"Qingye, now your parents are old and in poor health. Mu Yuran has never been our Mu family. Now the wooden family, the one I can rely on, that is, you. " Mu Zhifeng worried that mu Qingye was biased by Mu Lu's words, and explained again.

Mu Qingye smiled and said, "thank you, aunt, for seeing me."

"Do a good job." Mu Zhifeng patted mu Qingye on the shoulder, looking forward to her very high.

Mu Qingye smiled. When she was looking for her, she looked at her with arrogant eyes. Now, if she believes it, she is also a fool!

"OK." Mu Qingye nodded without hesitation.

Mu Zhifeng was very fast. He immediately found two bodyguards and two special guards to take care of Mu Shiming 24 hours a day.

"Clear wild, you see, I so arrange still have what not in place?" Mu Zhifeng asks mu Qingye after everything is arranged.

Mu Zhifeng will be so polite. How dare mu Qingye say no?

"Aunt, will you listen to uncle and grandpa's previous arrangement?" Mu Qingye asked after him.

"Qingye, when will aunt not listen to your uncle and grandpa?" Mu Zhifeng asked.

That's an affirmative.

But mu Qingye only felt her insincerity.

"Aunt, if you say so. Then I'll rest assured. " Mu Qingye sighed in her heart. Mu Zhifeng did not have any way.

If anything happens to her in the future, it has nothing to do with her.

It's time to remind. She's already reminded.


Mu Lu and mu Yuran couldn't hide their smiles as soon as they came out of the hospital.

"Aunt, you need ice on your face. Otherwise it will swell up later. " Mu Yuran and Mu Lu Dao.

Mu Lu smiled and said, "if it's swollen, it's swollen. Just this once. In the future, I will let Mu Zhifeng not have a swollen face, but have no face! "

She enjoys the bad feeling now.

"Yes. Shall we go to the law firm or have dinner now? "

"Let's talk to the lawyer first, and then go to dinner." Mulu answered.

Mu Shiming has printed all the wills drawn up by her just now. Next, we have to rely entirely on lawyers to make the will effective.

"OK. As long as this will takes effect, we are the big winners. " Mu Yuran said.

"We were going to be big winners!" Mu Lu's eyes were gloomy and her tone was slightly cold. "Originally, I just wanted to live a good life... Forget it, if I don't talk about it, life can't be anything without being forced to Liangshan!"

"Aunt, you can find any man you want in the future, and you can have as many children as you want." Mu Yuran knew that Mu Lu thought of her beaten child again and hurriedly comforted.

Mu Lu smiled coldly and said, "yes. A few loyal men are better than an old-fashioned husband. For example, someone Zhao. "

Mu Yuran immediately stared at Mu Lu and said, "Gu, are you laughing at me?"

"No. I was just thinking, what would Mu Zhifeng look like when she knew you slept with Zhao Bojing and Zhao Bojing kept sending us letters? It will be funny. " It was a relief to think about that scene.


"But Yuran, we really want to thank you for our success!"

"Our aunts and nephews are of one mind, and their profits break gold." Mu Yuran raised his glass to Mu Lu and drank happily.

Mu Zhifeng is still intoxicated in his dream. He has no sense of hardship at all. He doesn't see it at all. A big net has spread to them!


Mu Qingye always feels uneasy.

After Mu Shiming was hospitalized, she went to the hospital to see Mu Shiming every day. Sometimes, she will stay in Mu Shiming's ward for a long time. During this time, she really hasn't seen Mu Lu's arrival.

That day, shortly after she came, Shen Yichen came.

She hasn't seen Shen Yichen for a long time. Shen Yichen has been very busy and his news is everywhere.

Either his commercial achievements or his various scandals.

The rumor about his affair with Mo Yutian has been going on for a long time.

Entertainment gossip and business news are also full of news about the marriage between OPP group and Kyushu group.

Even some gossip news have begun to predict that if Shen Yichen and Mo Yutian get married, they will hold a century wedding.

Both are consortia. One is the chairman of Kyushu group, and the other is the apple of the eyes of the chairman of OPP group and her stepmother. It's not good if it's not grand.

It's not that there is no wind without wind. If there are no such things, people's news will come out in such a large range and layout.

Mu Qingye felt a thorn in her heart when she thought of the news that flew into her eyes every day. Seeing Shen Yichen coming in, she raised her eyes, looked at him quietly, and faintly shouted, "you're busy, I'll go out first!"

The expression is indifferent and the tone is alienated.

Shen Yichen grabbed her arm and asked with a light smile, "still angry!"

Mu Qingye gave him a cold look and said, "I want you to take care of it!"

Shen Yichen immediately recognized the sour taste of her tone, still smiled and said, "well, I'm really in love with me!"

"Really shameless!" Mu Qingye glared at him angrily.

"What women like to do most is duplicity." Shen Yichen was not angry. After teasing her for a while, he said to her, "I have something to tell you. Come out with me."

Mu Qingye listened, his face immediately became cold and said, "what's the matter?"

"It's strange about Mu Shiming!" Shen Yichen said directly.

"Yes." She knew something strange inside, but she didn't know if Shen Yichen was different from what she knew.

"I know you know it's not, and I doubt Mu Lu. But there's no evidence. The news I get now is that mu Yuran and Zhao Bojing have an improper relationship between men and women. "

"..." Mu Qingye finally understood why she always felt something wrong when she saw Zhao Bojing and mu Yuran.

Here's the reason!

Zhao Bojing and mu Yuran are together. If Zhao Bojing defectes, Mu Shiming's fall must be just the beginning!

"Mu Zhifeng knows nothing about Zhao Bojing at present. Still silent in Zhao Bojing's sweet words. " Shen Yichen said.

She saw it. Mu Zhifeng has been in a very conceited and full of desire for power, and has completely relaxed her vigilance against the people around her.

Muyuran is really more and more capable now. If you can't do anything, just do it yourself!

It's all I need.

"I'll tell Mu Zhifeng about it immediately!"

Now the incident is very clear. Mu Yuran, Mu Lu and Yi Bin are together. Mu Yuran hooks Zhao Bojing and sets out information. Mu Lu uses all kinds of vicious strategies to murder Mu Shiming. Several of them unite together, targeting Mu Shiming, mu Qingye and Shiming group!

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