"Ding Dong Ding Dong ~ ~" the doorbell outside hurried for a while.

These people are coming in soon. Shen Yichen has promised to cooperate with her. Mu Qingye is not talking nonsense. He immediately explained to Shen Yichen, "when the meeting door is opened, you just say that there is no one in your room."

"What about you?"

"I'll hide outside the window." Mu Qingye quickly inspected the environment around the room. The suite happens to have a window that can be pushed out. She can go out and hide on the outside wall.

"OK." Shen Yichen's eyes fell on mu Qingye, and then frowned, "are you hiding like this?"

Mu Qingye is wearing pajamas, long, obviously very inconvenient.

"It's a little dangerous for girls to stay." Shen Yichen stood up, pressed mu Qingye on the sofa and turned out of the window.

“D-u-ang!” The door was opened.

Mu Qingye turned his head, and the whole man immediately entered the level 12 war preparation state.

Three people rushed in at the door. The first person was Yi Bin, whose face was already dark. Yi Bin was surrounded by mu Yuran, and behind them was a hotel staff.

It should be that Yi Bin and mu Yuran couldn't get in by ringing the doorbell. The hotel staff used to open the door.

"Sister, are you okay? Someone just told us that you were dragged into the room by a man and didn't open the door after ringing the doorbell for so long. I'm so worried about you. " Mu Yuran nervously walks to Mu Qingye, with worry and concern all over his face.

Mu Qingye looked at mu Yuran for three seconds. The worry and concern on her face was real. No one would doubt her.

Fake can be confused with real, really worthy of being the nominee for the Oscar.

With her previous IQ, it's reasonable to be killed by her.

"Sister, don't be sad, don't be sad, no matter what happens, we all love you..." Mu Yuran saw mu Qingye's appearance without saying a word, Mu Mu's appearance, a sad appearance that they had come late.

Mu Qingye sneered in his heart, but his face showed curiosity and loss, "Yuran, what happened? I want to be sad and sad? "

Mu Yuran's delicate face was full of grief, "sister, don't pretend to be strong. If you feel really bad, you cry. It really hurts me that you are so forced to smile. "

Mu Qingye asked suspiciously, "why do I cry when I'm fine? Yuran, is there something wrong with your head? Say something inexplicable? "

Mu Yuran was stung by mu Qingye's words "something's wrong with his head". Mu Qingye was always stupid and never spoke through his brain. Every time I offend someone, I don't know.

She had dealt with the aftermath for her countless times before. This time, she was scolded by mu Qingye for having a problem in her head. She really wanted to slap her twice. But in order to maintain her elegant and generous appearance, she couldn't scold back. She had to be patient and say kindly, "sister, tomorrow is your engagement banquet, but today you mistakenly entered other men's room. I believe you are innocent and you are forced."

"What is innocent, what is forced? Yuran, it's so strange that you talk today! " Rao Muyu ran said how obvious it was. Mu Qingye just didn't answer.

During the time she talked to Mu Yuran, Yi Bin and the people in the hotel have walked around the room, cabinet and bathroom.

Nothing. Yi Bin's face is darker than when he came in just now.

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