Don't cut your heart like a knife.

Her love ends before it starts.

It was not easy to have a man who looked up to him, but he was delayed for various reasons.

He really wants to kill these women one by one, so that no one will rob his man, his love and her happiness.

But he can't do any of this.

The only thing he can feel is deep helplessness and despair.

"No, I must ask him“

Why? Didn't he say he loved me very much? In just a few days, she suddenly appeared in front of her holding hands with other women.

"Rain nettle, long time no see. You look better and better. " A familiar voice sounded in his ear. Mo yuurt turned his head and was suddenly surprised.

Isn't this the woman holding hands with Jake?

This woman is not someone else, but Shen Xingwang's wife Xu Yuqing.

Jake's godmother.

"..." Mo yuurt looked at Xu Yuqing with the same eyes as looking at monsters.

Xu Yuqing and Jake hold hands. What's the relationship?

"My godfather said that the godmother of charity party would appear. She rarely came to such a party, so let me take care of my godmother more. Rain nettle, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you okay? " Jake's voice came. Just now the misunderstanding was solved. Listening to the long lost voice, Mo yuurt was so excited that he wanted to cry.

"Jake, why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you come to me when I was looking for you? " Mo yunettle's aggrieved question.

Jake bowed his head, as if there were a lot of difficult words. For a long time, he looked up, his eyes flushed, and said with apology and expression, "rain nettle, these days, every day, every hour and every minute, I miss you. But I know that if I rob you from your bodyguard by violence, your mother will be sad. I don't want to ruin your family because of. Happiness should be blessed by everyone, not despised by others. Are you right? "

Don't make your nose sour.

Men don't shed tears easily. When they see men's eyes red, they will be moved.

Not to mention that this man is now full of guilt and remorse because of him.

Mo Yulian was so moved that he couldn't speak. He threw himself directly at Shen Zhenxiong and said, "Jake, do you know? I thought you didn't want me. I miss you every day. This time, I'll tell my mother anyway. I want to be with you. The world is falling apart. I want to be with you and never separate. "

Shen Zhenxiong nodded and held Mo Yuyu in his arms. Hold it tightly in your arms.

Mo Yuyu is extremely satisfied.

Xu Yuqing, standing on one side, looked at the scene with a sneer.

Shen Zhenxiong, a man, has nothing to do with others if he wants to enter the film field.

The trick of deceiving people is really powerful.

But what she didn't expect is that Mo yuurt is also a girl who grew up in a rich and powerful family. Why is she so blind?

Or is this the so-called zero IQ?

She is really sad for Zhou Xue.

How could Zhou Xue raise such an idiot and brainless daughter with such high means?

But she didn't sigh for long, because she soon received Shen Zhenxiong's cold and warning eyes.

"..." Zhou Xuedun was frightened.

He walked to the center of the charity party and stared at Shen Yichen.

Wherever Shen Yichen went, she followed her eyes and stared at him without concealment.

Her eyes were quickly discovered by mu Qingye, who had been standing beside Shen Yichen.

Xu Yuqing's eyes are very wrong. She is Shen Yichen's stepmother. What does it mean to look at Shen Yichen with such red fruit eyes now?

This look is too dazzling. You can see at a glance that this is the look at the lover.

What does Xu Yuqing mean?

Shen Yichen also found that Xu Yuqing was looking at him, and his eyes were very hot and undisguised.

At first he was not used to it, but later he was very calm.

Xu Yuqing and Shen Zhenxiong had a rough relationship before. Now he looks at him like this. He doesn't know the reason, but he knows very well that Xu Yuqing and Shen Zhenxiong have long been in collusion.

This time Shen Zhenxiong brought her out, certainly not to show her the world. There must be other attempts!

"Qingye, when the auction is held, shoot whatever you like." Shen Yichen pulls mu Qingye's eyes back, lowers his head and whispers.

"I don't seem to like much of the things here."

The so-called charitable goods are actually not very valuable. It is a show made by the upper class society to improve their popularity and reputation.

Many times, there are more shady collusions in this high sounding charity party.

"The daughter-in-law's eyes are getting higher and higher now!"

"No! I just don't like it very much! " Mu Qingye replied.

Even now she doesn't like the atmosphere here at all.

"If you don't like it, let's leave now." Shen Yichen's spoiled way.

Mu Qingye cried and laughed, "you haven't donated yet. You can't leave now! "

"Just get the money! It doesn't matter whether I'm here or not. There's Meng Zhang. " Shen Yichen smiled and replied.

"In fact, I don't have to. I just see a lot of people staring at you all the time. I'm not happy! I was not such a person before. Now I don't know why I have become so stingy! " Mu Qingye some sad way.

Many people used to say that being a woman of Shen Yichen requires great courage and a broader mind than the sea. She doesn't believe it.

But now she believed it, because she found that she had no broader mind than the sea, so now he was very uncomfortable.

"Ha ha." Shen Yichen chuckled and his mood blossomed in an instant.

"I'm not glad you're still laughing. Are you gloating?"?

"I'm really happy! Because my daughter-in-law is jealous! "?

"Are you happy when I'm jealous? Don't you know that women's jealousy is terrible? If I am possessive, I will lock you up and don't let others see you. "?

"I look forward to that day. If so, I will wash and cook at home, mop the floor, clean up, and serve my daughter-in-law full-time! Let me be a family man happily. "?

"The more you say, the more boundless it is!" Mu Qingye was amused by him.

Shen Yichen, a man who is used to working hard in the mall, will return to his family and do these jobs. It's all a joke! He will never believe it.

But when he said this, she thought it was very funny.

The stomach of luck and the smell of vinegar just now seem to have disappeared.

"Daughter in law, you have to believe me! I don't want to look at other women except you! And I can't control others looking at me. It's not my fault. You can't be angry with me at will! " Shen Yichen made a very serious statement with mu Qingye.

"Who makes you look like a peacock and attract bees and butterflies!" Mu Qingye couldn't help scolding.

"You're beautiful, too! I think it's better for us to attract each other, so we can save a lot of families! "? Shen Yichen was serious.

"..." Mu Qingye was amused by him. This man's EQ is so high that people can't even dislike him.

Xu Yuqing just looked at Shen Yichen and mu Qingye quietly. They smiled in a low voice and kissed me. They really envy others.

Once she was as happy as mu Qingye!

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