She is naturally allergic to apricot powder.

Last year, she used Apricot powder in her powder, not much, but she had a lot of allergic red spots on her face.

At that time, she was a little embarrassed, but she didn't investigate the responsibility of the studio. Mu Yuran and Yi Bin also talked with her and didn't care so much about being a man. They comforted her and she calmed down.

Just as Sheng Ge told her about the script, she didn't understand a lot. She simply didn't worry about whether she was allergic or not. Instead, she carefully studied the script and asked mu Yuran to choose her wedding dress.

Mu Yuran and Yi Bin really went.

They got into the clothing area and could hardly get out.

This time, Mu Yu is still making small movements with powder.

If she doesn't cooperate, isn't she too sorry for her bitter conscience?

"Sister, come and make up." Mu Yuran shouted.

"Hey, come right away." Mu Qingye walked over and sat in front of the mirror.

In the mirror, she has fair skin and correct facial features. She looks correct. She knows it. It's just that I always didn't like to dress up and go anywhere, so it won't give people too amazing feeling.

"Shoot the crown first." Mu Yuran stands beside mu Qingye and looks at mu Qingye in the mirror. She has big eyes, long eyelashes and a small nose. She makes a delicate, small and very photogenic face. The more she looks, the more she looks, the more she looks, the more she makes mu Yuran feel unbalanced.

"OK." The makeup artist follows the guest's instructions.

"Ah, what foundation is this?" Mu Qingye stared at the foundation for a long time and asked curiously.

"This is the latest foundation of D brand, which is very suitable for your skin."

"Well, it looks really beautiful." Mu Qingye picked up the powder and rubbed it very casually on the back of his hand.

This wipe wood feather, however, his face suddenly changed.

This powder is specially prepared for Mu Qing's face. It contains a large amount of apricot powder. Mu Qingye is very allergic to apricot powder, ranging from rash to syncope.

As long as she has a rash, she has a way to keep her face invisible for more than half a year.

Mu Qingye painted her hands, and her plan came to naught.

"Ah! How can there be a tingling feeling? " When the powder fell on the back of his hand, mu Qingye screamed loudly, and then there were some small rashes on the back of his hand.

"Yuran, what should I do? What should I do? I'm allergic. Is it because there was pollen when I passed the path this morning? " Mu Qingye asked anxiously and sadly.

When Mu Qingye heard this, he immediately put his heart in his hands, and his hands were allergic.

So being stupid is to make people love and give her a lot less things.

"Sister, is it hard?" Mu Yuran also said anxiously.

Mu Qingye stood up in a hurry, covered his hands and said, "it's not very uncomfortable. But I have to go to the hospital to get some medicine immediately. "

"Sister, I'll go with you."

"No. You and brother Yi Bin are at the studio. Choose two sets of clothes for me. And Yuran, you want to be my bridesmaid. I happen to have time today. You can also choose the bridesmaid's clothes. When we get married, we won't have to rush. "

"Sister, I don't trust you to go alone."

"No! You hurry to do what I arranged. The rash on the back of my hand is gone, and I'll be right back. " Mu Qingye leaned against mu Yuran and relied on her very much. "Yuran covered me up. Don't let brother Yi Bin see my embarrassed appearance. I don't want to leave a shadow on him. "

"..." Mu Yuran, "OK."

"What's going on? Is that it? " Yi Bin saw that mu Yuran came back with a not very happy expression.

"I didn't control it for a while, so I asked her to paint the powder on her hands. The face is not destroyed. "

Last night, she discussed with Yi Bin for a long time and felt that this method was the most feasible. But I didn't expect mu Qingye to be so impatient. Her stupidity is bad for her.

"Now..." Mu Qingye was not completely fooled, and the next thing was not easy to promote.

"Now listen to her and choose your clothes. Let's choose together. "

Mu Yuran pulled Yi Bin into the clothing area.


As soon as mu Qingye got on the bus, he immediately sent a message to the studio's clothing assistant: action!

Mu Yuran can bribe the makeup artist to deal with her face. She can also bribe the clothing assistant to take pictures of their dirty pictures together.

If it weren't for something more important than dealing with mu Yuran and Yi Bin today, she would beat them in the face!


What Shengge didn't expect at all, mu Qingye's casual words came true.

After the afternoon lunch break, a gentleman named Shen Yichen asked to see her alone.

After meeting, Shen Yichen didn't have any polite words with her and directly threw her a script.

"There is also a small play in this play. Now my people can't crack it. Mr. Shengge, please help decipher it. "

Although it is different from ancient times, there are many ways of information transmission, such as Morse code, such as programming program... It is still a way to hide the information to be transmitted in some big stories. In particular, some special organizations, or some people who have some important news but like to play tricks.

Sheng Ge was stunned at the script.

She used to have this ability, but no one has looked for her since she wrote a novel and edited it. How did Shen Yichen know?

"Mr. Shengge, since I found you. Naturally know your past. I hope you can help me with this. The price is yours. " Shen Yichen said.

Sheng Ge didn't beat around the Bush and said, "OK, I'll find it. But this will take some time. I'm not familiar with the script. I'm not familiar with things. I may need to ask you questions at any time. You can't leave. You have to be here. "

First, she looked at what it was.

Second, just live up to Mu Qingye's entrustment.

"Yes." Shen Yichen did not refuse.

Compared with other things, the script he intercepted at present is more important. And he also urgently needs to know what the other party is spreading.


Mu Qingye went to the hospital for the first time.

Just a little bit of powder, the rash on the back of the hand is so fierce. It shows that how ruthless this wood is, how can it be done if this powder is applied to her face?

Therefore, mu Yuran still didn't give up his position as the female master of the world.

They two really don't give up!

"Shen Yichen is with me. I'm holding him down. When are you coming? " Sheng Ge sent mu Qingye a message.

"I'm in the hospital and my skin is allergic. The doctor advised me to take an intravenous drip. Can you hold on? " Mu Qingye asked.

"Yes. I'll just slow down. You listen to the doctor first. "

"OK, thanks."

Everything seems to be off track, but everything seems to be walking on track. Mu Yuran and Yi Bin, like the previous life, still stay in the studio, and Shen Yichen, like the previous life, is now looking for Shengge to decipher what he wants. As long as Shengge drags him, and then she goes to Shengge and drags him with the word dating, Shen Yichen should have no problem today.

She still has to deal with this damn rash on the back of her hand at the first time, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Shengge has enough control over things. Mu Qingye believes it. Her heart began to calm down, not so anxious, patiently beat the drops.

But what she didn't expect was that when she went to Shengge, Shen Yichen had left.

damn! Didn't stop him. Shen Yichen is in a hurry to die!

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