"Oh, Qingye, what do you mean? As I said just now, I have no money. As you know, every penny of the money I have realized has filled the hole in the company. " Mu Lu was extremely embarrassed.

"Then please publish the funds you realized and the accounts of the holes you filled in!" Mu Qingye stared at Mu Lu with his eyes.

She had never seen such a shameless man.

He sold Mu Shiming's house and the company. After taking the money, he immediately turned his face and didn't recognize people. He was cold-blooded and ruthless.

"I will publish these accounts later. Don't worry. " Mu Lu said with a smile.

Anyway, you blame me for explaining, you question my explanation, but if you want to ask me for money, I don't have a rogue face.

Mu Qingye was anxious and angry.

"Uncle and grandma, what needs to be solved now is the medical expenses of uncle and grandpa. If you manage the company so that you don't even have the medical expenses of your uncle and grandfather, can I and others question your management ability? "

No matter when, no matter what the situation, as long as it is a humane place, it will be people-oriented.

"Qingye, I'm not giving it away. I'm just saying I'm short of money. Do you have any cash on you now? If so, would you please pay in advance? " Mu Lu asked with a frown.

She could really say that. Mu Qingye blocked his chest with one breath.

It's not that she doesn't give Mu Shiming money now. But she can't connive at Mu Lu. They are so shameless and bullying people!

"Uncle and grandma, I won't say anything else. If the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, you don't pay the previous medical expenses of uncle and grandpa, and the later medical expenses are paid in advance, I'll hold a press conference. Tell everyone that you abused my uncle and grandpa and deliberately defaulted on medical expenses. The purpose of deliberately not treating him is to seek to seize his family property! " Mu Qingye felt that no matter how much he said, Mu Lu would be like this shit.

Rather than argue with her, we might as well talk to her directly.

"Clear wild, you must do things so absolutely?"

"Who is the one who has done a great job?" Mu Qingye asked coldly, "Mu Lu, anyway, I have nothing now. On the contrary, you have a lot. If you don't care that the image you just established in the past two days is damaged, you can do it a little! "

"You!" Mu Lu felt her throat pinched and stared angrily at mu Qingye.

"That's it. After returning to the hospital, I will tell the doctor that you will pay the money the day after tomorrow. If you don't show up before 4 p.m. the day after tomorrow, I'll show you live! "

Mu Qingye said and left without looking back.


"Aunt, don't be angry. Mu Qingye is a fake. Now she has nothing. What waves can she make? " Muyuran came out of the inner room and said to mulu with great disdain for mu Qingye.

When Mu Lu heard mu Yuran's comfort, she felt more comfortable and said, "it's because she has nothing, so she has no scruples."

Mu Yuran chuckled and said, "how is it possible? How can a person have no weakness? "

"Have you found her weakness? Then hurry up and we'll deal with her. "

"Aunt, don't worry. She wants Mu Shiming's medical expenses. We'll just give them. It's not bad for the money anyway. As for cleaning up mu Qingye, let's take our time! Slowly kill her. "

How she used to play with her, now she will play with her!

She used to want to deal with her, but now she can finally, and the opportunity has finally come.

She wants mu Qingye to be worse than before!

Next, her open life officially begins. She wants to kill her like a cat playing with a mouse!


Shen's old house.

The people who have been following Shen Yichen for several days are standing in front of Shen Xingwang to report.

"Sir, I followed young master Yichen these days and intercepted his communication tools. I found that these days, there was really only Mo Yutian who was close to him. "

"Really only Mo Yutian?" Shen Xingwang asked.

"Yes. Just miss Mo Yutian. " The reporter affirmed, "they seem to be brewing something big. During working hours, Miss Mo Yuyu often stays with young master Yichen. They often eat together. In the evening, when young master Yichen went to the company, Miss Mo Yuyu also accompanied him in the evening. "

Shen Xingwang frowned and thought deeply. This time, Shen Yichen planned to go alongside the big ship of OPP group.

Everyone knows that Mo Yutian is the apple of her father's hand. Although Lao Mo also took a ride with him, if his daughter acts like a spoiled child, he will certainly disarm and surrender.

If he moves Mo Yutian and is known by Lao Mo, the interest alliance between him and Lao Mo will collapse, and he is likely to become an enemy with him.

Now Zhenlun group is showing its edge and should not establish a strong enemy.

To move Shen Yichen's heart, it's best to find Mo Yutian.

But now is obviously not the time to move Mo Yutian. In desperation, he can only use his worst policy.

"OK. I got it! You go down. " Shen Xingwang waved to him.

He needs to calm down.

If he really wants to use this method to deal with Shen Yichen, he still needs to plan.


Mu Qingye waited and waited for two days, but he still didn't see Mu Lu coming to the hospital.

Mulu didn't say hello to the hospital. She really didn't come since Mu Zhifeng drove her away and said she didn't want her to come.

"Enchanting, help me get everything ready. It's an hour before the time I appointed for mulu. If she doesn't pay my uncle and grandpa's expenses at this time. I'll broadcast it live later. " Mu Qingye said coldly.

"Can Qingye, is this really useful?"

"It's useful, it's useless. Let's do it again. She wants to do things so absolutely. Don't blame me for being so absolutely. " Mu Qingye found himself too gentle to them. If you don't give them some color, they really think they can walk sideways.

"But I always feel that no matter what you do now, it's a mantis blocking the car."

It's no use.

Mu Qingye sighed, "yes."

Only with equal strength can we be qualified to compete.

She is now like this, but she is a little overestimated.

But it's too much.

"Don't sigh, things will turn around one day. Mu Lu and mu Yuran are crying now. Maybe they will lie down one day. Climbing is easy to fall. " Jade enchanting cheer mu Qingye.

Mu Qingye smiles bitterly. Does she still have a chance now?

Does Mu Zhifeng still have a chance?

Does Mu Shiming still have a chance?

"Five minutes to go." Mu Qingye looked at the time.

It seems that mulu really wants to fight her to the end this time. Let's broadcast it live. She is good at acting. How annoying Mu Lu is, she will say that she is a hundred times more hateful than she is in reality.

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