"Mommy!" As soon as Shen GUI closed, he saw mu Qingye and shouted with joy. The real supporter finally came.

Everyone turned to see mu Qingye.

Mu Qingye's eyes fell directly on the woman who pointed to black as white, but she was surprised and sighed when she saw the woman's face.

This person is not someone else, but Qin Yueqing, whom she hasn't seen for many years.

Qin Yueqing was wearing a cheap Chiffon coat and a black skirt. Her face was smeared with a lot of powder, which covered the wrinkles on her eyes and forehead and made her look much younger.

When Qin Yueqing saw that the person who came over and the child's Mommy was mu Qingye, she was shocked.

Five or six years later, mu Qingye is more radiant. She is wearing a famous brand and the necklace around her neck is glittering. The whole person looks noble and powerful.

Mu Qingye was supported to be the president of Kyushu group, which lasted more than five years. Now she is less thin and weak than five years ago, more tenacious and momentum.

Standing in front of her, she felt like she had nowhere to go.

On the contrary, mu Yuran had a conflict with her and ran away from home with her children, but it didn't take long. She couldn't live any longer. She sent her children back and threw them to her.

She didn't work alone and took her children with her. After mu Yuran threw her children to her, she said she was busy working every day and every year, but she didn't see a penny home. Yi Bin was the same, and the child's parents didn't give alimony.

She and her children are struggling every day.

When Qin Yueqing didn't see mu Qingye herself, she still disdained mu Qingye's current position. She is not a female president. I don't know how she did it. But when she met mu Qingye for the first time after so many years, she found that the difference between people was beyond description.

The children brought out by mu Qingye are rich in food and clothing. She doesn't have to worry about making a living at all. Her grandson can only wear a T-shirt of 9.9 on the special store.

Qin Yueqing hated and annoyed at how blind she was. She didn't want such a glittering daughter-in-law. She had to think about Mu Yuran, the smelly woman with no sense of responsibility and chaotic private life.

"Qing, Qing Ye..." Qin Yueqing licked her face and greeted mu Qingye.

Mu Qingye smiled and said, "it's Mrs. Yi."

"So this child is your son. How clever. What happened just now is a small misunderstanding, a small misunderstanding. " Qin Yueqing smiled and said.

Mu Qingye saw Qin Yueqing's attitude and knew that although she had not changed at all after so many years.

Greedy for cheap, good will be snobbish.

Mu Qingye's face was suddenly cold, "is it a misunderstanding? Is it a little misunderstanding? My child saved your child with kindness, but you beat the rake and said that my child pushed your child down. You want to write off your high-grade porcelain touch with a small misunderstanding? "

"Well, what do you want?" Qin Yueqing said angrily.

"Please apologize to my child. What tone did you use just now to scold him and slander him? You can use what tone to apologize to him now. " Mu Qingye's voice is soft, but his voice is dignified that can't be seen by others.

"How can you do this? At my age, do you want me to apologize to a child? " Qin Yueqing was shocked.

"Mrs. Yi, you really think, but it's really strange. The words "right and wrong, good and evil" are wrong. No matter who is wrong, we should apologize. Who stipulates that older people don't have to pay for mistakes? If this is the case, it would be good if everyone robbed and stole when they were old. You don't have to be responsible anyway! " Mu Qingye sneered at Qin Yueqing.

"Yes. You old woman! The heart is too vicious. How much has the child been wronged by distorting right and wrong? "

"There are fewer and fewer good people in the world. It is you who distort right and wrong and have a vicious heart."

"Help you and say that others bully you! Who dares to help others in the future?

"Yes, you really have to apologize for this! If the child's mother hadn't come, the child would have a psychological shadow all his life! "?

"I have no reason at all. I speak so loudly and confidently. People who don't know really believe you! "?

After basically understanding the situation, the onlookers were ready to stand on Shen Guiguan's side.

? Qin Yueqing was attacked by the group. He only felt that he had no face, but he still didn't admit his mistake. "You are, you are deceiving less with more! You recognized him as the chairman of Kyushu group, so you were all one-sided. Do you think she will like you if you speak for her? impossible! Absolutely not. Don't be amorous one by one! "?

"Mrs. Yi, if you don't admit your mistake, you can. I will take legal measures to accuse you of slandering our children, but you still need to admit your mistake to him. At the same time, I will appeal to the court for compensation for mental loss! "? Mu Qingye's attitude is more resolute than before.

"Good you mu Qingye!"?

“? Huh? Mu Qingye gave a slight hum, and his face was cold.

Qin Yueqing was angry, but she knew better that she couldn't play mu Qingye.

Mu Qingye has money, power and power. If she wants to crush her like an ant, she can only apologize to Shen GUI reluctantly, "son, I'm sorry! Grandma misunderstood you just now. Grandma is old, her eyes can't see clearly and her head is confused. Please forgive me. "

Shen Guiguan looked at Qin Yueqing and said very seriously, "first of all, you are not my grandmother. You are just an old lady Yi. Secondly, I don't think you have eyes or a head at all. My grandmother is so confused, but she loves me very much. I thought the old people were kind, but today I know that young bad elders are still bad people. My mommy said, "you can't be too stingy. You wronged me. I can choose not to mind, but I won't forgive you!"

The child is four or five years old. His tone of speech and organized thinking are not comparable to ordinary children.

And there are only words in the words, one after another.

Qin Yueqing felt that she had been slapped countless times, and her teeth giggled with anger, but she was not angry.

Mu Qingye looked at his children with satisfaction. Today, when he met evil forces, both children performed well.

"Mommy, I don't want to play here." Shen Guiguan walks to Mu Qingye and says to her with a frown.

Mu Qingye smiled softly and said, "where do you want to play? Mommy will take you. "

"I want to go home and play with grandma." Shen Guiguan has a stuffy way.

"Well, OK. Let's go home now. "

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