Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 977: : Giant Thunderbolt

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! If you lose the Huguan, it is not the situation that the princes want to see. After breaking the Huguan, they will have to face it. The Union State Army in Jinyang will surely be another fierce battle by then.

Lu Bu lifted his hand slightly and put it down abruptly.

Hao Meng's face showed a hideous smile, and he shouted: "Thunderbolt rider, let it go!"

After Huguan, there are fifty Thunderbolt cars hidden. Different from ordinary Thunderbolt cars, these Thunderbolt cars are three times larger than ordinary Thunderbolt cars. Hundreds of soldiers.

Accompanied by Hao Meng's orders, the Thunderbolt riders made bursts of shouts, which sounded a bit noisy to outsiders, but the soldiers controlling the Thunderbolt cars were able to accurately distinguish their own commands.

The boulder rose in the air as expected by the princes, and the princes' Thunderbolt cars could reach a range of 300 steps. They believed that the Union State Army, which had always been the leader in this regard, was only strong or weak. The reason why their own Thunderbolt cars were closer to the pot. It is also to be able to cause the greatest degree of death and injury to the vassals of the siege.

However, the facts were beyond expectation, but dozens of even bigger stones came to the center of the Perak car team that was slowly moving forward.

When the boulder fell to the ground, dust and smoke splashed, mixed with the screams and exclaims of soldiers.

A wave of boulders poured out vigorously towards the army of princes outside Huguan. The thunderbolt car at the forefront of the army of princes only threw a round of boulders against the city wall and withstood the attack of two rounds of thunderbolt cars. This is also the advantage of having the terrain of Huguan. The attack can be carried out when the princes' thunderbolt is in a state of preparation, not only can make the soldiers of the princes coalition panic, but also greatly weaken the enemy's thunderbolt attack.

The continuous boulder attacks caused the coalition soldiers to panic, especially the soldiers in the middle position. They did not expect that they could be attacked at a distance of 400 steps from Huguan.

Seeing the scene ahead, the three of Cao Cao and others looked at each other, and the state army's Perak car had a Perak car with a range of 400 steps. According to the news from the battlefield, these stones were even bigger and caused damage. Bigger.

Zhuge Liang murmured: "It turns out that this thread is for such a purpose."

Zhuge Liang keenly noticed that the range of the Thunderbolt car with a longer range happened to be near that special line.

Without the above orders, the generals in the front of the battlefield constantly urged the soldiers to advance, and the military orders fell like a mountain. On such a battlefield, it would be difficult to form an effective offensive if the order cannot be prohibited.

After years of war between the princes, the importance they attached to the army prevented them from allowing such situations on the battlefield.

Under the absolute suppression of the Huguan thunderbolt, the princes’ front army was in chaos. Under the fierce attack of the Huguan defenders, in the face of the threat of life and death, their general discipline was selectively forgotten. What they wanted to do was how to be in chaos. Save lives on the battlefield.

"Order the army to move forward, not to retreat, but if there are retreats, kill without mercy!" Cao Cao said coldly.

Human life is so fragile on such a battlefield. The army of the princes is using their lives to pile up a road leading to Huguan, and the huge stones on both sides still come and go.

But more often, the boulders on the Huguan were thrown into the camp of the princes, and the thunderbolt riders of the princes' coalition could only throw the boulders on the walls of the Huguan at best.

In the offensive of the Thunderbolt, the two sides are not equal. The Union Army, which has the advantages of terrain and range, will not let the Allied Thunderbolt throw boulders shut.

When the Thunderbolt races, the Thunderbolt drivers of the Union State Army showed their skill, especially in accuracy.

Although the prince’s Thunderbolt has reached 300 steps in range, it is not much worse than the Bingzhou Army in terms of accuracy. Hao Meng studied the Thunderbolt and is very familiar with the characteristics of the Thunderbolt, and what Hao Meng likes to do most often. , Is to study the range and accuracy of Thunderbolt cars.

The ordinary Perak riders of the Binzhou Army are definitely elites in the princes army.

After a day's siege of the city, traces of boulders smashed at Huguan can be seen everywhere, and the boulders under the gate are densely packed.

At night, the princes’ thunderbolt cars still did not stop. The darkness gave them a good cover. The thunderbolt riders on the pot could only aim at the thunderbolt cars outside the pass through the faint light of fire, and could not achieve as precise strikes as the day.

The lights in the princes’ big tent were brightly lit, and the head of Cao Cao frowned. After a day’s siege, the coalition forces lost more than 60 planes only due to the damage of the Thunderbolt. The artisans who came with the army were even more day and night. Keep building Thunderbolt cars.

Attacking Huguan was so expensive for the Pili carts. Unexpected by the princes, the princes prepared three hundred Pili carts to attack Huguan. It is said that so many Pili carts are enough to cover the army from approaching Huguan. Launching an attack Although the power of the Thunderbolt is great, the actual casualties caused to the siege soldiers are not great.

"I don't want Lu Bu to have a Thunderbolt with such a long range. According to the news from the front of the battlefield, the Thunderbolt with a range of four hundred steps came from behind Huguan." Cao Cao said.

Sun Ce's complexion changed slightly. The Thunderbolt he bought from Bingzhou at the beginning had a range of only two hundred steps, and the same was true for the bed crossbow. Who would have thought that Lu Bu possessed such a siege weapon and possessed such a defensive weapon. The equipment exists, and it is difficult to get the soldiers to board the Huguan.

"No matter so, the Huguan must be broken." Yuan Shao said, he understood that if the princes attacked the Huguan without a problem, Jizhou must be the first to be unlucky.

In order to attack Bingzhou, Jizhou did not hesitate to mobilize 60,000 troops. Although Jizhou was heavily guarded against Youzhou at this time, once the princes retired, they would face revenge from Youzhou and Bingzhou.

Zhuge Liang, who had been silent behind Liu Bei, suddenly said: "Everyone, we have gathered hundreds of thousands of people to attack Huguan, and the Bingzhou Army is also mobilizing tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to defend. Jinyang must be empty. If you send one at this time, The cavalry entering Bingzhou from Jizhou is bound to plunge Bingzhou into turmoil. In this way, it will surely make the Bingzhou army unable to pay attention to each other."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this. They were only thinking about how to break the pot from the front and advance to Jinyang, but they ignored this problem.

Cao Cao smiled and said, "This is very true. From the beginning, where can I enter Bingzhou from Jizhou?"

Yuan Shao was silent for a moment and said: "It's okay to enter Bingzhou from Jizhou, but the road from Jizhou to Bingzhou is narrow, and most people cannot pass through."

Jizhou has always held a defensive attitude towards Bingzhou, and also guards against soldiers and horses from Bingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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