Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 974: :3 British battle with Lu Bu (Part 2)

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After finding the breakthrough point on the battlefield, a smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu’s mouth. Long swords are more used to confront the enemy in close quarters.

After ten times, Lu Bu not only did not fall under the wind, but firmly took the advantage.

Seeing this situation, Guan Yu was a little helpless. Although Liu Bei's addition relieved the pressure on the two to some extent, it also allowed Lu Bu to find the direction of attack. As long as Lu Bu came to Liu Bei from time to time, it was enough to make the two of them difficult to build. The advantage that comes out is lost.

The soldiers on both sides were stunned again. The cooperation of Liu Bei and the others was not unfavorable. However, Lu Bu was like a divine aid, and every time he swung the halberd, he could accurately judge the attack of the three.

At the same time, this kind of battle consumes a lot of physical strength. Three shots once means that Lu Bu has to take three shots at an extremely fast speed.

After receiving the news from the battlefield, Jia Xu hurried to Huguan. After seeing the situation outside the Guan and the situation reported by the scouts, his brows frowned. Regarding Guan Yu and Zhang Fei under Liu Bei’s account, Jia Xu did not spare any effort to gather information. The two are definitely of the rank of fierce generals, but now Lu Bu is fighting the three of Liu Guanzhang alone, which is absolutely shocking to the world.

"Mingjin to retreat!" Jia Xu commanded unquestionably. Lu Bu's safety is extremely important to Bingzhou, Chang'an and Youzhou at this time. Huguan does not need to fight to improve the morale of the army. In Huguan, the state is merged. The morale of the army has reached its peak.

Dianwei’s flying halberd had already fallen into his hands, but he couldn’t get Lu Bu’s signal for a long time, and he did not step forward to interrupt the battle between the four. With Dianwei’s eyesight, he could naturally see that Lu Bu was at this time. There is no danger. Of course, Lu Bu's attention is also in a highly concentrated state. Once the enemy makes a sneak attack, it will be completely in danger.

The sound of Mingjin suddenly remembered on the battlefield. Lu Bu waved the painted halberd in his hand and shook off Liu Bei’s double-stranded sword. Sure enough, they have deep love and righteousness, and they have also shot together on the battlefield. This time I have learned a lot."

Zhang Fei's face was reddish when he heard this. It was originally a contest between him and Lu Bu, but he didn't expect it to become the situation in front of him.

Liu Bei sternly said: "Everyone is punishable by the rebels and thieves, but Bei is Hanchen, and he should use his best when fighting the rebels."

"It's a good one who used his best, a good courtier and thief. Could it be that Xuande thought that with the help of Zhuge Kongming, he could plan the land of Jingzhou and Yizhou."

Liu Bei was taken aback. His plans for Jingzhou and Yizhou were absolutely confidential, and where did Lu Bu learn about it.

Seeing the subtle changes in Liu Bei’s expression, Lu Bu knew that even though his arrival had changed the situation in the late Han Dynasty, he still failed to change Zhuge Liang’s plan for Liu Bei. At this time, Liu Bei wanted to stand in line with the princes. To govern the land, only Jingzhou and Yizhou are most likely to be seized. However, at this time Liu Biao is the emperor of the Han Dynasty. If Liu Bei has seized Jingzhou, how would he explain to the people of the world, or secretly control Jingzhou, and on the surface he would give Liu Cong or Liu Qi is the master.

"How could Bei do something that was spurned by thousands of people, but Jin Hou has repeatedly offended Tianwei, and today's disaster is due to his own responsibility." Liu Bei immediately retorted.

"I won't be here to take advantage of your tongue. If you have the courage, I will attack Huguan. I will make you wait for regrets later." Lu Bu said that he called the horse and left.

Zhang Fei said angrily: "Lu Bu is so rude." The person he respects most in his life is Liu Bei.

When Liu Bei saw Lv Bu leading his flying horse towards Huguan, he did not lead his troops to chase him down. He had just won the battle. Although the three of them were barely victorious, they achieved Lv Bu's reputation.

Seeing the figure of Lv Bu going away, Liu Bei's mood was a little low. In the army, he relied on Guan Yu and Zhang Fei the most. This is also the most important guarantee for him to come out of setbacks in troubled times. I thought that now the three of them joined forces and lost to Lu Bu alone.

Lu Bu's toughness far exceeded Liu Bei's expectations. What made Liu Bei even more difficult to calm is that Lu Bu actually saw his plan. If the Union State Army wins in this battle, the situation will change for him. Even more unfavorable.

After Lv Bu seized Chang'an, he had the opportunity to take control of Yizhou. He had a certain understanding of the situation in Yizhou. Liu Zhang did not want to make progress in Yizhou. The soldiers under his command lacked training. Facing the powerful Bingzhou army, he was very good. It may fail.

The soldiers above the camp saw that their side had won the victory, and Lu Bu had lost. They broke out with a loud roar. They would not think about why Lu Bu would withdraw his troops. The three people on the battlefield were fighting against each other. More soldiers could not see clearly. They knew it was enough for them to win.

Cao Cao's expression changed slightly when he heard the shouts coming from outside the account, "Could it be that Zhang Fei lost to Lu Bu?"

The voice just A soldier walked into the big tent and shouted: "Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei joined forces to defeat Lu Bu, and now Lu Bu has led his troops back to Huguan."

Cao Cao stood up and exclaimed: "Okay, you all go with the prince to meet the three warriors." No matter what the real confrontation on the battlefield is, the victory of this battle is of vital importance to the allied forces of the princes. The Sijun's siege equipment was ready, just waiting to attack Huguan.

The generals in the tent heard the words and talked about it, but they were very clear about how tough Lu Bu was. A few days ago they even beheaded the Jizhou general Yan Liang on the battlefield. The situation at that time was also facing the siege of the three.

The prestige of Liu, Guan, and Zhang also spread in the army at an extremely fast speed. The soldiers in the princes army looked at Liu Bei’s soldiers and no longer had the contempt of the past. The soldiers in the army respected the most powerful ones. Generations, the reason why they despised Liu Bei before was because Liu Bei lost one after another on the battlefield.

As soon as Lu Bu led the soldiers into Huguan, he heard the shouts of the princes' army, and his face was sneered.

"My lord, the princes' coalition forces are so shameless, it is proud to be three against the main one," Dianwei said dissatisfied.

"Don't mind, the princes did this in order to improve the morale of the army, and the prince would use his strength to tell them that even if the morale of the princes' army is high, they never want to step into the Huguan." Lu Bu said.

Dianwei turned his head and glanced at the direction of the princes' camp with an angry face, thinking about how to teach them a profound lesson when the princes' army attacked the city.

"The lord must not be in danger in the future. The lord is the commander of the three armies, the body of ten thousand gold, and Liu Bei and others are just defeated generals. Under the power of Cao Jun, they are panicked like mourning dogs. It is not a concern." Just when we met, Jia Xu said. Started chattering.

(End of this chapter)

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