Mu Qingye has been staying in the crew these days. The shooting progress of the late film is fast and is about to be finished.

Shen Yichen sent her several messages.

She didn't return.

After that, Shen Yichen was not looking for her, but fought with Mo Yutian.

Whether it's company negotiation or going to a banquet, the two people are right in pairs. Their love looks even more envious of others.

In addition to the hot spot tracking of various media, the two people together are hotter than any popular star for a time.

The whole business field, accompanied by the love affair between Shen Yichen and Mo Yutian, is an upcoming fishy storm.

The land auction will be held in a month.

Mu Zhifeng said to Mu Shiming that he wanted to withdraw from the land competition, but he secretly continued to operate the financial management company and said that he was talking with the financing platform, but he had not talked about it.

Mu Shiming is angry every day, and Mu Zhifeng turns a deaf ear. Things have entered the critical stage, Mu Zhifeng can't let go!

She doesn't want to let go.

After entering the mall for so many years, she felt the pleasure of making money for the first time. Every day, interested investors are constantly entering and putting money into their platform, while they invest the money in other projects. Almost no risk, every day.

The rapid growth of money has brought her a great sense of achievement, and she can't extricate herself.

In addition to her own financial management platform, Mo Yuyu's OPP group also gave her a lot of support, and has been injecting a lot of money into Shiming group. At the beginning of the auction, they decided to follow to the end.

Persuaded by Mo Yutian, Shen Yichen promised to cooperate with Mo Yutian. After the plot is photographed, Mo Yutian will let AUP group take a stake in the development.

Shiming group is mo Yuyu and Kyushu group is mo Yutian.

It seems to be a competition between groups, but also a competition for the position of Mo yuurtian and Mo Yutian at home.

The chairman of OPP group, that is, their father, promised that no matter who got the land, the money earned would belong to them. This means that OPP directly invests money, but the profits belong to them.

Mo yuurt was almost crazy when he heard the news. The profit of developing real estate can be imagined. Use all the strength around you to help Shiming get this land today.

Mo Yutian also takes her own responsibility. Although she is the eldest lady in OP, now she knows how embarrassing her identity is. The only chance for her to stand firm is to make money and make enough money... And then kill all the people who bully her and calculate her!

During this period, Mo Yutian and Mo Yuyu have completely torn their faces because of this project.

Her stepmother, Mo Yulian's real mother, talked to Mo Yutian countless times in private and told her that she could do whatever she wanted, as long as she didn't argue with Mo Yulian this time.

The stepmother, how to say, is really good to her.

She is definitely the smartest woman in the world. She has always connived at her and loves her more than Mo yuurt.

for instance:

When Mo Yutian was studying, her grades were bad and the teacher punished her. She scolded the teacher directly and said, teacher, how can you abuse my daughter like this? Is my daughter such a bad person? Does she need to improve her academic performance by copying? My daughter is so precious that no one of you can say anything about her or punish her.

In the long run, no teacher dared to take care of her. When the teacher saw him, it was like seeing a flood and beast. Regardless of her study, her grades were good or bad, and the teacher let it go. Therefore, Mo yuurt later graduated from a famous university, and she didn't even go to college.

When she got into the society, she gave her what she wanted. She went into the bar, made friends, drank wine, and even met drugs. She wouldn't say a word. Occasionally, someone advised her not to live such a life. Her stepmother was completely like protecting her weaknesses. She said that Yutian in our family was right no matter what she did. She was the treasure in her father's hand and the treasure in my hand. We don't care about her. We only care whether she is happy or not.

She makes a boyfriend, no matter who she makes, which one, she receives happily. Especially for her gangster boyfriends

Later, Mo Yutian recalled that her stepmother was really obedient to her since she entered the house. She said one, she would never say two. Sometimes she made her father angry, which was handled by her stepmother.

And she has always enjoyed this kind of doting and drowning care, and the whole person has become domineering. She thinks that the world is really respected by her. She is really great and goes her own way

Only later did she know that people were not caring for and loving her, but conniving and encouraging her to go farther and farther on the road of death, until she finally had no way to go.

So this time, the stepmother came to her with the slogan of love and asked her not to fight with Mo yuurt.

Mo Yutian refused, and her stepmother turned her face with anger.

This time, Mo Yutian still maintained her own style of going her own way. No matter who said it, she insisted.

His father is actually happy to see this result, because no matter which party gets the land this time, OPP group is the winner.

Yes, OPP group also reached an agreement with Shen Xingwang privately to dredge their relationship at the municipal level.

Yi Bin is responsible for the whole process of Shen Xingwang. Yi Bin is confident of the auction and is bound to win it. During this period, he was very busy. He went out early and came back late every day. Muyuran almost couldn't see anyone, but gradually, muyuran began to get used to their state of being away from home every day.

"Yuran, you step up to ask Zhao Bojing about his progress." Yi Bin urged Muyu to make progress.

Mu Yuran was very unhappy and said, "it should be fast. In the list he gave last time, there were not many big customers, but there were many key customers. We can start with these people and start with the projects they invested in. "

"I'm already working on this." Not only from their investment projects, but also have installed big customers in them.

As soon as the time is ripe, the whole Shiming group will collapse with its destructive power!

"Good! I see. I'm working hard. " Mu Yu Ran replied.

She and Yi Bin are playing a big game of chess now. This big chess can directly turn all their opponents into mud! Then they can trample them under their feet.

They have been dormant for so long just to wait for the coming moment.

"During this period of time, we should all try to keep a low profile and let Shiming group and Kyushu group have a good confrontation. We will reap the benefits."


Mu Qingye always has a restless feeling these days. His right eyelid is still jumping disorderly. He vaguely feels that there will be all kinds of major events.

Sure enough, this idea also appeared. She received the news from her family that Mu Shiming was hospitalized.

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