In the crew, Mu Zhifeng seems very bored without Mo yuurt around.

At first, she was still hanging around the crew. These two days, she simply didn't come to the crew. Mu Qingye quietly inquired about it. It seemed that Mu Zhifeng was preparing a big project.

When mu Qingye heard that it was a big project, all he could think of was the thing Shen Yichen told her. Needless to say, it was certain that Mu Zhifeng was busy and must be the land in the east of the city.

Shiming group has many companies, including credit and real estate development. These businesses are registered, but they have not developed. They are empty shelves. The best ones are media groups and film media companies.

Real estate can make money, but it also needs a lot of start-up funds. Shiming group currently does not have much capital to start.

If Mu Zhifeng wants to buy land, she must have money. Where does she come from?

The more you think about it, mu Qingye feels that there are more problems. It seems that she takes time to meet Mu Shiming as soon as possible.

Without her and Mo Yuyu's crew, the shooting progress was fast. After the completion of the play today, it was still early. Mu Qingye called Mu Shiming and said to go over. Mu Shiming immediately asked her to speed up and can't wait.


"Ono, Ono, you're here at last." When Mu Shiming saw mu Qingye, he quickly called her in and pulled her into the house warmly and happily.

In the room, the servant was busy. Mulu sat on the sofa watching TV. When she saw mu Qingye coming, she glanced at her.

Before, Mu Lu saw that she would do face engineering. Today, she simply didn't even do face engineering.

Mu Lu not only has a cold attitude towards her, but also towards Mu Shiming. She has no previous enthusiasm and hospitality of "master" long and "master" short.

Mu Shiming seemed to be used to her cold attitude. He didn't pay much attention to Mu Lu. After mu Qingye put down his bag, he immediately pulled her to the chessboard, "Ono, come and play a chess with uncle and grandpa first."

"But, uncle and grandpa, my skills are not very good." Mu Qingye has some embarrassed ways.

"OK, I'll kill uncle and grandpa. If it's not good, practice your skills. Isn't it good? " Mu Shiming never gave her a chance to bargain.

In short, I want to take her to play chess.

Mu Qingye smiled helplessly. The old man must have been Suffocated at home these days.

It's like seeing a new trick when you see her.

"Hey, last time Shen Yichen came, I was addicted to chess. Shen Yichen's skill is really good. I can't do him. " Every time Mu Shiming thinks about playing chess with Shen Yichen, he always has a feeling that his heart is in the ascendant. He is not satisfied, not satisfied, and he can't win every time.

"Shen Yichen will beat you. I can't beat you, so Grandpa, don't be too hard. It's ugly for me to lose. " Mu Qingye and Mu Shiming arranged the chess game together.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Mu Shiming's music can't kill Shen Yichen. It's OK to find a sense of achievement in Mu Qingye, "Ono, you play chess first."

This is to let her go first. Mu Qingye smiled and said, "OK, thank you, Grandpa. Go first. "

"No matter what you go first, I must be ready for real." Mu Shiming walked the gun.

"Grandpa, I look at grandma. She seems very unhappy?" Mu Qingye had a pawn and crossed the river.

"She's not in good health these days. She has a bad temper. Let's not mess with her. " Mu Shiming lowered his voice.

As soon as Mu Shiming spoke, mu Qingye knew that Mu Shiming actually cared about his stepwife.

She heard Xin Chunyue say that mulu was pregnant because Mu Shiming promised Mu Zhifeng that she would not have children even if she remarried. Mu Shiming asked people to cheat mulu into the hospital and beat her child.

It's been more than a month. Seeing Mu Lu like this, she is still immersed in it and can't come out.

Part of the reason why Mu Shiming connived at her may be that she felt guilty.

Looking at Mu Lu's feeling of resentment, mu Qingye felt vaguely that it might not pass so soon.

Mu Lu always wanted to have a child. She felt that she really integrated into the Mu family, but she was finally pregnant and was passively knocked out.

It's very sympathetic. But she and Mu Zhifeng had an agreement, and it didn't seem too much to be knocked out. But it's a pity to talk about it.

So, the world is really fair.

What you get, you will lose.

It's not easy to comment on other people's housework, let alone persuade them.

Mu Qingye nodded and said, "OK. Don't annoy her. "


Mu Qingye connects two guns and two armies. He is a direct general among thousands of troops.

"..." Mu Shiming was stunned. He was killed by the general before half of his house had moved!

"No, I'm coming!" Mu Shiming lost and blew his beard and stared.

Mu Qingye pursed her lips and smiled. She really kept a low profile about playing chess.

In the past, when she was in the village, she went to the village whenever she had time. The old men in the village were extremely bored. They were putting in a mess every day. Mu Qingye began to play with them and lost miserably. She lost every time before she started.

Later, she realized little by little and killed them all.

What is different from the strategy of other people's regular army is that they all take a wild road.

It is also normal for mu Shiming to lose.

"Ono, I didn't see it at all. Your flag is wild and steady. You are hidden. The last time I went down with Shen Yichen, you squatted aside like a beginner. You're good... "Mu Shiming teased while playing chess.

"Grandpa, I can't say a word. This is the rule. I'm sure I can't speak when you play chess. " Mu Qingye pretended that he didn't understand Mu Shiming's unconvinced and didn't understand his teasing, so he smiled.

Originally, she wanted Mu Shiming to win, but later she thought that she couldn't let him win. An old man of this age let him lose. If she thought every day, he wouldn't be bored.

Mu Shiming is the pillar of the family. We can't let him get sick. Especially in the past three years, we must make him strong.

"Grandpa, I heard that the land near the sea in the east of Z city is going to be auctioned." Mu Qingye chatted with Mu Shiming while moving the chess pieces.

"Really? That's a good piece of land. " Mu Shiming commented.

"It's a good piece of land. Do we have to take it down?" Mu Qingye continued to ask.

"Who said we were going to take it down? The land is good, but the better things are, the easier they are to be robbed, and the risk and danger are high. Our Shiming group is not a big group and can't move this land. "

Mu Qingye took the hand of the chess piece that was about to move and looked up at Mu Shiming quietly. He was greatly surprised. Unexpectedly, Mu Shiming didn't want to rob the place at all.

That means buying land. It's purely Mu Zhifeng's personal idea?! Up to now, she has never had a thorough understanding with Mu Shiming. It seems that she intends to cut first and then play a role in this matter.

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