spear collided with the painted halberd. Zhang Fei’s spear method emphasizes opening and closing, and it can drop ten times in one force. Zhang Fei also likes to collide in strength. Only in this way can his blood boil.

Lü Bu raised his brows and raised the painted halberd in his hand. Zhangba's snake spear blocked the painted halberd, then the painted halberd shook and took Zhang Fei's chest straight.

Zhang Fei was not afraid to see this, Zhang Ba Snake Lance greeted him at a faster speed.

The soldiers on both sides have already been dumbfounded. The situation of the two fighting can be described as dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling on the They talked and laughed before, and in a blink of an eye In time, he became an enemy of life and death, leaving no room for his shots.

Since the two of them, I’ve been ten in the blink of an eye. Zhang Fei is a little panting. His strength is definitely the best in the army. However, he has not obtained any benefits in front of Lu Bu. The war horse is one aspect, mainly Lu Bu himself. The power is enormous. Zhang Fei has already used 90% of his power. What he dares to assert is that Lu Bu has not done his best, as can be seen from the change in Lu Bu's expression.

After patting the horse and fighting again, Lü Bu shouted: "Yide, Benhou won't keep his hands anymore."

After speaking, Zhang Fei only felt the pressure multiplied, as if he might be able to succumb to Lu Bu at any time. If Lu Bu's previous moves gave Zhang Fei the feeling of strength and strength, this time it is not only as simple as strength and strength, Lu Bu The halberd method used is also extremely delicate.

However, Zhang Fei was also an expert in martial arts.

As soon as Guan Yu and Liu Bei arrived on the battlefield, they noticed Zhang Fei, who was likely to fall on the battlefield at any time. Guan Yu kicked the horse under him and killed Guan Yu, shouting loudly: "Lv Bu child, Guan Mou will come to meet you. "

That day, he was defeated by Lu Bu Yijian in Xuzhou. It would be impossible if he were not depressed. This time he would tell Lu Bu his strength with the Qinglong Yanyue Knife in his hand.

Guan Yu is proud of his control of the horses. Although the horses under him can be called good horses, they are like clouds and mud compared with the red rabbit horses. However, it is with these horses that Guan Yu is on the battlefield. You can increase your speed to the fastest possible level. Guan Yu's sword technique, the faster the speed, the greater the power.

Seeing Guan Yu's speed, Lu Bu was also a little surprised. Guan Yu was faster than Zhang Fei when he charged, and with the weight of the Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword in Guan Yu's hand, no one dared to underestimate it.

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