Sanger brondel tea restaurant.

The gorgeous crystal lamp casts a faint light, and the soft saxophone music fills the whole restaurant, making the whole restaurant elegant and quiet.

"Mr. Pan, this is the content of our specific cooperation. All the terms are here《 You have basically read the script of Tianxia. If you have any questions, you can negotiate with me. " Mu Qingye handed the cooperation agreement to pan Yixiang.

Opposite her, pan Yixiang, with a beard and haggard face, has been in a trance for nearly a year or two. A few days ago, mu Qingye passed the script to him and said that he would play the No. 1 man in the world. He felt that someone was deliberately correcting him, deliberately giving him a little hope, and then giving him a heavy blow. After all, he has experienced so many such things during this period of time.

He basically read the cooperation agreement. There are no harsh treaties in it, except that the film pay is a little low.

But at this time, for him, film pay is not the most important. No one dares to make a film with him, all endorsements have been removed, and all advertising companies are pursuing his compensation. He pan Yixiang is now devastated. In everyone's eyes, he has no possibility of making a comeback.

Mu Qingye's face is firm in cooperating with him. Pan Yixiang even doubts that this girl has water in her head? Relying on his little media foundation, Mu Shiming group thinks that he can save such a person from hell?

"Miss mu, you should know my situation better than anyone." Pan Yixiang didn't hurry to promise mu Qingye.

"Yes, I know." Mu Qingye road. I can't help admiring pan Yixiang. A person who understands his situation and can consider his collaborators will not be too bad.

"Then you should know that if you sign me, you will face great risks. The film may lose everything. "

"Yes, I know." Mu Qingye replied.

"Are you betting with others? Say sign me, you win? Or is there another way to balance movie losses? " Many rich second generation dandies in rich families like to use this means to show their excellence.

Mu Qingye looked very serious. Hearing pan Yixiang's question, she couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Pan, do you think I have a bigger conspiracy to sign you?"

Pan Yixiang was a little embarrassed, "I just guessed that. Because I really can't think of the reason why you asked me to play a movie. "

"Three reasons."


"First, because of your acting."

Pan Yixiang's resurgent heart suddenly ignited a fire. There was a sudden brilliance in his eyes. A feeling of affirmation spread all over his body. He acted for so many years. Because he was handsome, he was positioned as a jade faced Xiaosheng. The main reason for smoking powder was his appearance, so many people forgot that he was a professional actor.

"Second, because I believe you are wronged."

"..." Pan Yixiang was moved beyond words at the moment. No one believed him, but the girl in front of him said that she believed him.

"Third, because I believe in my own vision." Mu Qingye was very confident when he said this.

In just three words, pan Yixiang is the warmest and most powerful word in the past two years.

"So, Mr. Pan, what's your decision?" Mu Qingye asked solemnly.

"I decided..."

"Sorry, answer the phone." A phone call interrupted their conversation.

A strange call. To be polite, mu Qingye answered the phone.

"I'm in the third room on the third floor of Sanger Blondel. You come up! " His low voice had a low pressure. Although he was across the phone, mu Qingye could feel the displeasure at the other end.

The tone of his speech was extremely cold and non-negotiable. It was purely an imperative sentence.

If it's an ordinary person, she'll forget it. But this man alone, she'd better go up.

"Mr. Shen, what can I do for you?" After mu Qingye and pan Yixiang said a word, they went straight to the third floor and opened the door with a joke, but as soon as the door was opened, the smile on her face condensed, and the whole room was emitting a thick cold air.

She has contacted Shen Yichen several times. Every time he is greasy and a little annoying, but it is not enough to make her feel scared.

"Is that why you don't need my money?" Shen Yichen turned back and stared at mu Qingye quietly. Without much expression, mu Qingye subconsciously stepped back.

"..." she didn't know what Shen Yichen meant by this pledge.

"You chose pan Yixiang as the man." Shen Yichen's mouth was slightly hooked, with a strong irony.

Different from Mu Yuanqing and song Yinxi's helplessness, disappointment and hatred of iron and steel, Shen Yichen's disapproval of her choice gives her a deep sense of oppression. It's questioning, it's accountability.

Mu Qingye didn't like this feeling very much. Leng asked, "yes. Can't you? "

"No!" Shen Yichen slowly pursed three words from his thin lips.


"No one can use the people I abandoned by Shen."

Pan Yixiang has cooperated with Shen's Jiuzhou media before, and mu Qingye has known about it. But because it was abandoned by Jiuzhou Group, other companies can't use it?

"You are too overbearing!"

"No?" Shen Yichen asked with an eyebrow.

"Yes. But I can't comply with your request. " Mu Qingye's anti bone came out of her bones. That's how she is. The more others don't let her do, the more she wants to do.

"If you insist, you should know the consequences..."

And threaten her! Mu Qingye raised her eyebrows and asked, "what are the consequences? Did you swallow us? Or you'll kill the world? "


With cold eyes and a cold and hard voice, the soft light of the restaurant hit Shen Yichen. Mu Qingye found for the first time that Shen Yichen was so ethereal, so alienated, so domineering and so cold.

She was not in the same world with him, but she felt very close to him because she got along harmoniously several times.

But it was at this moment that she really realized that all this was her wishful thinking. He and she were never in the same world. Only a few meetings can't support their trust.

In fact, there is no trust between them.

Shen Yichen did not allow her to use pan Yixiang, not because she was worried about her situation, but because she used someone who might upset him.

"No one is allowed to use pan Yixiang. Including you! " Shen Yichen added coldly, "you are a smart man and will listen to me, right?"

Listen to him, when she is a pet dog?

Mu Qingye always thought that she could be treated well here in Shen Yichen, but at this moment, she deeply felt that she was insulted, despised, suppressed and forced.

She gave Shen Yichen a cold smile.

Shen Yichen's eyes were cold and didn't see the bottom. He only said, "you should think about it!"


Pan Yixiang waited for a full hour.

When mu Qingye came back again, although she tidied up her appearance, he could still see that her face was very bad, which was the opposite of the elated look when talking about the agreement with him just now.

Judging from his experience in talking about the contract with people countless times, I probably understand the reason for this change. It must be that she encountered resistance when signing him.

She smiled bitterly and said, "Miss mu, if you sign me, it will be very difficult for you. It doesn't matter if you don't sign. Your trust has moved me. "

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